


更新时间:2024-05-27 01:46:48

  • 1、Yet the details of her skeletonproclaim her human affinity.(骨骼细节迟早会证明她与人类的密切关系。)
  • 2、I will not die but live, and willproclaim what the Lord has done.(我必不至死,仍要存活,并要传扬耶和华的作为。)
  • 3、the stickers on musicians' guitar casesproclaim.(贴纸黏在音乐家们吉他盒上。)
  • 4、You'll never be free unless you unabashedlyproclaim it within.(你永远不会自由,除非你不加掩饰地宣布它存在。)
  • 5、I willproclaim the decree of the Lord: he said to me, 'you are my Son; today I have become your Father.(受膏者说,我要传圣旨。耶和华曾对我说,你是我的儿子,我今日生你。)
  • 6、'These are the Lord' s appointed feasts, the sacred assemblies you are toproclaim at their appointed times.(耶和华的节期,就是你们到了日期要宣告为圣会的,乃是这些。)
  • 7、The trees begin toproclaim the change. Soon the leaves will be discarded, the grass will sere.(渐黄的树木开始宣告季节的变更,很快叶落归根,小草即将枯萎。)
  • 8、Sing praises to the LORD, enthroned in Zion;proclaim among the nations what he has done.(应当歌颂居锡安的耶和华,将他所行的传扬在众民中。)
  • 9、proclaim the power of God, whose majesty is over Israel, whose power is in the skies.(你们要将能力归给神。他的威荣在以色列之上,他的能力是在穹苍。)
  • 10、Yet, never will Iproclaim my accomplishments.(但是我决不炫耀我的成绩。)
  • 11、Will the dust praise you? Will itproclaim your faithfulness?(尘土岂能称赞你,传说你的诚实吗?)
  • 12、What I tell you in the dark, speak in the daylight; what is whispered in your ear,proclaim from the roofs.(我在暗中告诉你们的,你们要在明处说出来。你们耳中所听的,要在房上宣扬出来。)
  • 13、Once that happens, it can't be taken back, no matter how earnestly youproclaim otherwise afterwards.(这种事一旦发生便不可挽回,不管事后如何矢口否认。)
  • 14、I willproclaim the name of the LORD. Oh, praise the greatness of our God!(我要宣告耶和华的名;你们要将大德归与我们的神。)
  • 15、They are no longer willing to debate whether photography is or is not a fine art, except toproclaim that their own work is not involved with art.(他们不再愿意争论摄影是否是一门艺术,只是宣称自己的作品与艺术无关。)
  • 16、proclaim your value, announce your beauty and declare your gifts.(宣示你的价值,述说你的美丽,公布你的赠与。)
  • 17、1the heavens declare the glory of God; the skiesproclaim the work of his hands.(诸天述说神的荣耀,穹苍传扬他的手段。)
  • 18、Iproclaim righteousness in the great assembly; I do not seal my lips, as you know, o Lord.(我在大会中宣传公义的佳音。我必不止住我的嘴唇。)
  • 19、The details of her skeletonproclaim her human affinity.(她骨骼的细节证明了她与人类的密切关系。)
  • 20、What better time toproclaim the good news?(什么时间分享这个好消息比较好呢?)
  • 21、Even sugar-packed fizzy drinksproclaim their “electrolytic value” and call themselves “sports drinks”.(即使添加大量糖分的碳酸饮料居然也称具有“电解功效”,并自称为“运动饮料”。)
  • 22、They will tell of the power of your awesome works, and I willproclaim your great deeds.(人要传说你可畏之事的能力。我也要传扬你的大德。)
  • 23、But when asked to repair the mess we've made, weproclaim our impotence.(但当我们被问及如果解决我们所造成的烂摊子时,我们却在宣布我们的无能为力。)
  • 24、I willproclaim it, yea, I will sell it.(我不但要宣扬它,还要推销它。)
  • 25、She went into Paul and sat at his feet and heard himproclaim the mighty acts of God.(她走进去坐在保罗脚下,听他宣扬上帝的神迹。)
  • 26、And Jehu said,proclaim a solemn assembly for Baal.(10:20耶户说,要为巴力宣告严肃会。)


英 [prəˈkleɪm] 美 [proˈklem, prə-] 

形容词: proclamatory 名词: proclaimer 过去式: proclaimed 过去分词: proclaimed 现在分词: proclaiming 第三人称单数: proclaims

