


更新时间:2024-05-27 01:40:39

  • 1、I have a dentalcheckup last year.(我去年进行了一次牙齿检查。)
  • 2、"I'm cured for now," is how a grateful Mark Origer, 53, of Watertown, Wis., put it after acheckup from NCI doctors this week.(“现在我痊愈了。”一个来自沃特敦,维斯区,53岁,高兴的MarkOriger在这周接受了国家癌症协会医生的身体检查后这样说道的。)
  • 3、A similar annualcheckup takes place in another type of practitioner's office: financial planners.(另一种类似的年度检查是在金融顾问的事务所里进行的。)
  • 4、At the same time, I scheduled a spiritualcheckup, too.(与此同时,我也订下了一份属灵体检单。)
  • 5、'Think about your career like you do going to the dentist and getting acheckup every so often,' says Mr. Luzzo.(“你会定期去看牙医,做常规检查,而工作也是如此,”卢奥说。)
  • 6、Siblings of children diagnosed with autism may benefit for acheckup for related symptoms.(被诊断为自闭症的患儿兄妹们可以进行一些相关症状的检查。)
  • 7、We're calling to remind you of your 4:15 appointment for your annualcheckup tomorrow.(我们打电话来是想提醒你明天4点15分要做年度体检。)
  • 8、So one night after the kids went to bed, she sat him down on the deck and told him she'd had acheckup that day.(因此,一天晚上等孩子们都上床睡觉了之后,她把他叫到露台上坐下,告诉他,自己当天做了个检查。)
  • 9、But your nextcheckup might add a new number to the mix.(但是下一次健康检查时,你或许还应该再增加一项指标。)
  • 10、He also asks that the families go to the hospital together while the wet nurse gets acheckup.(他还要求奶妈体检时雇主一家人也一块儿去。)
  • 11、Visit the doctor if you've been tired for a long time and haven't had acheckup in a while.(如果长期感到疲惫的话,也许你可以去看看医生。)
  • 12、Even if you don't get examined right away, it doesn't mean you can't get acheckup later.(即使你没有立即接受检查,并不是说你以后就不能检查了。)
  • 13、A man goes to his doctor for a completecheckup.(一个男人找到大夫为他做一个全面检查。)
  • 14、The receptionist deemed that he had broken the rule that insists patients mustn't eat for 10 hours before thecheckup.(诊所的接待员认为他破坏了规矩:所有医患在身体检查前十小时都不得吃任何东西。)
  • 15、Acheckup revealed a small tumour on the left lower lobe of his lung, but it had not yet metastasized.(一次检查显示,他的肺部左下叶有一小块肿瘤,但尚未扩散。)
  • 16、If this is your first pregnancy your doctor may listen for your baby's heartbeat at your firstcheckup.(如果你是第一次怀孕,在你第一次检查的时候,你的医生可能会探听婴儿的心跳。)
  • 17、Teri and Kim are sent to a clinic for acheckup, and Jack begs Nina to watch over them.(泰瑞和金姆被送去一家诊所做身体检查,杰克拜托尼娜去照看保卫她们。)
  • 18、Did you have your routine healthcheckup this year?(你今年去做例行的健康检查了吗?)
  • 19、An elderly man visits the doctor for acheckup.(一个上了年纪的男人请医生为他作健康检查。)
  • 20、At hischeckup, Schwartz asks the doctor, "do you think I'll live to 100?"(检查的时候,Schwartz问医生:“你觉得我能活到一百岁吗?”)
  • 21、In the text box, enter the name Patientcheckup recommendation report.(在文本框中,输入名称Patientcheckuprecommendationreport。)
  • 22、The disease was detected during a routinecheckup.(这种疾病是在一次例行体检中查出来的。)
  • 23、If by the end of the first year you still don't see any sign of a tooth, bring the matter up at your child's 12-monthcheckup.(在宝宝快一岁时,如果你还是看不见任何长牙的迹象,那就等到宝宝12个月检查时带着这个问题去咨询医生。)
  • 24、Some patients learn they have CLL or CML after a blood test as part of a regularcheckup.(有些病人在常规体检的血液检查后才知道他们患有慢性淋巴细胞白血病或慢性粒细胞性白血病。)
  • 25、At your next healthcheckup, tell your doctor how long and how well you sleep.(下次健康体检时,请告诉你的医生你的睡眠时长和睡眠状况。)
  • 26、All other patients are classified as medium risk (acheckup maybe necessary).(其他病人归类为中等风险(可能需要体检)。)


英 ['tʃekʌp] 美 [ˈtʃɛkˌʌp] 


