


更新时间:2024-05-27 01:43:20

  • 1、I don't look you down in this way even , cos I wasfatuous and conceited.(所以这为福清的楼主说要来我建议他不要来。)
  • 2、Television commercials seem more smug andfatuous than ever.(电视的广告似乎比以前更沾沾自喜和愚蠢。)
  • 3、Seal to publish have been already cracked, againfatuous then and more feel addict here, once the white wide Xiu flick, a group of persons are taken sea surface.(封印已经破解,再呆在这里便越觉沉迷,白广袖一挥,一群人便被带到海面之上。)
  • 4、"It was afatuous performance," Alice said.(“真是一场愚昧的演出。”爱丽丝说。)
  • 5、What afatuous remark!(多么愚蠢的话呀!)
  • 6、Allow who can see this kid's headfatuous, you how confidence one in the future handing over of the clan to in his hand!(任谁都能看出这孩子脑子愚笨,你怎么放心把一族的未来交到他的手上!?)
  • 7、To the psychologist there is nothing morefatuous than the attitude of the missionary who pronounces the gods of the "poor heathen" to be mere illusion.(对一个心理学家而言,没有比一位传教士宣传“上帝”的存在实际上只是幻觉这事更愚蠢的事情了。)
  • 8、After my return to London I had to expiate in bed the consequences of myfatuous complaisance.(我回到伦敦以后,只得在病榻上来为我那愚蠢的温顺赎罪。)
  • 9、Emperor Yang in the Sui Dynasty is not only a rarefatuous tyrant in Chinese history but also an outstanding poet.(隋炀帝是中国历史上少有的昏暴之君,但在文学上却是一位杰出的诗人。)
  • 10、After his boring speech for over an hour, thefatuous speaker waited for applause from the audience.(在一个小时乏味的演讲之后,愚昧的演讲者还期待着听众的掌声。)
  • 11、The Chief was left speechless by thisfatuous remark.(这些愚笨的谈论使得长官无言。)
  • 12、Treat to work properly after white clean, water in the bath bucket has already canned not see and is imaginable, thefatuous fox is exactly stained with how much black ash come back.(待将白灵洗干净后,浴桶里的水已经不可视物,可想而知,笨狐狸到底沾了多少黑灰回来。)
  • 13、I saw people's affection, friendship and love in the face of death, serious work and dedication, and some people isfatuous and ignorant in the face of scientific.(我看到了,在灾难面前人们亲情、友情、爱情的体现,看到了人们在死亡面前的勇敢,对工作的认真和执着,还有一些人在科学面前的愚昧与无知。)
  • 14、The CARDS came in bags, and each card had a fewfatuous words — "Be Mine" or "I Like You" or "You've Got My Heart" or the utterly vapid, "Hi, Valentine!"(这些贺卡是装在塑料袋里的,每张贺卡上都有一句冒傻气的话:“做我的人吧”,“我喜欢你”,“你赢得了我的心”,还有十足的空话“你好,瓦伦丁!”)
  • 15、The magazine editors are not whollyfatuous. I know that.(“好了,可别那么愤世嫉俗,”马丁提出要求,“杂志编辑并非都那么昏庸,这我是知道的。)
  • 16、The phrase soundedfatuous, the sort of meaningless thing people say, like, I'll Sue the bastards.(这句话听上去很傻气,就像人们常说的那些废话一样(比如“我要去告那些混蛋”),毫无意义。)
  • 17、Li Yu is afatuous monarch, but now people are mentioning him, but always referred to his poems.(李煜是昏庸的君主,但现在人们提起他,却总是提及他的诗作。)
  • 18、It should drop thefatuous targeting of pay, shadow banking and rating agencies.(它应当放弃愚昧地把矛头对准薪酬、影子银行业和评级机构。)


英 [ˈfætʃuəs] 美 [ˈfætʃuəs] 

副词: fatuously 名词: fatuousness

