


更新时间:2024-05-27 01:41:40

  • 1、Don'tclatter your knives and forks.(不要将刀叉相碰出声。)
  • 2、If you must have this noisy game, go andclatter your arms elsewhere.(要是你们必需做这个嘈吵的游戏,到别处去敲击你们的刀兵吧。)
  • 3、During the night a metal dish was heard toclatter down the stone stairs.(夜里听到有金属盘子叮叮咚咚滚下了石阶的声音。)
  • 4、The hill side was alive withclatter and motion; with sudden up-springing lights among the pines.(小山边是充满着嘈杂的谈笑声和移动;在松树之间突然呈现光线。)
  • 5、It was Howell's misfortune that he had to listen to all theirclatter.(不幸的是,豪厄尔不得不听这些追求者们的废话。)
  • 6、Theclatter came from the kitchen where pans were being washed.(这种哗啦声来自厨房里洗盘子的声音。)
  • 7、Theclatter of cutlery, horse's hoofs, a typewriter.(刀叉、马蹄、打字机的咔嗒声。)
  • 8、Theclatter of metal plates was heard from the kitchen.(缮厨房传出金属盘子的铿锵声。)
  • 9、The wolf said, "You'll awaken everybody in the house if you make such aclatter."(狼说:“你要是这么吵,会把屋里的人都吵醒的。”)
  • 10、The boys stopped theirclatter when the teacher came into the classroom.(老师走进教室时,男孩子们停止喧哗。)
  • 11、You can imagine how they'd rattle andclatter in the wind and how they might completely capture your attention.(你可以想象,它们在风中会如何咔嗒作响,它们可能会吸引你的全部注意力。)
  • 12、Don'tclatter those dishes about, you'll break them.(别在那些盘子旁边闹来闹去,会打破的。)
  • 13、There was aclatter of dishes in the kitchen.(厨房里传来盘子的当啷声。)
  • 14、But all thatclatter may also drown out the taste of your food, making it more bland.(除此以外,这些乱七八糟的声音还会将食物的味道淹没,令它们变得淡而无味。)
  • 15、Don'tclatter your knIves and forks about, I can't hear myself speak!(不要把刀叉弄得哗啦乱响,我连自己讲话都听不见了。)
  • 16、There is theclatter of footsteps in the corridor. Something must have happened.(走廊里人声杂遝,肯定有什么事情发生了。)
  • 17、Heads turned in surprise as the cane fell with aclatter to the marble floor.(盲杖咔哒一声掉在大理石的地上,大家都惊奇地转过头来。)
  • 18、She went into the pantry, and there was aclatter of dishes.(她走进餐具室,接着便传来了整理餐具互相碰撞的声音。)
  • 19、Every day editorial roomsclatter with the sound of musical chairs and broken egos.(每天,编辑室都会充满椅子碰撞声,自尊被打碎的叹息声。)
  • 20、With aclatter, the flatterer shattered the chattering wattmeter in the chaos.(当啷一声,马屁精在混乱中打碎了格格作响的瓦特表。)
  • 21、She went downstairs with a cheerfulclatter, singing.(她迈著轻快的脚步,唱著歌下楼去了。)
  • 22、Theclatter of POTS and pans.(锅盆相碰的咔哒声。)
  • 23、An open door, a room, two typewritersclattering and two women making themclatter.(一扇开着的门,一间屋子,屋里两台咔嗒作响的打字机,两位女士咔嗒咔嗒在打字。)
  • 24、The bird took fright and fled with aclatter of wings.(鸟儿吃了一惊,振翅飞了开去。)
  • 25、Thenclatter,clatter up the stairs. Johnnie knocked at her door.(接着,楼梯上传来“得得得”的脚步声。约翰尼敲了敲她的门。)


英 [ˈklætə(r)] 美 [ˈklætɚ] 

名词: clatterer 过去式: clattered 过去分词: clattered 现在分词: clattering 第三人称单数: clatters


