


更新时间:2024-05-27 01:40:55

  • 1、He is a person ofamoral, with no sense of right or wrong.(他是一个没有道德观念的人,没有是非对错分辨能力。)
  • 2、Yes it is but, scientists, as a whole, tend to be anamoral bunch when it comes to, so called, "pure" research.(是的,但当谈论到所谓的“纯研究”,科学家们就是一个超越道德的群体。)
  • 3、But even if animals could be provedamoral and immune to pain, human beings would have no basis for even careless treatment of them.(可是即便证明了动物属于超道德范畴且它们不会感到痛苦人类也提不出对动物漠不关心对待动物的根据。)
  • 4、I know that Samaritan's motives areamoral at best, but the thing that Mr. Wilkins was trying to do was an absolute good, and we destroyed it.(我知道撒马利亚人的动机无关道德,但是威尔金斯先生想做好事,却被我们摧毁了。)
  • 5、His Ripley has now settled into anamoral way of life, supremely confident in himself, in his skills and in his reading of others.(尊所扮演的雷普利正过著全无道德的生活,他对于自己的技俩及“阅人”能力极富自信。)
  • 6、Similarly, he probably hired Mr Coulson not through anyamoral calculation but because he did not think through the risks involved.(同样地,他聘用库尔森也许并非是一点私心都没有,只是他当时还未看透其中隐藏的危险。)
  • 7、Bruno is soamoral, he doesn't register the meaning of his actions.(布鲁诺这个人物完全没有道德感,他对自己的行动从不做价值判断。)
  • 8、It is well to remember that the modern corporation is anamoral creature by definition, obliged to its shareholder financiers, not to the public interest.(人们要记住,现在的公司可以被我们定义为没有道德的一群人,因为他们只效忠于公司股东,而不是为公共的利益服务。)
  • 9、They areamoral, some of them are nicer and better than others But they're not necessarily morally good or righteous.(他们是没有道德原则的,其中一些比另一些和善一点,但他们并没有道德上的美好和正直。)
  • 10、"Not only is it cruel and blood-thirsty, but totallyamoral," the Chongqing Business Daily cited a neighbor to one of the restaurants as saying.(“这不仅仅残忍、血腥,而且完全是不道德的,”《重庆商业日报》引述某饭店的邻居说。)
  • 11、Entitled "Can Twitter Make Youamoral?"(题为“碎碎念会使你变得不道德吗?”)
  • 12、What do you think of food wasting according to your morality standard? 1.amoral 2. Immoral or 3. Moral.(根据你的道德标准,你认为浪费食物是?1。与道德无关,2。不道德3。合乎道德。)
  • 13、The genius has outstanding ideas, and they must be implemented, even if they are completelyamoral.(天才有着绝顶的想法,而这些想法必须被付诸实行,即若它们是完全不道德的。)
  • 14、Not only do drug companies market their molecules withamoral …(不仅制药公司销售其分子与道德…)
  • 15、Cats areamoral; they can't be censured for killing birds.(猫不受道德约束,它们杀死鸟儿也不会受责难。)
  • 16、Extraterrestrials are critical of the people'samoral behavior referring to the humans' interference in nature's processes.(天外来客对人类干预自然进程的超道德行为表示谴责。)
  • 17、Thirty years ago most psychologists, philosophers and psychiatrists thought that babies and young children were irrational, egocentric andamoral.(30年以前,不少哲学家、心理学家和精神病学家还认为,婴儿和幼年儿童没有理性思考能力,他们以自我为中心,也不可能产生道德判断。)
  • 18、I think oil companies areamoral.(我认为,石油公司是非道德的。)
  • 19、This is anamoral iceberg, no amount of global warming can warm this one up.(这是一个不道德的冰山一角,并没有什么大量的全球变暖暖此一行动。)
  • 20、This universal view is called "myth ofamoral business".(这一普遍性看法被称为“企业非道德性神话”。)
  • 21、Theamoral business titan enslaved the Wookiees, and violated their forests with corporate installations.(这个没有道德意识的商业巨擘奴役了伍基人,大量生产设施毁坏了森林。)
  • 22、We couldn't make him a bad guy, but we've made him sort ofamoral.''(我们无法使他成为一个坏家伙,但是我们已经使他不太道德了。)


英 [ˌeɪˈmɒrəl] 美 [ˌeɪˈmɔ:rəl] 

副词: amorally 名词: amoralism

