


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:30:31

  • 1、Look before you leap. Don't be sofoolhardy.(做事要瞻前顾后,不要这样鲁莽。)
  • 2、It seems asfoolhardy not to discuss the option as it is to maintain such an awkward silence over China's rise.(就像对中国的崛起保持尴尬的沉默一样,不讨论这一选项似乎也是很鲁莽的行为。)
  • 3、It isfoolhardy to depend on Middle Eastern countries for our oil supplies.(把我们的石油供应都依赖于中东国家是鲁莽的。)
  • 4、It would befoolhardy to expect much natural "convergence" between these economies in order to achieve closer integration.(如果指望这些经济体能自然“融合”从而实现更紧密的一体化,则显得有勇无谋。)
  • 5、It would befoolhardy to sail in weather like this.(这种天气出航就是瞎冒险。)
  • 6、When he tested an early vaccine on himself, some described the act asfoolhardy.(当他在自己身上试验还处于初级阶段的疫苗时,有些人说他的行为是莽撞的。)
  • 7、Whether that means I am brave orfoolhardy remains to be seen.(这表明我勇敢还是鲁莽有待定论。)
  • 8、Hisfoolhardy attempts to prove himself risked his life on occasion.(有时,他的鲁莽行为甚至会带来生命危险。)
  • 9、He paid for thefoolhardy act with his life.(他为鲁莽的举动付出了生命的代价。)
  • 10、"At present, it would befoolhardy to say one [theory] looks better than the other," says CERN theorist John Ellis.(“目前,要说某种[理论]看起来比其他更好些,这将是鲁莽的,”欧洲核子研究中心的理论家约翰·埃利斯(JohnEllis)说。)
  • 11、But to think that travel is on the verge of a resurgence in terms of cash being thrown into it isfoolhardy.(但是仅仅由于现金在大把的投入,就认为旅游业正在复苏的边缘是非常草率的。)
  • 12、It wasfoolhardy to have refused.(拒绝是极不明智的。)
  • 13、And, like climate change, it may befoolhardy to ignore any of them.(而且,就像气候变化那样,忽视其中任何一种可能都是莽撞的。)
  • 14、However to attempt to fly any aircraft without professional instruction is extremelyfoolhardy.(然而,试图在任何飞机飞行专业教学是极其愚蠢。)
  • 15、The pupils wondered if thisfoolhardy boy had lost his mind.(学生们怀疑这个莽撞的男孩是不是疯了。)
  • 16、It would befoolhardy to predict that China will suddenly give the market free rein.(中国会突然给市场以自由发挥的空间可能是鲁莽的预测。)
  • 17、Acquisitions that only a few years ago appeared a tadfoolhardy now seem super-smart, if expensive.(仅是几年前出于昂贵而稍显鲁莽的购置,如今却显得超智能。)
  • 18、At first, there were only a few such hardy (some would sayfoolhardy) souls.(一开始,他们只是几个极有勇气(也有人说他们有勇无谋)的人。)
  • 19、foolhardy and stupid? Not at all.(一定是又笨又傻吧?并不都是。)
  • 20、It was a bold, perhapsfoolhardy, reaction.(这是一个大胆的(或许有勇无谋的)反应。)
  • 21、But only thefoolhardy would take this as a chance to make a killing, and start planting again.(不过这回,恐怕只有那些鲁莽的人才会以为这又是一次发大财的机会,再一次开始种植葡萄。)
  • 22、Jaina plunged herself into her dangerous career as a starfighter pilot, leadingfoolhardy sorties against the Yuuzhan Vong.(杰娜依然投身于危险的事业,成为星际战斗机飞行员,勇敢地驾驶战斗机抵抗遇战疯人的进攻。)
  • 23、Yahoo's resistance to a takeover by Microsoft looksfoolhardy to some investors and Wall Street analysts.(对于某些投资者和华尔街分析师而言,雅虎拒绝微软的收购看上去有勇无谋。)
  • 24、If you don't consider these things, then you are beingfoolhardy.(如果你不考虑这些事情,那你就是个大傻瓜了。)
  • 25、The enterprise seemsfoolhardy, and Stewart does not justify it beyond a vague feeling that he wants adventure.(企业似乎有勇无谋,和斯图尔特并不能证明它超出了模糊的感觉,他想冒险。)
  • 26、Are they fearless orfoolhardy?(英勇无畏,还是有勇无谋?)
  • 27、The brave, and thefoolhardy, run with the bulls in Pamplona, Spain, at the festival of San fermin, dating back 420 years.(有420年历史的西班牙潘普洛纳市圣佛明节上,勇敢的、鲁莽的人们与牛共奔。)
  • 28、It wasfoolhardy (of him) to go swimming alone.((他)独自一人去游泳真是鲁莽。)
  • 29、It wasfoolhardy to go swimming alone.(独自一人去游泳真是鲁莽。)


英 [ˈfu:lhɑ:di] 美 [ˈfu:lhɑ:rdi] 

副词: foolhardily 比较级: foolhardier 最高级: foolhardiest 名词: foolhardiness

