


更新时间:2024-05-27 01:46:31

  • 1、With some kind of spirited sense he seemed toenvisage a bleak, horrible void.(他用某种精神的感官,似乎窥见了某种荒凉、可怖的空虚。)
  • 2、Just let the pen roll as youenvisage what your perfect day, then week, then year would look like.(动起笔来想象一下你完美的一天、然后是周、然后是年是怎样的。)
  • 3、It should be quite simple; I don'tenvisage any difficulty.(这事应该很简单,我想象不会有什么困难。)
  • 4、The researchersenvisage a mid-range aircraft that would carry 215 passengers.(研究人员设计了一架载客量为215人的中型客机。)
  • 5、I can'tenvisage her coping with this job.(我无法设想她如何应付这个工作。)
  • 6、It's hard toenvisage a more disruptive business model.(很难想像一个更具有破坏性的商业模式。)
  • 7、You might think this is how the wealthyenvisage the autumn of their lives but in Britain it seems that this is not the case.(或许你认为这是有钱人度过晚年的美好方式。但是在英国似乎并不是这样。)
  • 8、The future beckons and you are beginning toenvisage its attraction after the darkness you have experienced.(未来在召唤,在你们经历了黑暗之后,你们正在开始正视它的吸引力。)
  • 9、I don'tenvisage working with him again.(我想象不出再与他一起工作的可能。)
  • 10、Meanwhile, he canenvisage a bright blueprint for himself.(同时他还能在逆境中为自己描绘美好的蓝图。)
  • 11、Theyenvisage somehow restoring PA border guards-in fact, Fatah soldiers or police-at the Rafah crossing.(他们设想在拉法过境点恢复PA的边境防卫,事实上,就是由法塔赫武装人员或警察管理。)
  • 12、There is one workable solution: toenvisage your trouble.(有一个很好的解决办法:正视你的烦恼。)
  • 13、Weenvisage that large scale projects might require additional methods; if so, they could reasonably be added to this class.(我们认为,大型项目可能还需要其他方法;如果是这样,完全可以将它们添加到此类中。)
  • 14、But apart from that, I can notenvisage any problems.(但除此之外,我想没有任何问题。)
  • 15、Death is not as manyenvisage and you are quickly reunited with your loved ones.(死亡并不是你们许多人想象的那样,你们将很快的与所爱的人相聚。)
  • 16、I can'tenvisage him doing such a terrible thing.(我无法想象他会做这样一件可怕的事情。)
  • 17、You need to become the soul that youenvisage is able to take its place in the higher dimensions.(你需要去成为那个灵魂,你为自己设想的,能够在更高维度拥有一席之地的灵魂。)
  • 18、It is impossible toenvisage such an unequal relationship being acceptable to India or Russia or, for that matter, Japan.(不可能看到这种不平等的关系被印度,俄罗斯或者日本所接受。)
  • 19、So how might this end? Ienvisage three possible outcomes.(照此下去,结局会怎样呢?我设想了三种可能的结果。)
  • 20、Most billsenvisage compensation of some sort for dirty industries, which would suffer most from an emissions cap.(很多法案希望能用于补偿受制于排放量限额的污染行业。)
  • 21、Fans of theseenvisage a future in which people’s wallets and purses will get sucked into smartphones too.(其支持者憧憬在不久的将来智能手机具备钱包的功能。)
  • 22、The escalating real estate price war is equivalent to an epidemic one doesn'tenvisage.(不断升级的房地产价格战相当于一场我们想象不到的流行病。)
  • 23、It is hard toenvisage any other candidate inspiring anything similar.(很难想象其他任一候选人能够激起类似的热度。)
  • 24、With increased variation in weather patterns, expertsenvisage far worse to come.(随着气象形式的变化有所增加,专家们预计出现的情况会更糟糕。)
  • 25、What level of profit do youenvisage?(你预计会有什么样的利润水平?) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 26、It was always hard toenvisage getting 27 European countries, each with its distinct history, to speak with a single voice.(即使是想象一下让二十七个有各自不同的历史的欧洲国家以一个声音说话也是很困难的。)


英 [ɪnˈvɪzɪdʒ] 美 [ɛnˈvɪzɪdʒ] 

过去式: envisaged 过去分词: envisaged 现在分词: envisaging 第三人称单数: envisages

