


更新时间:2024-06-03 01:52:36

  • 1、There'refluff and dust under the furniture. Please clean it properly.(家具下面还有一团团的毛和尘埃,请彻底打扫一下。)
  • 2、You trust that the peeling of yourfluff will reveal slowly, one layer at a time.(你相信你的绒毛会慢慢地、一次一层地剥开。)
  • 3、Softly the gossamer floats over spring pavilions, Gently the willowfluff wafts to the embroidered screen.(游丝软系飘春榭,落絮轻沾扑绣帘。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 4、Let mefluff the pillow.(让我把枕头拍松一下。)
  • 5、During the winter, wet areas may provide an excellent insulating material in the form of cattailfluff and reeds.(在冬季,潮湿地区可以提供一种优良的、蒲草和芦苇形式的绝缘材料。)
  • 6、I stand up,fluff the hair, mood because of enough sleep.(我站起来,抖抖毛,因为睡足了觉而心情舒畅。)
  • 7、Longer fibres in virgin wood are easier to lay out andfluff up for a softer tissue.(原木中较长的纤维较容易分离并疏松成柔软的卫生纸。)
  • 8、Embellishment andfluff are not necessary.(华丽的润色是完全没有必要的。)
  • 9、With (fluff) Friends, you can adopt a cute pet on your Facebook profile!(用(fluff)Friends,你可以在你的外观肖像影集中领养一个可爱的宠物。)
  • 10、After all, you can always cull thefluff and ridiculous later.(毕竟以后你总会慢慢去除那些不足和荒谬的地方。)
  • 11、Totalfluff to let me relax. Plus lots of fashion.(能让我彻底放松。而且有很多时尚信息。)
  • 12、As we said goodbye, the dancer bent down and removed a piece offluff from the collar of my coat.(当我们说再见时,舞蹈家弯下腰,从我外套的领子上取下一团绒毛。)
  • 13、Most actorsfluff their lines occasionally.(多数演员都会偶尔念错台词。)
  • 14、The windows were nearly opaque, with a scrim of some sort of palefluff or dander.(窗户几乎是不透明的,上面有层像是泛白的绒毛或毛屑。)
  • 15、When you raise your pet to be big and strong, try entering it into (fluff) Races!(当你的宠物被你养的又大又壮的时候,试着让你的(宝贝)参加(fluff)Races!)
  • 16、When the rice is done, let it cool for a few minutes, thenfluff with a fork before serving.(米饭煮好的时候,静置几分钟冷却,用叉子搅拌一下再上桌。)
  • 17、She had tufty brown hair on her head and on her crotch, and if you used your fingers like forceps and reached up that mound of brownfluff.(她的头上和胯部有簇棕色的毛发,如果你使手指呈钳状,上伸到棕色绒毛下凸起中。)
  • 18、The lazy Linux cluster admin does not accept work that turns his brain intofluff.(懒惰的Linux集群管理员不会做那些让他们的脑子变得迟钝的工作。)
  • 19、One of those little balls offluff that float around in spring. (248x magnification).(被放大248倍的春季茸毛球。)
  • 20、It might take a lot of celebrityfluff to make that happen.(要达到这个目标,《赫邮》可能还免不了要炮制大量的名人八卦。)
  • 21、Check out the (fluff) Shop for things to buy your pet — delicious treats or a cozy habitat.(在(fluff)Shop中为你的宠物可口的食物和舒适的生活环境埋单。)
  • 22、You trust that the peeling of yourfluff will reveal - slowly, one layer at a time - contentment.(你应该相信除去没有价值的东西的外壳,慢慢地,一次一层地,你就能揭示满足的真正内涵。)
  • 23、From there on, the remaining chapters are captivating natural history, arranged in neatly named sections: "fluff", how feathers keep birds warm and dry.(从那开始,剩下的章节都是引人入胜的自然史,以巧妙命名的章节排列:“绒毛”,羽毛如何让鸟类保持温暖而干燥。)
  • 24、Your littlefluff balls ruined my perm.(你的小混球们毁了我的离子烫。)
  • 25、Let mefluff up your pillows for you.(我来把你的枕头拍松。)
  • 26、The news stories about Mrs Obama are almost entirely devoted tofluff.(有关奥巴马夫人的新闻报道几乎完全是庸俗的。)
  • 27、The nest contained two chicks: just small grey balls offluff.(窝里有2只小鸡:还只是两个灰色的小毛球。)
  • 28、A bit offluff would be your bed.(一小撮绒毛能变成你的温床。)
  • 29、She picked bits offluff from his sweater.(她摘掉他毛衣上的绒毛。)


英 [flʌf] 美 [flʌf] 

过去式: fluffed 过去分词: fluffed 现在分词: fluffing 第三人称单数: fluffs


