


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:33:49

  • 1、We are going toprosecute the investigation further.(我们将进一步彻底进行调查。)
  • 2、The attorney who willprosecute the case says he cannot reveal how much money is involved.(即将起诉这件案子的原告律师说他不能透漏涉案金额。)
  • 3、And for our morality - can weprosecute people for ACTS over which they had no conscious control?(而就我们的道德而言——难道我们可以因人们行为是在他们无意识地操控下发生的而控告他们吗?)
  • 4、The trial was initiated by a group of citizens who petitioned the justice ministry toprosecute him.(这次的审判由一个向司法部请愿起诉他的市民团体所发起的。)
  • 5、Now that Athens has a computerised land registry, it should be easier to track down andprosecute tax evaders.(既然雅典有一个计算机化的土地登记制度,应该很容易查获避税行为和对避税者进行起诉。)
  • 6、We will increase efforts to identify the parties responsible for production accidents andprosecute them.(加大安全生产事故责任追究和处罚力度。)
  • 7、The police have decided not toprosecute because the evidence is not strong enough.(警方已决定不起诉,因为证据不够充分。)
  • 8、Of course, this doesn't mean that I don't want tpprosecute the sacred duties.(当然,这不是说,我不想履行自己的神圣职责。)
  • 9、However, while many states are able toprosecute, they are often unwilling to do so, as the trials can be complex and costly.(然而,虽然许多国家可以起诉,它们却经常不愿意这么做,因为审判既繁琐又昂贵。)
  • 10、The police decided not toprosecute.(警方决定不予起诉。)
  • 11、Photographs taken by roadside cameras will soon be enough toprosecute drivers for speeding.(路边摄像机所拍到的照片不久将足以用来起诉超速的司机。)
  • 12、In extreme cases, insurance companies canprosecute for fraud.(在极个别情况下,保险公司会起诉骗保行为。)
  • 13、Where serious problems arise they investigate and, if appropriate, discipline orprosecute those that have violated rules.(出现严重问题时,进行调查。适当时,处分或起诉违反规定的人。)
  • 14、"I decided toprosecute because I don't want the same thing to happen to anybody else," she said firmly.(“我决定要起诉是因为我不想同样的事情发生在其他人身上。”她坚定地说。)
  • 15、Fury said to a mouse, That he met in the house, "Let us both go to law: I willprosecute YOU.(猎狗对屋子里的一只老鼠说道:‘跟我到法庭去,我要把你控告,我不睬你的辩解,要把你审判。)
  • 16、Well, I'll find those whoprosecute you and tell them wrong.(行,我们会找那些告发你的人,告诉他们没事。)
  • 17、She threatens toprosecute Tony for impeding an investigation.(她威胁将以妨碍调查起诉托尼。)
  • 18、Sometimes a country may, of course, be unwilling or unable toprosecute its own leaders.(当然,有时候一国可能不愿或者不能起诉其领导人。)
  • 19、Approximately 20 statesprosecute these cases under existing criminal laws.(大约有20个州根据现有的刑事法律起诉这些案件。)
  • 20、But he says it is very difficult to gather evidence, interview witnesses andprosecute crimes committed in a war zone.(但是他说,在战区很难收集证据,会见证人和起诉罪行。)
  • 21、She offered to "re-prosecute" the case for a price on carbon. And she proposed a deal to end the mining-tax row.(她说将“重提”碳排放费用方案,并将提出一个协议结束矿业税引发的争议。)
  • 22、They had overwhelming public support toprosecute the war.(绝大多数民众支持他们继续进行这场战争。)
  • 23、He has decided toprosecute her after careful consideration of all the relevant facts.(他仔细考虑了所有相关事实后,决定起诉她。)
  • 24、And howprosecute you him who in action is a deceiver and an oppressor.(你们如何起诉一个有欺诈或压迫行为,但又是受到侵害和虐待的人呢?)


英 [ˈprɒsɪkju:t] 美 [ˈprɑ:sɪkju:t] 

形容词: prosecutable 过去式: prosecuted 过去分词: prosecuted 现在分词: prosecuting 第三人称单数: prosecutes


