


更新时间:2024-06-17 01:32:56

  • 1、If I were you, I'd try to be a bit moreamiable.(如果我是你,我将努力变得更友善一点。)
  • 2、Her parents seemed veryamiable.(她的父母好像很和蔼可亲。)
  • 3、We want people who are hardworking andamiable.(我们需要既勤劳又和气的人。)
  • 4、Theamiable Robots.(和蔼可亲的机器人。)
  • 5、'Myamiable lady!' he interrupted, with an almost diabolical sneer on his face.(“我贤惠的女人!”他面露近乎恶魔般的讥笑,打断我的话,“她在哪里?”)
  • 6、Myamiable neighbor, young man: I have learned of your goodness to me, that you paid my rent six months ago.(我已经知道您对我的好处,您在六个月以前替我付了一个季度的租金。)
  • 7、'They are not mine,' said theamiable hostess, more repellingly than Heathcliff himself could have replied.(“它们不是我的。”和善的女主人说道,比希斯克利夫的回答还让人不愉快。)
  • 8、Malaysian artists' wonderful performances during the banquet gave anamiable and friendly atmosphere to the evening.(席间,马来西亚艺术家还表演了精彩的文艺节目,整个晚会洋溢着亲切、友好的气氛。)
  • 9、Over the years I got to know the 2 proprietor, an 3amiable, otherwise-retired 4 chap named Don.(这些年来,我与店主日渐稔熟,他是一个已经退休的亲切家伙,名叫唐。)
  • 10、She had been surprised at howamiable and polite he had been.(她对他如此和蔼可亲、彬彬有礼感到了惊讶。)
  • 11、She was a very kind andamiable old woman.(他是个善良和气的老太太。)
  • 12、Of the five English study sects, I feel Brother li Yang and Uncle Zhong Daolong mostamiable.(英语武林的“五大门派”之中,俺感到和蔼可亲的是俺的英语师兄李洋和师叔钟道隆。)
  • 13、It was enough for her that he appeared to beamiable, that he loved her daughter, and that Elinor returned the partiality.(对她来说,只要爱德华看上去和蔼可亲,对她女儿一片钟情,而埃丽诺反过来又钟情于他,那就足够了。)
  • 14、The arbitral tribunal shall decide asamiable compositeur only if the parties have authorised the arbitral tribunal to do so.(仲裁庭只有在当事各方授权的情况下,才应作出友好调剂。)
  • 15、In fact, anyone who wants to make themselvesamiable and get what they want should smile more.(事实上,任何想让自己变得更亲切、得到自己想要的东西的人,都应该多笑。)
  • 16、She said things to thisamiable auditress that she had not yet said to any one.(她对这个和蔼可亲的女听者说了一些她从未对其他人说过的话。)
  • 17、The foremen wereamiable people and showed great hospitality towards myself and their workers.(工头是个和蔼可亲的人,他对我和工人都非常的友好;)
  • 18、The arbitral tribunal shall decide asamiable compositeur or ex aequo et bono only if the parties have expressly authorised the arbitral tribunal to do so.(只有得到当事人明示的授权,仲裁庭才可以根据公平的原则作出裁决。)
  • 19、Well,amiable Corsican, let us suppose it is providence.(好吧,科西嘉先生,我就算这是天意吧。)
  • 20、This is how Finkelstein begins his rebuttals, withamiable preambles that cannot conceal the Mephisto-like gleam in his eyes.(实际上这就是芬克尔·斯坦反驳的起始方式,和蔼可亲的开场白却掩饰不住眼中的那一丝不怀好意。)
  • 21、I wish I could call heramiable.(我但愿能够说她一声可爱。)
  • 22、The new CEO is an educated,amiable, and decent man.(新的首席执行官是一位受过良好教育、亲切、正派的人。)
  • 23、In the flesh, however, he's more like anamiable professor.(然而他本人看上去更像一个和蔼的大学教授。)
  • 24、He could be stillamiable, still pleasing, to my uncle and aunt, when he was in town; and why not to me?(他在城里的时候,对我的舅父母依旧很和气,很讨人喜欢,怎么反而对我两样?)
  • 25、Edward is veryamiable, and I love him tenderly.(爱德华非常和蔼可亲,我也很喜爱他。)


英 [ˈeɪmiəbl] 美 [ˈemiəbəl] 

副词: amiably 名词: amiability

