


更新时间:2024-06-10 01:45:19

  • 1、Martine puts it down to, among other things,soap operas andinstalment plans introduced in the 1970s. Both played an important9 although indirect, role in lowering the birth rate.(玛蒂娜将其归因于20世纪70年代推出的肥皂剧和分期付款计划。尽管是间接的,两者在降低出生率方面都发挥了重要的作用。)
  • 2、If we issue an approval, we agree to provide aninstalment loan up to the credit limit.(倘若我们作出批核,则我们同意提供不超过信贷限额的分期贷款。)
  • 3、This fourthinstalment consists of 14 files of sightings, letters and Parliamentary Questions spanning from 1981 to 1996.(这第四批档案由14个文件组成,有目击、信件和议会咨询的问题,时间跨度为1981至1996年。)
  • 4、The finalinstalment on the loan is due next week.(贷款的最后一期付款下个星期到期。)
  • 5、Upper-bracket taxpayers who elected to pay their tax increase ininstalments must pay the thirdinstalment by April 15.(选择分期支付增税的高额纳税人必须在4月15日之前交纳第3期税款。)
  • 6、The story picks up where it left off in the secondinstalment.(故事延续着第二部的剧情。)
  • 7、In the lastinstalment of 50 great moments in jazz, I looked at how Duke Ellington moved jazz on to a new level during the 1920s.(在上次专栏节目中,我介绍了上个世纪20年代期间艾灵顿公爵是如何将爵士乐提升至了新台阶的。) (好工具
  • 8、Depp is filming the latest Pirates of the Caribbeaninstalment at the nearby Old Royal Naval College.(而他最近正在离学校不远处的前皇家海军学院拍摄最新的一部《加勒比海盗》。)
  • 9、Excellent: the previousinstalment, New Moon, broke box-office records last November, grossing $73 million on its first day of release.(该片的上一集《新月》,去年九月打破了票房纪录,第一天上映就获得了7300万的票房收入。)
  • 10、Even though he was barely in the second "Alvin" film, he's back in the imminent thirdinstalment.(虽然他在第二部“鼠来宝”里几乎没什么戏份,他仍将出演即将上映的第三部。)
  • 11、Would you enjoy theinstalment payment method in Specialty store?(你喜欢在名贵品牌专门店里可享用分期付款吗?。)
  • 12、Can we buy it oninstalment?(我们可以用分期付款的方式买吗?)
  • 13、The latest innovation seems to involve the handsets Softbank is selling oninstalment.(软银的新创意似乎包括它通过分期付款销售手机的举措。)
  • 14、He says he never went hungry, but his parents made only a modest living selling merchandise door-to-door, oninstalment plans.(他说自己从来不用忍饥挨饿,但靠着父母上门推销分期付款的商品所挣的收入,也只能缩衣节食地过日子。)
  • 15、The 47-year-old actor is currently filming the latestinstalment of the Pirates series in Hawaii.(现年47岁的戴普目前正在夏威夷拍摄《加勒比海盗4》。)
  • 16、Under both types of loan, the principal sum immediately reduces every time a loaninstalment is made.(在这两类贷款中,每一次缴付贷款分期付款,本金数额将会随之减少。)
  • 17、Two health care workers – one from Kyrgyzstan and another from Finland – are profiled in thisinstalment of Heroes for health.(两名卫生保健工作人员–一名来自吉尔吉斯斯坦,另一名来自芬兰,她们是本期“卫生保健英雄”的重点人物。)
  • 18、Yet horrified members of parliament have already rejected a budget that called for $73m to be spent this year on just the firstinstalment.(然而,惊恐的议会成员却拒绝了今年将7300万美元用于第一期分期付款的预算。)
  • 19、The ones who did not receive theinstalment offer.(是收到没有分期付款商品目录的顾客。)
  • 20、You shall repay theinstalment loan ininstalments in accordance with the amount of eachinstalment and due date we notify you.(你须按照我们通知你的每期还款金额及还款到期日分期偿还分期贷款。)
  • 21、You can doinstalment to purchase things, e. G, laptop.(买某些东西可以分期付款,比如笔记本电脑。)
  • 22、The latestinstalment, published this week, showed the index had fallen by 0.6% in October compared with the previous month.(这周发布的最新数据显示10月该指数对比前一个月降低了0.6%。)
  • 23、It also is different from generalinstalment business contract.(它也不同于一般的分期付款买卖合同。)
  • 24、We can structure your personalinstalment loan to suit your personal needs.(我们可以配合你的个人需要,为你安排私人分期贷款。)
  • 25、I bought the house byinstalment.(我用分期付款购买房子。)
  • 26、UTEP tries to help, offering after-hours advice andinstalment plans for tuition fees.(学校在努力帮助他们,向他们提供课后咨询以及制定学费分期支付计划。)


英 [ɪnˈstɔ:lmənt] 美 [ɪnˈstɔːlmənt] 


