


更新时间:2024-06-10 12:24:14

  • 1、The house was terribly small andcramped, but the agent described it as a bijou residence.(房子十分狭小拥挤,但经纪人却把它说成是小巧别致的住宅。)
  • 2、Finding the keypad on your cellphone or music player a bitcramped?(是不是经常会发现你的手机或音乐播放器的键盘太小太拥挤?) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 3、He is cooped up in acramped cell with 10 other inmates.(他和其他十位犯人被关在一个拥挤的牢房中。)
  • 4、The family endured a miserable existence in acramped apartment.(这家人在狭小的公寓里艰难度日。)
  • 5、The men were living incramped conditions.(这些男子的生活条件非常糟糕。)
  • 6、At least you won't be stuck in thiscramped office all day.(至少,你不需要一整天都呆在这狭窄的办公室里。)
  • 7、There are hundreds of families living incramped conditions on the floor of the airport lounge.(上百个家庭住在机场候机室地板上狭促的环境里。)
  • 8、Thecramped team is just about to move to a larger office down the street.(他们即将搬到街上另外一间大办公室。)
  • 9、There has been a move against keeping elephants incramped enclosures at city zoos.(此前,已有一个反对在城市动物园的狭小空间饲养大象的先例。)
  • 10、In its shadow, dozens of employees sitcramped at a handful of foldout tables.(在它的影子底下,几十个员工和几张折叠桌子挤坐在一起。)
  • 11、Live in acramped apartment?(你蜗居在狭小的房子吗?)
  • 12、She would be able to stretch out hercramped limbs and rest for a few hours.(她将可以伸开蜷缩的四肢,休息几个小时。)
  • 13、Time on planes - they're small andcramped.(飞机上的时间——空间狭小,行动不便。)
  • 14、This place is rathercramped.(这地方太局促了。)
  • 15、The family lives in acramped little apartment.(这家人住在一间狭小的公寓里。)
  • 16、This means that artists were forced to work incramped spaces and without sources of natural light.(这意味着艺术家被迫在狭小的空间里工作,并且没有自然光。)
  • 17、Small Spaces don't have to feel dark, dingy orcramped.(小空间并不意谓着黑暗、肮脏、狭窄。)
  • 18、Single-serving butter andcramped airline seat role in the world.(从便携黄油以及飞机座椅之间的世界中挣脱。还有瑞士家具。)
  • 19、Wait for the DVD. Why pay $11 for acramped seat in a smelly theater.(等DVD.何必为一个狭小的电影院座位支付11美元呢?)
  • 20、Verycramped conditions.(居住环境也非常拥挤。)
  • 21、Furthermore, the squalid,cramped quarters that encourage diseases to propagate among many animal populations are actually the residental choice for insects.(此外,肮脏、拥挤的住所促进疾病在许多动物种群中扩散,这实际上是昆虫对居住地方的选择。)
  • 22、Your flat iscramped and cluttered.(你的公寓总是稍嫌凌乱逼仄。)
  • 23、Before the war, Frankfurt's downtown was a maze ofcramped streets and buildings.(战前的法兰克福市中心街道狭窄、建筑拥挤,简直像座迷宫,现如今高楼林立。)
  • 24、Byron was back aboard thecramped Devilfish.(拜伦又回到了狭窄的乌贼号上。)
  • 25、I have to share my office with three other people so we are verycramped for room.(我必须和另外三个人公用我的办公室,所以我们的空间很狭窄。)
  • 26、Her new location iscramped, but it's close to her extended family.(她的新鸡场很狭小,但离她的大家庭很近。)
  • 27、The cabin is quitecramped.(整个机舱挺狭小的。)
  • 28、The writing on the back of the card wascramped but scrupulously neat.(卡片背面的字迹密密麻麻,但却工整干净。)


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