


更新时间:2024-08-28 01:39:41

  • 1、Do you see how ego and power candeceive?(你看得到小我和权力是如何欺瞒的吗?)
  • 2、Or so it has long seemed. Appearancesdeceive, though.(海洋似乎一直这样,然而外观还是有欺骗性的。)
  • 3、Nobody candeceive him.(谁也蒙不了他。)
  • 4、Sometimes though people will violate maxims for another purpose: todeceive.(尽管有时人们会为了另一个目的而违背准则:这个目的就是欺骗。)
  • 5、They worry that to do so is todeceive their patients.(他们担心这种做法是在欺骗患者。)
  • 6、Descartes thinks that since our senses candeceive us, we ought not take for granted that what they tell us is really true.(笛卡尔认为,既然我们的感官可以欺骗我们,我们就不应该理所当然地认为感官告诉我们的都是真的。)
  • 7、People who we thought to be our friends but we found out that they were talking behind our backs, or that they were operating todeceive us in some way.(那些我们认为是朋友的人,却被发现他们在背后说我们的坏话,或者他们在以某种方式欺骗我们。)
  • 8、But the idea that animals of the same species intentionallydeceive each other, I have never heard that before.(但是同种动物故意互相欺骗的说法,我以前从未听说过。)
  • 9、She won'tdeceive you.(她不会诓你的。)
  • 10、Yet appearances candeceive, ecologists caution, and many of these exotics may be considered acceptable only because no one has documented their harmful effects.(然而,生态学家警告说,这些表象可能并不是真的;而且,这些外来物种中有许多可能被认为是可接受的,只是因为没有人记载过它们的有害影响。)
  • 11、His attempt todeceive us was foiled.(他企图欺骗我们,但最终失败了。)
  • 12、I detest those whodeceive me.(我厌恶那些欺骗我的人。)
  • 13、Lie7: I never candeceive you.(Lie7:我永远不会骗你。)
  • 14、He lost his arts upon the girl; he coulddeceive my father, but none else.(他对那姑娘失去了兴趣。他能骗过我父亲,但骗不了别人。)
  • 15、You shall notdeceive me. I know the thing to be impossible.(你不应该骗我。我知道这件事不可能。)
  • 16、There is no attempt todeceive.(不要尝试欺骗。)
  • 17、We shouldn'tdeceive ourselves.(我们不应该自己欺骗自己。)
  • 18、Could you love your neighbor as yourself anddeceive him?(你会像爱自己那样爱邻居,而且还欺骗他吗?)
  • 19、Don't try todeceive me.(你别诳我。)
  • 20、How could Ideceive you?(我哪能诓你?)
  • 21、In fact, he might be concealing his ability todeceive you.(事实上,他可能是在隐藏他欺骗你的能力。)
  • 22、Twas done todeceive me--tis plain 'twas done to gain time.(这是故意做来骗我的——这完全是为了拖延时间。)
  • 23、In studies, he gave subjects a chance todeceive for monetary gain while examining their brains in a functional MRI machine, which maps blood flow to active parts of the brain.(在研究中,他给了受试者一个机会,让他们在功能性核磁共振成像仪中检查大脑时为了金钱利益而欺骗自己,而该仪器可将血液导向大脑的活跃部位。)
  • 24、The children don't know that you can do something with the intent todeceive.(孩子们不知道你可以做一些带有欺骗意图的事情。)
  • 25、Unless my eyesdeceive me, that's his wife.(如果我没有看错的话,那是他的妻子。)
  • 26、It is todeceive the whole country and the princess too!(这是欺骗整个国家和公主!)
  • 27、Don't go for looks; they candeceive.(不要追求外表,外表可以欺骗人。)
  • 28、Don'tdeceive under any circumstance.(在任何情况下都不要行骗。)
  • 29、Your intuition candeceive you, don't trust it(你的直觉可能欺骗你,不要相信直觉。)


英 [dɪˈsi:v] 美 [dɪˈsiv] 

形容词: deceivable 副词: deceivingly 名词: deceiver 过去式: deceived 过去分词: deceived 现在分词: deceiving 第三人称单数: deceives


