
milk shake

milk shake造句

更新时间:2024-04-26 22:48:53

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的milk shake的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了27条milk shake的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了milk shake的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、I don 't like hot drinks. I' ll have amilk shake.(我不喜欢喝热饮料。我想叫一杯奶昔。)
  • 2、Add a teaspoon of vanilla extract to themilk shake.(在雪果中加一茶匙香草精。)
  • 3、Restaurant patron: “Gimme the chocolatemilk shake and the cheeseburger deluxe.”(餐厅顾客:“给我一个巧克力奶昔和豪华汉堡。”)
  • 4、I'd like a Cheese Burger and amilk shake, please.(我想要一个吉士汉堡和一杯奶昔。)
  • 5、And they say strawberrymilk shake, then what?(然后说是草莓奶昔,接下来咋办?)
  • 6、I'll have a cheeseburger, large fries, and amilk shake.(我要一个芝士汉堡,大薯条和奶昔。)
  • 7、I want to make the watermelonmilk shake.(我要做西瓜奶昔。)
  • 8、Next, turnon the blender, and themilk shake will be ready in two minutes.(接下来,打开搅拌机,两分钟奶昔就好了。)
  • 9、The applemilk shake is healthy and delicious.(苹果奶昔健康美味。)
  • 10、Do you know how to make a bananamilk shake?(你知道如何制作香蕉奶昔吗?)
  • 11、Can I have a chocolatemilk shake?(给我来一份巧克力奶昔好吗?)
  • 12、Finally, drink themilk shake.(最后,喝奶昔。)
  • 13、milk shake is a sweet drink made of milk, ice cream, and fruit or chocolate.(奶昔是一种甜饮,由牛奶、冰激凌、水果或者巧克力做成。)
  • 14、Finally, pour themilk shake into a cup, and you can drink it.(最后,把做好的奶昔倒在杯子中,现在你可以喝了。)
  • 15、I'd like amilk shake.(我要一杯奶昔。)
  • 16、She made an orangemilk shake.(她做了一杯橙子奶昔。)
  • 17、I must make the watermelonmilk shake.(推荐最佳回应:我要做小西瓜奶昔。)
  • 18、Please give me an apple pie and a cup ofmilk shake.(麻烦,我要一个苹果派和一杯奶昔。)
  • 19、Finally, pour themilk shake in a glass and drink it.(最后把奶昔倒到杯子里就可以喝了。)
  • 20、I want amilk shake.(我想叫一杯奶昔。)
  • 21、How do you make a bananamilk shake?(你怎么样制作奶昔?)
  • 22、I'm skipping dinner, but for a midnight snack, I'm having amilk shake.(我不吃晚饭了,但是夜宵的话我想喝点奶昔。)
  • 23、If you don't like themilk shake, we won't buy it.(如果你不喜欢这种奶昔,我们就不买。)
  • 24、Calf: Because I want to have amilk shake today.(小牛:因为我今天想喝奶昔。)
  • 25、For example, applemilk shake is so popular among people.(例如,苹果奶昔很受人们的欢迎。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 26、What do we need to make a bananamilk shake?(做香蕉奶昔需要什么?)
  • 27、All were given a largemilk shake before a meal.(所有人都在餐前拿到一大杯的奶昔。)
milk shake基本释义

milk shake

英 [milk ʃeik] 美 [mɪlk ʃek] 

