


更新时间:2025-03-09 23:23:00

  • 1、ram is this memory recall or, as you'll soon find in problems set one, that's used for ephemeral purposes.(内存是随机存储器,你们很快就会在习题集一中发现,它是用来短暂存储的。)
  • 2、The report by the chairman willram this point home.(主席的报告将充分地讲明这一点。)
  • 3、Best solution, add more physicalram.(最好的解决方案是,增加更多的物理ram。)
  • 4、In this case, you will need at least 2GB of physicalram to start both databases simultaneously.(在这种情况下,您将需要至少2GB的实体ram才能同时启动两个数据库。)
  • 5、Once you modify this file, upload it viaram.(一旦您修改了这个文件,通过ram来上传它。)
  • 6、Any string value can be placed in the custom attribute on the asset; however, the value is for searching and view-only purposes in theram clients.(任意字符串值都可以加入资产的自定义属性中;但是,这个值只用于在ram客户端中搜索和查看。)
  • 7、They wriggled uncomfortably, for they knew he would not scruple [hesitate] toram them down with poles.(他们不安地扭动着身子,因为他们知道他会毫不犹豫地用棍子把他们打下去。)
  • 8、Thisram is throwing good stock.(这只公羊生的羊羔好。)
  • 9、They got a batteringram to smash down the door.(他们用一个攻城木粉碎了大门。)
  • 10、"I've heard this recently that embracing the idea of open data and code makes traditional academics uncomfortable," saysram.(“我最近听说,接受开放数据和代码的想法让传统学者感到不适。”ram说道。)
  • 11、The machine has 32mb ofram and an Ethernet controller.(这种机器具有32MB的ram和一个以太网控制器。)
  • 12、So she went to theram and told him the case.(于是,她去找鹿,并给他诉说了自己的情况。)
  • 13、Or isram just as important as ever?(还是说内存依然一如既往地重要?)
  • 14、The developer submits the updated asset toram.(开发人员向ram提交已经更新的资产。)
  • 15、Use as muchram as you can afford.(在你能承受的范围内使用更多的内存)
  • 16、These are the architectural components ofram.(这些都是ram的体系结构组件。)
  • 17、This cannot easily be avoided unless the index is small enough to be loaded intoram.(这个是很难避免的,除非索引足够小,可以加载到内存中。)
  • 18、One or moreram servers are down or not responding.(一个或多个ram服务器宕机或者无响应。)
  • 19、We need to know when working set is approaching the size ofram.(我们需要知道什么时候工作集接近内存的大小。)
  • 20、Be careful of thatram -it butts you.(小心那只公羊,它会用角撞你。)
  • 21、More physicalram must be added.(这是必须增加更多的物理ram。)
  • 22、This is useful on test or development environments that are installed on laptops or low-spec systems with 4 GB or less ofram.(这对于安装在笔记本电脑或者内存不多于4GB的低规格系统中的测试或开发环境很有用。)
  • 23、If you have enoughram, set the value of this parameter as large as possible to decrease the indexing time dramatically.(如果你有足够的内存,请将该参数的值设置得尽可能大以显著减少索引时间。)
  • 24、Participation in a deadly car race gives you the right to cut off your rival,ram his car, hit it in the rear and do anything that is not allowed on the road.(参与到一场死亡赛车中,你拥有阻断对手的权利,冲撞他的赛车,从后面撞它,做任何在公路上不允许的事。)
  • 25、It's got 256 megabytes of ROM and 512 megabytes ofram.(它装有256兆字节的只读存储器和512兆字节的随机存取存储器。)
  • 26、The system has 256 MBram, expandable to 2GB.(这个系统内存256兆字节,可扩充到2千兆字节。)
  • 27、What's an initialram disk?(什么是初始ram磁盘?)
  • 28、More than likely, add more physicalram.(更可能的是,增加更多的物理ram。)
  • 29、You are far too sensitive for the aggressiveram.(你对闯劲十足的羊儿过于敏感。)


英 [ræm] 美 [ræm] 

名词: rammer 过去式: rammed 过去分词: rammed 现在分词: ramming 第三人称单数: rams



abbr.随机存取存储器(=random access memory)

