


更新时间:2024-05-27 01:43:08

  • 1、He has awicked punch.(他出拳凶猛。)
  • 2、Herwicked heart was glad, and as happy as such a heart could be.(她那颗邪恶的心就高兴起来了,感到非常快乐。)
  • 3、Whatwicked tricks are these?(这是什么恶作剧?)
  • 4、I do not want to see her with feathers in her hat andwicked words like yours.(我不想看到她帽子上插着羽毛,嘴里说着像你这样无聊的话。)
  • 5、Awicked society breeds evil or so the argument goes.(一个邪恶的社会滋生邪恶,或者争论上是如此。)
  • 6、He had been taught to abhor people who did thiswicked thing.(他曾经被教导要憎恶做这种坏事的人。)
  • 7、I wish I had pleasured myself rather than serving thatwicked God.(我希望我能取悦自己,而不是侍奉那个邪恶的上帝。)
  • 8、You knew very well that it waswicked and deserved punishment.(你很清楚这是邪恶的,应该受到惩罚。)
  • 9、Thewicked stepmother told one of her two daughters to cut off her big toe to fit into the shoe.(那个邪恶的继母叫她的两个女儿中的一个把她的大脚趾剪下来,以适应鞋子的大小。)
  • 10、Awicked, mordant sense of humour has come to the fore in Blur's world.(布勒的世界里已出现了一种恶意、刻薄的幽默感。)
  • 11、She described the shooting as awicked attack.(她把那次射击描述成一次邪恶的攻击。)
  • 12、She felt quitewicked by the time she reached the door.(她走到门口时,已经感到很愤怒了。)
  • 13、Once upon a time there was awicked sprite, indeed he was the most mischievous of all sprites.(从前有一个邪恶的精灵,他是所有精灵中最淘气的一个。)
  • 14、Remember that he would eat no salt with you; and what would you have more to persuade you of hiswicked design?(记住,他不会和你住在同一屋檐下;并且还有什么能使你相信他的恶毒计划呢?)
  • 15、Grandmama was very much surprised, for she vowed that Peter looked far fromwicked.(奶奶非常吃惊,她发誓彼得看上去一点也不邪恶。)
  • 16、Jane has awicked sense of humour.(简有一种恶作剧的幽默感。)
  • 17、Red-Cap did not know what awicked creature he was, and was not at all afraid of him.(小红帽不知道它是一个多么坏的家伙,一点也不怕它。)
  • 18、Thewicked sprite laughed till he almost choked, for all this tickled his fancy.(这个邪恶的精灵哈哈大笑,笑得几乎要窒息了,因为这一切都使他觉得好笑。)
  • 19、He had awicked glint in his eye.(他眼睛里闪着坏坏的神色。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 20、She was billed to play thewicked Queen in "Snow White."(她已被宣布将出演《白雪公主》里狠毒的王后。)
  • 21、The judge liked using the word "wicked" of people he had sent to jail.(那位法官喜欢用“邪恶的”这个词来形容他判决入狱的人。)
  • 22、"Youwicked child," cried the enchantress.(“你这个坏孩子。”女巫叫道。)
  • 23、If somebody thinks that nobody knows about awicked deed, he is wrong; God always knows it.(如果有人认为没人知道他做了什么坏事,那他就错了;上帝总是知道的。)
  • 24、She spoke in a crescendo: "You are a bad girl! You are awicked girl! You are evil!"(她嗓门越来越高地喊道:“你这个坏丫头!你这个恶丫头!你真恶毒!”)
  • 25、She hath awicked heart, and worketh evil all her days.(她有一颗邪恶的心,一生行恶。)
  • 26、Awicked light flamed in his eyes.(他的眼睛里闪着邪恶的光芒。)
  • 27、She gave him awicked look.(她恶狠狠地看了他一眼。)
  • 28、Remember the little watchman when you long to do awicked deed again.(当你想再做一件坏事的时候,要记得那个小守望人。)
  • 29、They cried, "seize the Toad, thewicked animal who stole our motor-car!"(他们喊道:“抓住癞蛤蟆托德,那个偷我们汽车的坏动物!”)
  • 30、She looked at me as if I were thewicked stepmother.(她用那种眼神看着我,好像我是邪恶的后妈一样。)


英 [ˈwɪkɪd] 美 [ˈwɪkɪd] 

副词: wickedly 比较级: wickeder 最高级: wickedest 名词: wickedness



