


更新时间:2024-06-17 01:48:29

  • 1、If you run up and get acramp: hm.(如果你跑起来然后抽筋了,啊。)
  • 2、Old hands do not shake orcramp when the letter is written on the air.(在空中写信,我这衰老的手不会发抖也不会抽筋。)
  • 3、In some cases, severcramping can cause inflammation and soreness for several days after thecramp occurred.(某些情况下,当抽筋停下来后,会在接下来的几天内造成患部发炎和酸痛。)
  • 4、Like more and more women, she believes wedlock wouldcramp her style.(和越来越多的女性一样,她认为婚姻会束缚她的行为方式。)
  • 5、See-through Lucite chairs and an airy chandelier don'tcramp the style of the heavy oak Stickley table.(透过璐彩特椅子和一个通风吊灯使沉重的橡木斯蒂克利桌子的样式不抽筋了。)
  • 6、Tighter binding wouldcramp their ability to turn back to protection. It would have made up the bulk of a Doha deal.(过于苛刻的约束会阻碍他们采取保护措施的能力,而这必将形成多哈协议的主要内容。)
  • 7、His legs were heavy under him and beginning tocramp.(他的腿很沉重,正在开始抽筋。)
  • 8、It is all an attitude, and one day the attitude will become a weirdcramp, a pain, and then it will collapse.(它完全是一种态度,某天这种态度将变成一种奇怪的痉挛,一种痛苦,然后这种态度会倒塌。)
  • 9、A: Ah, I've got (a)cramp in my leg.(啊!我腿抽筋了!)
  • 10、We have had our first casualty. One runner has dropped out withcramp.(我们有了第一位伤员,有一位队员因腿部痉挛退出了。)
  • 11、Ubiquitous in today's Internet culture, the "at" sign most likely owes its origin to a monk with writer'scramp.(在今天的互联网文化中,“at”符号无处不在,把该符号的起源归功于一名患书写痉挛症的修道士是最恰当的。)
  • 12、The swimmer suddenly gotcramp.(这个游泳的人突然抽筋了。)
  • 13、We don't have anything; my husband died from thecramp.(我们一贫如洗,丈夫死于抽筋。)
  • 14、In addition, the operation of the mouse focus using finger will cause fingercramp.(此外,操作鼠标时集中使用食指会引起手指抽筋。)
  • 15、In this case, thecramp occurs to stabilize the injury and to minimize movement from that area.(这种情况下,抽筋会使伤处确保稳定,并限制其行动幅度到最小化。)
  • 16、Hillsden was complaining of acramp in his calf muscles.(希尔斯登一直在抱怨他小腿肌肉抽筋。)
  • 17、When a musclecramp occurs, if the muscle can be stretched, the knot will be released and thecramp will go away.(当肌肉发生抽筋时,如果可以抻拉肌肉,则可使紧绷的部位得到松弛,抽筋就会消失。)
  • 18、If it's a stomachcramp, lie on your back, spread your arms and legs, and float until you can swim back to shore.(如果是胃痉挛,那平躺,伸展四肢,漂浮于水面直到你能游回岸边。)
  • 19、When I go to , I have to row. We don't have anything; my husband died from thecramp.(我必须划船去Torosiaje,但是我们没有任何辅助工具;我的丈夫就是死于痉挛。)
  • 20、Acramp can persist numerous times until it eventually goes away.(抽筋可能会重复很多次才会最终消失。)
  • 21、Most people do not understand what a musclecramp is, let alone understand why it happens and how to prevent them.(多数人不明白什么是肌肉抽筋,那就让我们来了解为什么会出现这个现象并如何避免其发生。)
  • 22、"You'd better to go now, it takes much time to recover fromcramp." I said.(“你最好现在就去,这要花很长时间来恢复抽筋。”我说。)
  • 23、Pain orcramp in the pelvic cavity or/and tail bone(盆腔/尾骨痉挛或有痛感)
  • 24、Tighter trade restrictions mightcramp economic growth.(较严格的贸易限制会妨碍经济的增长。)
  • 25、An hour later, her stomach began tocramp so badly that she could not go on.(一小时后,她的胃开始抽搐,疼痛让她无法继续吃下去。)
  • 26、Can you keep swimming when you get a side stitch, calfcramp, or footcramp?(你能在岔气、小腿抽筋、脚抽筋的情况下继续坚持游泳吗?)
  • 27、I hadcramp in either my hands or my biceps almost everytime I got up from sleeping.(我在我的手都抽筋或我的二头肌,几乎每次我从睡了。)
  • 28、A musclecramp is an involuntarily and forcibly contracted muscle that does not relax.(肌肉抽筋是指肌肉的无意识强烈收缩,无法获得松弛。)
  • 29、My hand is only cut a little and thecramp is gone from the other.(我一只手仅仅割破了一点儿,另一只手的抽筋已经好了。)


英 [kræmp] 美 [kræmp] 

过去式: cramped 过去分词: cramped 现在分词: cramping 第三人称单数: cramps


