


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:28:03

  • 1、One February morning, he sat in his chair,ashen as the cinders in the grate.(二月的一个早晨,他坐在椅子中,苍白得如同炉条里的煤渣。)
  • 2、From Langdon'sashen expression, Fache sensed the news was bad.(从兰登煞白的脸色,法希能感觉到消息不妙。)
  • 3、Even the most Stoic looked grim andashen.(甚至那些最泰然自若的人也显得表情严峻?面如土色。)
  • 4、But how shocked he was when he saw her. She had anashen-gray face full of wrinkles, blear eyes, and red hair.(可当他看着公主时,他是何等的吃惊啊,只见她那死灰色的脸儿布满了皱纹,双眼黯淡无光,头发变成了红色。)
  • 5、His face turnedashen at the news.(听到这个消息他面无人色。)
  • 6、His face wasashen and wet with sweat.(他面如土色,汗如雨下。)
  • 7、And people who demonstrate up on time feel their time is beingashen.(而且准时到会的人也会感觉自己的时光被挥霍了。)
  • 8、She laughed and coughed, and the husband ran from the room with anashen face, as if he'd seen a fulminating witch, some kind of horror flick apparition.(她边笑边咳嗽,丈夫脸色苍白从房间里跑出来,好像他见到了一个暴怒的巫婆,像是某种恐怖片里的幽灵似的。)
  • 9、If you choose to follow the vile practices of theashen Veil, your civilization will descend into the depths of Evil.(如果你选择成为暗幕教的信徒,你的文明将坠入邪恶的深渊。)
  • 10、"I'll never forget the look on Michael's face. He was broken" she said her own faceashen as she recalled the conversation.(“我永远也不会忘记迈克尔的表情。他心碎了,”她说,回忆起当时的对话,她的脸也变得苍白。)
  • 11、They listenedashen-faced to the news.(他们听着消息时面如死灰。)
  • 12、That was the first clue she was nervous and needed to break the silence, as I was turning 24ashen from the horror of it all!(我首先从这一点觉察出女儿很紧张,她急于打破沉默。当我看到镜中恐怖的自己时,脸色顿时变得苍白。)
  • 13、Some (but certainly not all) of the top climbers in the world have the hollow, sunken-cheek, andashen look of anorexics.(一些(当然不是全部)世界顶级的攀岩者看上去皮包骨头、双颊凹陷,一副得了厌食症的恹恹模样。)
  • 14、His face isashen.(他的脸色苍白。)
  • 15、The place is full ofashen walls, dirty water, bags of garbage, one by one the bodies of dead animals.(那个地方到处是铁青的墙壁,污浊的水,一袋袋垃圾,一个个死去的动物的尸体。)
  • 16、Anashen neckwear is worn with a shirt of any colour.(暗灰色的领带配什么颜色的衬衣都行。)
  • 17、Your eyes are lifeless, your face isashen, hair loss.(两眼无神,面色灰暗,发如枯草。)
  • 18、Zhang Ailing'sashen perspective on moon, like her grayer understanding of life, is unique and profound.(张爱玲对月亮的灰色透视,如同她对人生的灰色理解一样,独特而深刻。)
  • 19、She listened to the tragic newsashen-faced.(她听到这一悲惨消息,脸都白了。)
  • 20、The survivors wereashen-faced and visibly shaken.(幸存者们脸色苍白颤颤发抖。)
  • 21、Yet had he looked closer, the guard would have noticed something strange: the men were sweating andashen-faced with fear.(然而,要是他离近点看,就会注意到一些奇怪的地方:这几个人浑身冒汗,脸色因害怕而变得灰白。)
  • 22、Their sense of duty is unwavering. It was not so easy to secure the same assurance from theashen Order, however.(他们的责任感是不会动摇的,然而,要从灰袍修道院那得到同样的保证就不是这么容易了。)
  • 23、Herashen face show how much the news have shocked her.(她灰白的脸显示出那消息使她多么震惊。)


英 [ˈæʃn] 美 [ˈæʃən] 


