


更新时间:2024-05-27 01:43:36

  • 1、He likes to hearfolk talk about him.(他喜欢听人们谈论他。)
  • 2、I have always been regarded as a foreigner by the localfolk.(当地人总把我视为外地人。)
  • 3、But first let's go over the various types offolk tale and focus specifically on Norwegianfolk tales since they illustrate the variety pretty well.(但首先让我们回顾一下不同类型的民间故事,并特别关注挪威民间故事,因为它们很好地说明了这种多样性。)
  • 4、They will act out somefolk dances.(他们将表演一些民间舞蹈。)
  • 5、folk etymology has created the cheeseburger and the beanburger, but the first hamburgers were in fact named after the city of Hamburg.(民间词源创造了cheeseburger和beanburger,但最初hamburger一词实际上是以德国汉堡市命名的。)
  • 6、Proverbs, sometimes called sayings, are examples offolk wisdom.(格言,有时被称为谚语,是民间智慧的体现。)
  • 7、Thefolk songs of Uygur sound beautiful and are widely sung.(维吾尔族的民歌优美动听,被广泛传唱。)
  • 8、Garlic is widely used in Chinesefolk medicine.(大蒜广泛应用于中国民间医药。)
  • 9、I'd die myself before I'd let anyone enslave yourfolk ever again.(我死也不会让任何人再奴役你们。)
  • 10、Traditional andfolk remedies are often labelled as snake oil and witches' potions.(传统和民间治疗方法常被贬为万金油和巫师药。)
  • 11、Romantics looked atfolk tales as sort of a reflection of the soul of the people.(浪漫主义者认为民间故事是人们灵魂的一种反映。)
  • 12、That's why poorfolk can afford to have them.(所以穷人们才买得起它们。)
  • 13、folk art covers a wide range.(民间艺术包罗甚广。)
  • 14、They are perhaps more at home infolk songs, in popular tales and the ritual dramas of films.(他们可能更熟悉民歌、流行故事和电影中的宗教仪式。)
  • 15、He arranged traditionalfolk songs for the piano.(他把传统民歌改编成钢琴曲。)
  • 16、The third main kind offolk tale is the comical story.(第三种主要的民间故事是滑稽故事。)
  • 17、The most moving music is Chinesefolk music.(最动人的音乐是中国的民族音乐。)
  • 18、That's distinct contrast from the other main branch of popular storytelling, which isfolk tales.(这与通俗故事的另一个主要分支——民间故事形成了鲜明的对比。)
  • 19、To learn more about Chinese culture, Jack has decided to take Chinesefolk music as an elective course.(为了更多地了解中国文化,杰克决定选修中国民间音乐。)
  • 20、The second category of Norwegianfolk tale is the supernatural.(挪威民间故事的第二种类型是超自然。)
  • 21、The music was a hybrid of Western pop and traditionalfolk song.(这种音乐融合了西方流行音乐和传统民歌。)
  • 22、He liked to use the glissando as his hallmark, which he probably got from listening to Croatianfolk music.(他喜欢用滑奏作为他的标志,这可能是他听克罗地亚民间音乐时了解到的。)
  • 23、Chinese paper cutting, or jianzhi, is a kind offolk art.(中国剪纸,又称剪纸,是一种民间艺术。)
  • 24、The entertainment was provided by afolk band.(这个文娱节目由民歌乐队演出。)
  • 25、I'd like a job working with oldfolk or kids.(我喜欢与老人或小孩打交道的工作。)
  • 26、At first he went around to document thefolk music.(起初,他四处搜集民间音乐资料。)
  • 27、The programme is 90 minutes of dynamic Indianfolk dance, live music, and storytelling.(该节目为90分钟,由动感印度民间舞蹈、现场音乐表演和说书组成。)
  • 28、Warren Buffett, the good natured financier, became a homespunfolk hero, without the tools and overalls.(生性善良的金融家沃伦•巴菲特变成了一个朴实的民间英雄,没有工具和工作服。)
  • 29、There was something distinctly Norwegian infolk tales from Norway.(在挪威的民间故事中会有一些鲜明的挪威特色。)


英 [fəʊk] 美 [foʊk] 

名词复数: folk


