


更新时间:2024-05-27 01:43:24

  • 1、Because that tragedy helpedgalvanize the labor movement's fight to improve working conditions, it is still remembered on International Women's Day.(因为那场悲剧有助于激励劳工运动的斗争,以改善工作条件,还记得在国际妇女节。)
  • 2、Our company manufactures and sales all kinds of the nails, such as lined nails, Plastic strip nail,galvanize nails, popular coil nails, concrete nails, screw nails and so on.(缙云县欣宇金属制品有限公司是一家专业生产塑排钉、卷钉、紫铜钉、不锈钢钉、镀锌钉和无头钉等的出口私营企业。)
  • 3、It is more usual to complete the weldment first and then togalvanize it.(所以常用的方法是先把钢板焊起来再镀锌。)
  • 4、How can wegalvanize the students into taking the responsibility for their work?(我们怎样才能激励学生对他们的作业负起责任来呢?)
  • 5、They also visit bars, restaurants and nightclubs to alert young people to the dangers of drink driving and speeding and togalvanize support from the public.(同时,他们也去酒吧、餐厅和夜总会警告青年酒后驾驶和超速的危险,并激发公众的支持。)
  • 6、The Paris agreement should helpgalvanize global efforts and encourage broad participation.(——巴黎协议应该有利于凝聚全球力量,鼓励广泛参与。)
  • 7、To coat or treat with zinc;galvanize.(镀锌于…包锌或用锌处理;)
  • 8、Quick: Don't need to weld andgalvanize, the setting time is 3 times quicker than the flange connect fitting.(快速不需焊接和再镀锌,安装速度比法兰连接管件快3倍以上。)
  • 9、Instead, they mustgalvanize a group of people around their idea or goal.(相反,他们必须激励其他人一起出谋划策。)
  • 10、That couldgalvanize the flight of capital from emerging markets that has already destabilized, for example, Mexico (the peso is as weak as its been in over 20 years).(这可能会刺激原来已经不稳定的新兴市场的资本外流,如墨西哥(比索像20多年前一样疲软)。)
  • 11、Our company located at the Shandong Qingdao Huangdao District, main business cold rolling volume, hot rolling volume, potgalvanize, electricity galvanization and stainless steel.(我公司位于山东青岛市黄岛区,主营冷轧卷,热轧卷,热镀锌,电镀锌和不锈钢。)
  • 12、It was only through major change, a full disruption to the system, that we were able togalvanize the organization around new goals and begin seeing increased efficiencies.(只有对体系进行重大的变革和完全的颠覆,才能刺激整个组织围绕着新的目标努力,才能使我们看到效率的提升。) 【好工具】
  • 13、It helpedgalvanize a movement led by women that would help make our society a more equal place.(促使妇女们掀起了一场运动,而这一运动也使我们的社会更加趋于平等。)
  • 14、Togalvanize or plate (metal) by immersion.('电镀'。''通过浸泡镀涂金属。)
  • 15、Top-down leaders may achieve near-term results, but only authentic leaders cangalvanize the entire organization to sustain long-term performance.(习惯于发号施令的领导者也许能实现短期的绩效目标,但只有真正的领导者才能激励整个组织将卓越贯穿于始终。)
  • 16、Last words crystallize your thoughts,galvanize your message, and mobilize your audience.(最后的话升华了你的思想,激活了你传达的信息,并且调动起了观众。)
  • 17、The dedicated Rotarians who develop dynamic project ideas andgalvanize other members to action form the backbone of every club, but there are too few of them.(每个扶轮社都有一些扶轮社员来拟出有活力的计划构想并激发其他社员采取行动,他们是扶轮社的骨干,可是为数太少。)
  • 18、To helpgalvanize public support — especially around a complex issue — the right picture really can be worth a thousand words.(要激励公开的支持——尤其是一个复杂的问题——正确的图片胜过千言万语。)


英 [ˈgælvənaɪz] 美 [ˈɡælvəˌnaɪz] 

名词: galvanization 过去式: galvanized 过去分词: galvanized 现在分词: galvanizing 第三人称单数: galvanizes

