


更新时间:2024-06-17 01:32:04

  • 1、Could it be said that it is impossible ofattainment?(难道这是办不到的吗?)
  • 2、None of those things is a given anymore in communities where college-degreeattainment is low.(在大学程度人群所占比例比较低的社区中,上述特点是看不到的。)
  • 3、You will surely agree that all the above-mentioned qualities and abilities are important for theattainment of success!(你一定也非常同意上面所有提到的品质和能力对于获得成功是非常重要的。)
  • 4、We congratulated him upon hisattainment to so great an age.(我们敬贺他高寿。)
  • 5、Following theattainment of aerial supremacy, stealth would no longer be a major requirement, said Boeing.(波音认为,随着制空权的获得,隐身将不再是主要需求。)
  • 6、Why doesn’t body size affect men’sattainment as much as women’s?(为什么体重对男性的影响没有对女性那么大呢?)
  • 7、Heckman points out that big gaps in educationalattainment are present at age 5.(海克曼指出受教育程度的巨大差距在小孩5岁的时候就显现出来。)
  • 8、Theattainment of his ambitions was still a dream.(他要实现的抱负仍然是一个梦想。)
  • 9、Theattainment of happiness becomes the ultimate or highest good for Aristotle.(对亚里士多德来说,获得幸福成为了终极的或最高形式的善。)
  • 10、Allow breaks in-between theattainment of major goals or peak events for which you are training.(在达到你的主要目标或训练顶峰之间需要一些休息。)
  • 11、Key rewards such as pay increases and promotions or advancements should be allocated for theattainment of the employee's specific goals.(应根据实现员工的具体目标,来分配加薪、提拔晋升等关键性奖励。)
  • 12、He was of highattainment in Oriental, in particular Chinese culture, and was best known for his work of The Judge Dee mysteries.(高对东方文化特别是中国文化造诣颇深,其中最为著名的是他创作的中国古代侦探小说系列《狄公案》。)
  • 13、Theattainment of this state completes the inside-out transition.(达到这种状态就完成了由内向外的转变。)
  • 14、Those inconsistencies, the report says, stymieattainment of crucial environmental objectives.(该报告说,这些矛盾妨碍了实现重要的环境目标的工作。)
  • 15、Japan has a significantly better record in terms of average mathematicalattainment than England and Wales.(日本的平均数学成绩记录明显好于英格兰和威尔士。)
  • 16、Educationalattainment, which includes access to all levels of education.(教育程度,涵盖了教育的各个层面。)
  • 17、And people with educationalattainment beyond high school.(以及教育水平在高中以上的人群。)
  • 18、It is still in most cases closely correlated with educationalattainment and career expectations.(在大多数情况下,它仍然与教育程度和职业期望密切相关。)
  • 19、Desiring to show hisattainment, he said: "The mind, Buddha, and sentient beings, after all, do not exist."(山冈渴望显示自己的才能,他说:“精神,佛陀,及众生终究是不存在的。”)
  • 20、Theattainment of wealth, position, honors, or the like.(获得财富、地位、荣誉等。)
  • 21、Requisite for theattainment of such exceptional success as has been.(第二方面是仅仅有天赋的人才可达到的成功。)
  • 22、The percentage of Gross National Product spent on education is reasonably similar in the two countries, so how is this higher and more consistentattainment in maths achieved?(两国的教育经费占国民生产总值的比例相当接近,那么,这种更高、更稳定的数学成绩是如何实现的呢?) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 23、"For nursing, this could mean a collective improvement in professional and educationalattainment globally," says Gyurko.(“对护理学,这可意味着在全球集体改进专业和教育成就,”Gyurko说。)
  • 24、Of the top 10 states in college educationalattainment, nine are in the top 12 in per capita income.(在大学教育成就排名前十位的州,有九的州地人均收入位列全国前12名。)
  • 25、Be actively supporting theattainment of the Kampala Declaration and the Agenda for Global Action on HRH.(积极支持堪帕拉宣言和卫生人力资源全球行动议程的实现。)
  • 26、In these programs, a portion of the sales incentive is linked to theattainment of group sales goals.(在这个计划中,一部分销售激励跟团队的销售目标挂钩。)
  • 27、Although children of Mexican immigrants do better, in terms of educational and professionalattainment than their parents, UCLA sociologist Edward Telles has found that the gains don't continue.(尽管墨西哥移民的孩子在教育和职业成就方面比他们的父母做得更好,加州大学洛杉矶分校的社会学家爱德华·特勒斯发现这种增长不会持续下去。)
  • 28、Your peace cannot be traded for theattainment of any credentials.(内心的平静不是证书可以带给你的。)


英 [əˈteɪnmənt] 美 [əˈtenmənt] 


