


更新时间:2024-05-27 01:41:20

  • 1、Team a looked for ashady place that some trees could give shade.(A队寻找一处有一些树阴的多荫的地方。)
  • 2、The plants should be placed in ashady spot.(这些植物应该放在阴凉的地方。)
  • 3、These plants are particularly useful for brightening upshady areas.(这些植物特别有助于让背光的地方明亮起来。)
  • 4、We went to find somewhere cool andshady to have a drink.(我们去找了一个阴凉的地方,喝了一杯。)
  • 5、The morning sun shining down with steadily increasing warmth made theshady side of the streets pleasantly cool.(早晨的阳光照下来,越来越暖和,使街道背阴的那一面显得凉爽宜人。)
  • 6、And shame on you if you originally agreed toshady terms.(另外,如果你原来就同意一些模糊的条款,你应该为自己感到羞愧。)
  • 7、It is comfortable to sit under theshady tree.(坐在成荫的树下很舒服。)
  • 8、Here are a few resources on hiring a SEO and one on "shady" SEO.(这有几个雇佣搜索引擎优化资源和一个“可疑”的搜索引擎优化。)
  • 9、Leon is a professional assassin who lives in ashady part of New York City.(里昂是一名专业的杀手,住在纽约城黑暗区域。)
  • 10、I think there must be something veryshady about this contract.(我觉得这张合同里面一定有什么猫腻儿。)
  • 11、Now at least she can choose her customers, and reject any who seem tooshady.(至少现在她可以选择自己的客人,拒绝任何看上去可疑的人。)
  • 12、Mr. Hoffman says plants with wider leaves seem to do better inshady environments.(霍夫曼表示,宽叶植物在荫凉环境下似乎生长得更好。)
  • 13、O Stand in ashady area then close your eyes.(站在荫凉的区域内,然后闭上眼睛。)
  • 14、In the 1980s, the company was notorious forshady deals.(在20世纪80年代,这个公司因不法交易而臭名昭著。)
  • 15、While these early historians of Southern dissent broke new ground, they also reproduced Confederate authorities' negative view of loyalists asshady characters driven by dubious motives.(虽然这些早期的南方异议历史学家开辟了新的领域,但他们也重复了南方当局对保皇派的负面看法,认为他们是受可疑动机驱使的阴暗人物。)
  • 16、If you must train during those hours, try to stick toshady roads or trails.(如果你非要在那个时间段训练,尽量跑小路或者阴凉地段。)
  • 17、How cool was the welcome of a tall glass of iced green mint in theshady room, to heads ringing with colors and the cymbals of the sun.(我们被太阳照得两眼发花,耳边就像有震天响的钹声,这时候在阴凉的房间里喝上一大杯冰镇绿薄荷水,是何等惬意。)
  • 18、The city's airport and Banks attract plenty ofshady custom.(这个城市的机场和银行造就了大量的灰色地带。)
  • 19、As Mr. Flanagan leaves the glaring sun of the prairie and enters theshady grove, his eyes search for specific tree.(当弗拉纳根先生从牧场上耀眼的阳光处走进绿树成荫的小树林时,他的眼睛搜寻着特定的一棵树。)
  • 20、They sought out ashady spot where they might sit down and rest.(他们找到一块阴凉地方可以坐下休息。)
  • 21、On hot days, drink lots of water and lie under ashady tree.(在炎热的日子里,多喝水,躺在树荫下。)
  • 22、There also was a scene with a quiet lake, where, undershady oak-trees, a fisherman was sitting.(还有一幅画,画中有一个宁静的湖,在那里,一位渔夫正坐在橡树树荫下。)
  • 23、When such practices shade into dishonesty is itself ashady area.(这种被不诚实笼罩的做法本身就是一个受质疑的阴暗地带。)
  • 24、Thatched pavilions provideshady retreats for relaxing and reading in privacy.(茅亭为独自放松和看书提供阴凉的幽僻之所。)
  • 25、Each one that we saw had its drawbacks: too sunny, tooshady, too exposed, too sheltered.(每一个我们看到的都有它的缺点:太晒,太阴暗,太暴露,太庇护。)


英 [ˈʃeɪdi] 美 [ˈʃedi] 

副词: shadily 比较级: shadier 最高级: shadiest 名词: shadiness

