
the Milky Way

the Milky Way造句

更新时间:2024-04-26 22:36:05

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的the Milky Way的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了28条the Milky Way的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了the Milky Way的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、How many of you have seenthe Milky Way, the Milky Galaxy in the sky?(你们有多少人见过银河,天上的银河系?)
  • 2、This breathtaking composite image shows just how hugethe Milky Way really is.(这幅令人叹为观止的合成图像展现了天河究竟有多么的浩瀚无垠。)
  • 3、The above spectacular picture ofthe Milky Way arch, however, goes where the unaided eye cannot.(然而以上这张弧状银河的壮观的图片让我们达到了肉眼看不到的界限。)
  • 4、Recent findings lend strong support to the theory that a black hole lies at the center ofthe Milky Way and of many of the 100 billion other galaxies estimated to exist in the universe.(最近的发现有力地支持了这样一种理论,即银河系中心,和宇宙中估计存在的1000亿个其他星系中的许多里有一个黑洞。)
  • 5、Supernovas inthe Milky Way are the likeliest source for most of the cosmic rays reaching Earth.(银河系中的超新星最有可能是大多数宇宙射线到达地球的来源。)
  • 6、If it happened here, it could explain whythe Milky Way has been accessorizing.(如果这曾发生在银河系的话,这就可能解释为什么银河系被装饰成这样了。)
  • 7、It's hard to be modest when you live inthe Milky Way.(生活在银河系,很难保持谦虚。)
  • 8、The revised speed suggeststhe Milky Way weighs some 3 trillion times the mass of the Sun.(这个修正了的速度表明,银河系的质量大约是太阳的3万亿倍。)
  • 9、The first planet of extra-galactic origin inthe Milky Way has been found.(第一颗起源于外星系的行星在银河系中被发现。)
  • 10、The stars are out, brilliant as a desert sky,the Milky Way dense and luminous.(群星闪烁,灿烂得如同在沙漠的天空中一样,银河稠密而明亮。)
  • 11、Isn't that strange thatthe Milky Way is the galaxy that the planet earth is in, and most of us have never seen it?(银河系是地球所在的星系,而我们大多数人从未见过它,这不是很奇怪吗?)
  • 12、I saw once againthe Milky Way in those dreams.(我再次看到那些梦中的银河系。)
  • 13、He added: 'Anyone can seethe Milky Way.(他接着说:“所有人都能看见银河星系。”)
  • 14、It makes me gladthe Milky Way is nowhere near that cluster.(值得高兴的是,我们的银河系不在这个星系团附近,不然也会被它吞并了。)
  • 15、They also believe such objects could be as common as stars are throughoutthe Milky Way.(而且他们相信这种星体在银河系中和恒星一样常见。)
  • 16、He sips his beer and gazes up atthe Milky Way.(他抿了一口啤酒望着天上的银河。)
  • 17、Current theory suggests this number, inthe Milky Way, is about 10 new stars per year.(现在的理论给出了这样的数字:在银河系中,每年有大约10颗新恒星诞生。)
  • 18、One such detail, it seems, is thatthe Milky Way has been blowing bubbles recently.(其中一个细节显示,银河系似乎近来在向太空中“吹泡泡”。)
  • 19、Globular clusters once ruledthe Milky Way.(球状星团曾经统治着银河系。)
  • 20、However, GRBs are rare in galaxies likethe Milky Way.(然而,像银河系这样的星系中,伽马射线爆很少发生。)
  • 21、Satellite galaxies ofthe Milky Way usually perish in its grasp.(银河系的卫星星系通常在其范围内消亡。)
  • 22、Or that there are over 200 billion stars inthe Milky Way?(或者解释解释现在在银河系中有2千亿颗恒星?)
  • 23、We couples who have been separated hate the ruthless "the Milky Way".(我们这些牛郎织女都恨透了那条无情的“天河”。)
  • 24、We now know thatthe Milky Way is but one of many galaxies scattered throughout the Universe.(我们现在知道,银河只是宇宙各处散布的众多银河中的一个。)
  • 25、Veiled by cosmic dust,the Milky Way arches over Haleakala Crater on Maui.(蒙着宇宙尘埃的银河拱悬于毛伊岛的哈雷·阿卡拉火山口上空。)
  • 26、"It is the one called 'the Milky Way,'" Dr. Thaddeus falteringly replied.(“它叫银河系。”泰迪斯博士结结巴巴地回答道。)
  • 27、Large spiral galaxies likethe Milky Way seem to have two or three per century.(像银河系那样螺旋状的大星系每世纪似乎会出现两到三个。)
  • 28、the Milky Way is the edge of this peel.(银河就是被剥掉的皮。)
the Milky Way基本释义

the Milky Way

