


更新时间:2024-05-27 01:42:34

  • 1、Obama received lots ofacclaim for appointing Chu, the physicist and a Nobel Prize winner, to run the department of energy.(奥巴马在任命朱管理能源部这件事上得到了很多赞赏。朱是一位物理学家及诺贝尔奖得主。)
  • 2、His witty and often macabre tales won him criticalacclaim and he was a successful short-story writer.(他的机智和恐怖的故事常常为他赢得好评,他是一个成功的短篇小说作家。)
  • 3、While at Bell Laboratories, Shannon developed information theory, but shunned the resultingacclaim.(在贝尔实验室的时候,香农发展了信息理论,但避开了随之而来的赞美。)
  • 4、His achievements earned him theacclaim of the scientific community.(他的成就赢得了科学界的赞誉。)
  • 5、Angela Bassett has won criticalacclaim for her excellent performance.(安杰拉·巴西特因她出色的表演而赢得了评论界的赞扬。)
  • 6、So he had published Native Son in 1940 to greatacclaim, a very successful novel.(他在1940年出版了《土生子》,广受好评,是一部很成功的小说。)
  • 7、But the path from innate talent to wealth, fame and universalacclaim was not entirely straightforward.(但是从天赋英才到财富、名望和举世赞誉之间的道路依然是曲折的。)
  • 8、In January 2004, two Chinese authors published a book which won internationalacclaim.(二〇〇四年一月,两位中国作者出版了一本赢得国际赞誉的书。)
  • 9、Suchacclaim changes attitudes to cable generally.(这样的赞誉改变了人们一直以来对有线频道的看法。)
  • 10、He is not the only one basking inacclaim.(不仅仅是他一个人沉浸在人们的赞扬之中。)
  • 11、The point is not mere verbalacclaim of God as suzerain.(并不是仅仅是口头上承认上帝为领主。)
  • 12、While these Marshall Headphones were teased early this year, they finally hit in December to wideacclaim.(虽然这些马歇尔耳机在年初的时候被取笑过,但他们终于在12月获得了广泛好评。)
  • 13、I have been lucky because many of my books have receivedacclaim from literary critics.(我实属幸运,因为我写的许多作品都得到了文学评论家的赞赏。)
  • 14、Recent computer hardware updates from Apple, as opposed to the iPod and iPad lines, have been met with criticalacclaim.(最近苹果电脑硬件升级的举动引来极大欢呼。)
  • 15、Elgar received many honours and muchacclaim and yet he often considered himself a failure.(埃尔加获得了很多荣誉和欢呼,但是他常常把自己看成一个失败者。)
  • 16、Her company, which went public to greatacclaim a year ago, has not found the going so easy since.(一年前她的公司高调上市,从此就再没有引起轰动过。)
  • 17、His efforts to improve relations with the North brought internationalacclaim but not lasting success.(金大中致力于改善韩朝关系的举措赢得了国际社会称赞,但并没有带来持续成功。)
  • 18、The film met with considerable critical and publicacclaim.(这部电影深得评论和公众的赞扬。)
  • 19、In her work, she revealed a side of nature so exotic, dramatic and valuable to Europeans of the time that she received muchacclaim.(在她的作品中,她展现了自然的一面,充满异国情调,富有戏剧性,对当时的欧洲人来说很有价值,因此她获得了很多赞誉。)
  • 20、The movie has received wildacclaim worldwide for its depiction of the ghastly diamond-funded civil war in Sierra Leone.(这部电影因其对塞拉·列侬恐怖的以钻石为基础的内战的描写而广受好评。)
  • 21、While the hotel’s grounds, location and amenities deserveacclaim, the rooms under its roof are equally fantastic.(旅店的位置和设施让人赞不绝口,而它的房间也同样精彩。)
  • 22、Blessed are those who have learned toacclaim you, who walk in the light of your presence, o Lord.(知道向你欢呼的,那民是有福的。耶和华阿,他们在你脸上的光里行走。)
  • 23、He receivedacclaim as a champion of the oppressed.(他作为被压迫者的捍卫者而受到了赞誉。)
  • 24、Her performance won her much criticalacclaim.(她的表演大获评论界赞颂。)
  • 25、"Criticalacclaim from people who don't know what they're talking about is meaningless," he claims dismissively.(“来自不懂自己在说什么的评论者们的赞扬是没意义的,”他轻蔑地说。)
  • 26、All five Asian artists ranked last year by Artprice have won internationalacclaim.(Artprice所列去年跻身世界前10的五位亚洲艺术家,全都已经获得了国际上的承认。)
  • 27、Winsacclaim for balancing hit films such as Love Actually with art films such as The Girl with a Pearl Earring.(2003年,在热门电影《真爱至上》和艺术电影《戴珍珠耳环的女孩》中的表现均可圈可点。)


英 [əˈkleɪm] 美 [əˈklem] 

名词: acclaimer 过去式: acclaimed 过去分词: acclaimed 现在分词: acclaiming 第三人称单数: acclaims


