


更新时间:2024-06-17 01:32:43

  • 1、banish them for their many SINS, for they have rebelled against you.(愿你在他们许多的过犯中,把他们逐出。因为他们背叛了你。)
  • 2、Very early in the development of XM, I chose tobanish configuration files.(在XM开发的较早时期,我选择了消除配置文件。)
  • 3、Some shoppers sought tobanish the economic gloom with these festive bags.(一些购物者则希望用这些节日幸运包来驱散经济危机的阴霾。)
  • 4、You shouldbanish your CARES.(你应该消除烦恼。)
  • 5、In short, the attempt tobanish biased thoughts worked, to some extent.(简而言之,试图摒弃偏见的努力在某种程度上起作用了。)
  • 6、This experiment suggests that thinking of material purchases in experiential terms helpsbanish dissatisfaction.(这个实验表明,将物品消费当做经历消费的形式来考虑的话,会帮助驱散不满足感。)
  • 7、banish the black, "Thompson exhorted."(“摈弃黑,”汤普森告诫。)
  • 8、How tobanish the Boredom That Produces Fatigue, Worry, and resentment?(可恶的厌倦感,他会让我们产生疲劳、忧虑和怨恨感,想知道怎样消灭他们吗?)
  • 9、Turn off your cell phone, of course, but also, if you're Skype-ing from home,banish your family and pets for the duration.(一定要关掉你的手机,而且,如果你在家使用Skype的话,在面试期间把你的家人和宠物先赶出去吧。)
  • 10、Mr Putin could do more tobanish the spectre of Soviet nostalgia from Russia.(要将人们对苏维埃过去的恐惧驱除出俄罗斯,普京能做得更多。)
  • 11、But those who turn to crooked ways the Lord willbanish with the evildoers.(至于那偏行弯曲道路的人,耶和华必使他和作恶的人一同出去受刑。)
  • 12、banish negative verbs like 'can't, ' 'haven't' and 'don't' from your vocabulary.(不要使用否定动词,例如”不能“、“没有”以及“不”这样的词汇。)
  • 13、banish mediocrity and seek out the work you're passionate about.(放弃那份平庸,去追求你热爱的工作吧。)
  • 14、Women, don'tbanish your man to the couch or stomp off to pout in the spare bedroom.(女人,不要把你的男人打发到沙发上,也不要在空闲的卧室里跺脚噘嘴。)
  • 15、The doctor advised her tobanish fear and anxiety.(医生劝她消除恐惧和忧虑。)
  • 16、"banish the black," Thompson exhorted. "Think pink!"(“摈弃黑,”汤普森告诫。“想著粉红!”)
  • 17、If we couldbanish all such preconceptions when we read, that would be an admirable beginning.(如果我们在阅读时能摈弃所有这些先入之见,那将是一个极好的开端。)
  • 18、You're going to face it andbanish it.(你要去面对它并赶走它。)
  • 19、banish your fears.(抛弃你心中的恐惧。)
  • 20、banish the idea and youbanish the manifestation.(消除这种想法就能消除这种病症。)
  • 21、banish the long and baggy and only buy skirts that end on, or just below, the knee, and have shape and proper waistbands.(不要买长而宽松的裙子了,要买就买短裙,及膝或者略低于膝盖,再买一条有型合适的腰带。)
  • 22、Take a deep breath, focus, andbanish the animals from your head.(深呼吸,注意力集中,把北极熊从你的大脑里赶走哦。)
  • 23、They used force tobanish the natives from the more fertile land.(他们用武力将土著人驱逐出更加肥沃的土地。)
  • 24、Don'tbanish certain foods.(不要杜绝特定食品。)
  • 25、We don't have tobanish status from the good life, but we should put it in its proper place.(我们不必从幸福生活中彻底排斥社会地位,但我们应该把它放在合适的位置。)
  • 26、In the case of Hoarding Tyrant, you canbanish it to gain two runes.(如【护宝暴君】,你可以通过放逐它来获得两个符文。)
  • 27、Learning tobanish boredom is essential for Happiness.(学习如何驱除厌倦感对我们的快乐极其重要。)


英 [ˈbænɪʃ] 美 [ˈbænɪʃ] 

名词: banisher 过去式: banished 过去分词: banished 现在分词: banishing 第三人称单数: banishes

