


更新时间:2024-05-27 01:43:54

  • 1、Consequently, the dominant critical approach becomes that of the art historian, a specialized academic approachdevoted to "discovering the meaning" of art within the cultural context of its time.(因此,占主导地位的批判法成为艺术史学家们所使用的方法。这是一种专业性的学术方法,致力于在艺术品所创作时代的文化背景下“发现艺术品的意义”。)
  • 2、The glances hedevoted to other passengers were furtive and shy.(他向其他乘客投来的目光是躲躲闪闪的,羞涩的。)
  • 3、The professordevoted all his life to researching the treatment of AIDS.(这位教授毕生致力于研究艾滋病的治疗方法。)
  • 4、While Pierre Curiedevoted himself chiefly to the physical study of the new radiations, Marie Curie struggled to obtain pure radium in the metallic state.(当皮埃尔·居里主要致力于新放射物的物理研究时,玛丽·居里却在努力提取金属态的纯镭。)
  • 5、When you can drag him away from his work, he can also be adevoted father.(当你能强迫他远离工作的时候,他也可以是个充满爱心的父亲。)
  • 6、Neighboursdevoted their spare time to helping others rebuild.(邻居们不遗余力地去帮助别人的重建工作。)
  • 7、"It's been postponed until 2017," says Anna Somers, the founder and CEO of The Art Newspaper and the former head of Venice in Peril, a groupdevoted to restoring Venetian art.(安娜·萨默斯是《艺术报》的创始人和首席执行官,也是致力于恢复威尼斯艺术的威尼斯危机组织的前负责人。她说:“这次展览被推迟到2017年。”)
  • 8、A disproportionate amount of time wasdevoted to one topic.(不成比例的时间被用在一个话题上。)
  • 9、Log on to the Hammer Web ring, with 12 more sitesdevoted to macabre movies.(登录哈默的相关系列网站,就会找到另外12个专门提供恐怖电影的网站。)
  • 10、That's the highest percentage of an exclusive economic zonedevoted to marine conservation by any country in the world.(这是世界上任何一个国家致力于海洋保护的专属经济区的最高比例。)
  • 11、Considerable resources have beendevoted to proving him a liar.(大量的资源已被用来证明他是个撒谎者。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 12、The report recommends that more resources bedevoted to teaching four-year-olds.(该报告建议投入更多的资源用于4岁儿童的教育。)
  • 13、Hedevoted his energies to the reformation of science.(他把他的全部精力投入到了科学的革新中。)
  • 14、Hedevoted in excess of seventy hours a week to the performance of his duties.(他每周在自己职责的执行上投入超过70个小时。)
  • 15、Frustrated by these restrictions, Subra left her job in 1981, created her own company, and hasdevoted the past two decades to helping people fight back against giant industrial polluters.(由于对这些限制感到失望,苏布拉于1981年离职,创建了自己的公司,并在过去20年里致力于帮助人们对抗工业污染巨头。)
  • 16、Those of adevoted son, Wendy.(是一个忠诚的孩子,温迪。)
  • 17、devoted to bringing up the secret of nature, the young scientist has little time for entertainment.(这位年轻的科学家致力于揭示大自然的奥秘,很少有时间娱乐。)
  • 18、The front page isdevoted to the continuing saga of the hijack.(头版是对劫持事件的连续报道。)
  • 19、There's also been a great increase in the number of networking sitesdevoted to sharing advice on health issues but there are as yet no studies to prove the reliability of that advice.(致力于分享健康问题建议的社交网站的数量也在大幅增加,但目前还没有研究证实这些建议的可靠性。)
  • 20、She remaineddevoted to his memory.(她依然对他十分怀念。)
  • 21、They aredevoted to protecting the tradition of calligraphy.(他们致力于保护书法传统。)
  • 22、What is distinctive in the suggestopedic method is that they aredevoted entirely to assisting recall.(暗示疗法的独特之处在于它完全致力于帮助回忆。)
  • 23、Trading leather handbags is the business to which the Greens have beendevoted over the past decade.(过去十年来,格林一家一直致力于皮包贸易。)
  • 24、He became Vivien Leigh'sdevoted friend and comforter.(他成了费雯丽的忠实朋友和安慰者。)
  • 25、The magazine isdevoted to anatomizing the inadequacies of liberalism.(这本杂志致力于剖析自由主义的不足之处。)
  • 26、Yuan Longping, known as "the Father of Hybrid Rice", hasdevoted himself into researching on this area.(袁隆平被称为“杂交水稻之父”,他一直致力于对该领域的研究。)
  • 27、They seemeddevoted to each other and were openly affectionate.(他们似乎很相爱,公然含情脉脉。)
  • 28、His later years weredevoted largely to charitable work.(他晚年主要从事慈善工作。)
  • 29、So much income isdevoted to monthly mortgage payments that nothing is left over.(这么多的收入都用来偿还每月的抵押贷款了,因此没什么剩余。)


英 [dɪˈvəʊtɪd] 美 [dɪˈvoʊtɪd] 

副词: devotedly 名词: devotedness

