


更新时间:2024-06-10 01:39:31

  • 1、The reactive ability of free radical is so strong that it canassail to lipid, protein of biomembrane and tissue.(由于其电子是不成对的,所以自由基的反应能力特别强,可以攻击生物膜和组织的脂质、蛋白质。)
  • 2、The thought came toassail me.(这个想法使我困扰。)
  • 3、Then doubts and fears didassail the very strongest.(那时,疑惑和恐惧的确困扰过意志最坚强的人。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 4、My heart is in anguish within me; the terrors of deathassail me.(我心在我里面甚是疼痛。死的惊惶临到我身。)
  • 5、Toassail with contemptuous, coarse, or insulting words; revile.(辱骂,毁谤用蔑视、粗俗或侮辱性的话攻击;)
  • 6、Their meeting was in Jobs's conference room, where Gates found himself surrounded by ten Apple employees who were eager to watch their bossassail him.(这次会面发生于乔布斯的会议上,盖茨一到那儿,就发现那里围了十个苹果员工,全都迫切希望看到自己的老板是怎样教训盖茨的。)
  • 7、As the case heads toward appeals at the circuit level and probably the Supreme Court, judge Walker's opinion will provide a firm legal foundation that will be difficult for appellate judges toassail.(虽然案件极有可能上诉至巡回法院乃至最高法院,但Walker法理严实的判决意见,将会令上诉庭法官难以反驳。)
  • 8、The doubts and fears didn'tassail the very strongest.(疑惑和恐惧没有困扰最坚强的人。)
  • 9、John dispatches his whole gang to ferret out his son's whereabouts, only to find out that his rivals are redeploying people in China toassail him.(John派出他全部手下去搜寻他儿子下落,但是只查到他的对手在中国正召集人对付他。)
  • 10、9from the wicked whoassail me, from my mortal enemies who surround me.(使我脱离那欺压我的恶人,就是围困我,要害我命的仇敌。)
  • 11、And that is why the bad things, living near to men,assail them constantly, while the good things, who have to come down from the sky, only arrive at long intervals.(结果可想而知,坏事近在咫尺,不断前来骚扰人类,而好事远在天涯,迟迟才能下来惠顾人类。)
  • 12、Poltrona Frau has managed to persuade investors that a luxury brand can protect it from the troubles thatassail the Italian furniture industry.(波尔托那?弗劳说服了投资者相信奢侈品牌能够免受意大利家具业遭遇的冲击。)
  • 13、Whether his giddy ascent will last has been hard to say, in part because his opponents had not had a chance toassail him directly until this week's debate, the first Mr Perry has participated in.(Perry令人瞠目的上升势头是否会持续依然是给未知数,这部分由于知道这周的辩论,他还没有参加任何一次,以至于他的对手们还没有机会攻击他。)
  • 14、Such are the thoughts whichassail me since one fine Bysakh morning I awoke amidst fresh breeze and light, new leaf and flower, to find that I had stepped into my twenty-seventh year.(自从那个美妙的白沙克月的清晨,我在和风丽日、新叶鲜花中醒来,发现自己踏入了27岁,这些想法就一直困扰着我。)
  • 15、But TCM's reputation has been blackened by uneven efficacy and harsh side effects, prompting critics toassail it as outmoded folklore.(但是中药的名声由于其不可靠的疗效和严重的副作用而大受损害,导致批评者抨击它是过时的民间医术。)
  • 16、Ling: (laughs) Good job, Shin! You knew he would try toassail me, right?(灵:(笑)童心作得好!你知道他会来打我是吗?)
  • 17、Toassail or attack on all sides: the lioness … beset by men and hounds. pope.(到处攻击……;这头雌狮子到处受到猎人和猎犬的袭击。)
  • 18、Toassail with stinging criticism; excoriate.(痛责:以尖刻的批评攻击;严厉地批评。)
  • 19、We should assist parents notassail them.(因此我们应该帮助父母们,而不是指责他们。)
  • 20、Wolf - Denotes valiant captains that do in the end gain their attempts after long sieges and hard enterprises. One whom it is dangerous toassail or thwart.(狼-象征无畏的军人,在长期艰苦围城之后仍决不屈挠,并以此取得最终胜利的坚毅者,一种不能被阻拦的人。)
  • 21、Nonetheless, as soon as one walks out of the village, the stench of garbage begins toassail the nostrils.(但是,走出了村子,充满恶臭无比的垃圾,期待有一天资源回收。)
  • 22、“They met in Jobs’s conference room, where Gates found himself surrounded by ten Apple employees who were eager to watch their bossassail him, ” Isaacson writes.(他们在乔布斯的会议室会面,盖茨发现自己被10个苹果雇员围观,他们迫不及待地等着看他们的老板抨击他。)
  • 23、Here dark woods, stone coldassail.(这里幽暗阴森,石冷袭人。)


英 [əˈseɪl] 美 [əˈsel] 

形容词: assailable 名词: assailableness 过去式: assailed 过去分词: assailed 现在分词: assailing 第三人称单数: assails

