


更新时间:2024-05-27 01:41:08

  • 1、But during the Renaissance period in Europe, astronomy's ties toastrology were broken and it became a real science.(欧洲文艺复兴时期,天文学和占星术的纽带被切断,天文学成了一门真正的科学。)
  • 2、According toastrology signs compatibility, Leo is compatible with Aries, Gemini, Libra and Sagittarius.(根据星座配对,和狮子男较为适合的星座有分别有白羊座,双子座,天秤座以及射手座。)
  • 3、This is notastrology, this is basic science.(这不是占星术,这是有着基础和依据的科学研究。)
  • 4、Colin Scott is a Libra lover. Find out whats in the stars for you and yourastrology Libra woman atastrologyLibra.(科林·斯科特是天秤座的代表。在那些明星当中找出天秤座的占卜和关于你的天秤座占卜。)
  • 5、But predicting such events is more in the realms ofastrology than financial punditry.(但是对于这些事件的预期更多地是来自占星学家领域,而不是来自金融学权威。)
  • 6、Purple Starastrology is a traditional Taoist Chinese divination system.(紫薇斗数是中国道家传统的算命方法。)
  • 7、Music and mythology, Einstein andastrology.(音乐神学爱因斯坦和占星术也是从大爆炸开始。)
  • 8、The court had in 2004 also directed the universities to consider ifastrology science can be added to the syllabus.(2004年,法院还曾建议大学将占星术加入教学大纲。)
  • 9、The type ofastrology that most western astrologers practice, horoscopicastrology, requires an exact birth time in order to work properly.(大部分西方占星师所使用的占星方法,需要对方提供准确的出生时间,才能正常进行运算。)
  • 10、Darla: She seems to be a bit of a free spirit, you know, intoastrology and all that stuff.(达拉:她似乎是个有点崇尚精神自由的人,你知道,就是热衷于星座之类的东西。)
  • 11、Find out whats in the stars for you and yourastrology Libra woman atastrologyLibra.(在那些明星当中找出天秤座的占卜和关于你的天秤座占卜。)
  • 12、Today, people still look to stars or genes,astrology or genetics, in the hope of finding the source of exceptional abilities or personal characteristics.(今天,人们仍然研究星星或基因、占星术或遗传学,希望找到超常的能力或个人特征的来源。)
  • 13、She was introduced to the idea by a lecturer inastrology whom she met when researching a book.(她一次在找一本书时,碰到了一位星相学讲师,让她有了这个想法。)
  • 14、This discovery seems to validate the claims of popularastrology.(这一发现似乎证实了流行占星术的一些观点。)
  • 15、According to Hinduastrology, Aquarius is equivalent to 'Kumbha' which means pitcher in Sanskrit.(根据印度占星术,“aquarius”等同于“Kumbha”,在梵语中的意思是水罐。)
  • 16、I don't thinkastrology is blind faith. It holds waterin many instances.(我认为占星术不是迷信,它很多时候还是站得住脚的。)
  • 17、Most of us are currently doing product developmentastrology, not science.(我们中的大多数人研发产品如同在搞占星术,而不是在从事科技活动。)
  • 18、‘I knew we would be laughed at for putting credence inastrology, ’ says Catherine.(“我知道我们相信星相学会被人嘲笑,”凯瑟琳说。)
  • 19、All thoseastrology columns you've read that seemed spot-on were a fluke.(那些你读过的占星专栏文章看似准确,其实不过是碰巧而已。)
  • 20、As you can tell, I'm not fond ofastrology.(你一定看出来,我对占星学不感冒。)
  • 21、We were made to have meaning. This is why people try dubious methods, likeastrology or psychics, to discover it.(我们存在是有意义的,因此有些人用各种方法,如星象或通灵等去寻求这些意义。)
  • 22、The Bombay High Court reaffirmed this on Thursday when it dismissed a PIL that had challengedastrology as science.(周四,孟买高等法院驳回了一项针对占星术的公益诉讼,重申它是科学。)


英 [əˈstrɒlədʒi] 美 [əˈstrɑ:lədʒi] 

形容词: astrological 副词: astrologically 名词: astrologer

