


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:32:06

  • 1、Meanwhile, Russia maycurtail exports.(同时俄罗斯也将削减出口。)
  • 2、Agreeing on a Shared strategy tocurtail short-lived pollutants would be a good way for all of them to start.(达成共同战略的一致,减少短命污染物将是这些国家付诸行动的好方法。)
  • 3、One can stop drinking and thereforecurtail the inevitable consequences, but it is clearly impossible to stop sleeping.(人们可以通过戒酒,以防酒精带来的不可避免的后果,但要一个人不睡觉显然是不可能的。)
  • 4、Whether it will greatlycurtail gold farming remains to be seen.(至于这是否会在很大程度上遏制打金业还要拭目以待。)
  • 5、Perhaps you shouldcurtail your alcohol consumption.(馆长跌跌撞撞地从黑暗中跑来说,“也许你该削减酒的消费量了。”)
  • 6、As species wither, the Marine food chain could be disrupted; human action is needed tocurtail further acidification.(随着物种萧条,海洋食物链可能会被扰乱;削减进一步的酸化需要人类的行动。)
  • 7、So the plan might slow the steady creep up in whaling. But it wouldn't halt, or evencurtail, the current hunt.(所以这项计划也许可以减缓捕鲸活动稳步增长的态势,但是不能终止,甚至不能减少目前的捕杀量。)
  • 8、But I don't want it seriously tocurtail my longevity.(但我真的不想让抽烟缩短我的寿命。)
  • 9、He guessed it couldcurtail 20 to 30 percent of the magazine's articles.(他猜测这份杂志的文章可能会缩减20%至30%。)
  • 10、The state could notcurtail such activities without inflaming the entire populace, although it periodically tried.(国家不能在不激怒全体民众的情况下缩减这种企业活动,尽管它做过周期性的尝试。)
  • 11、He had been forced tocurtail his writing, and he feared that he would soon have to give it up.(他只得被迫缩减他的作品,并担心自己今后恐怕不得不放弃写作了。)
  • 12、NATO plans tocurtail the number of troops being sent to the region.(北大西洋公约组织计划缩减派往该地的部队数量。)
  • 13、Water experts say that Egypt has done little tocurtail its own misuse of water.(水资源专家认为埃及在控制水资源滥用上行动不力。)
  • 14、Some experts suggest simply trying tocurtail the amount of time you spend online.(有些专家建议直接减少在网上花费的时间。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 15、Any attempt tocurtail speculation, by contrast, is likely to make life harder for firms and oil more expensive.(任何减少投机的尝试,相反,很可能使公司的日子更艰难,石油的价格更昂贵。)
  • 16、Having an established and well-informed plan willcurtail some of the panic that comes with security intrusions.(拥有确定和周密的计划会减少安全入侵所带来的一些恐慌。)
  • 17、The Russians are also neurotically keen tocurtail the activities of non-governmental organisations.(俄国还神经质的热衷于缩减非官方组织的活动。)
  • 18、In any case, it's a bad habit and one you should try andcurtail in your relationship.(无论在什么情况下,这都是一个会损害关系的坏习惯。)
  • 19、The study focused on recreational screen time because it's the easiest tocurtail, Dr. Stamatakis said.(Stamatakis医生说,这项研究聚焦在屏幕前的闲暇时间,因为这是最容易控制的。)
  • 20、Better to schedule time to read an actual, physical book or newspaper tocurtail your gaming.(最好把时间交给自然物理书籍,或是报纸以缩短游戏时间。)
  • 21、Nothing is sacrificed tocurtail its length; the only concession is to remove the footnotes from the text.(没有哪一个情节为了缩减书的长度而被删减;唯一的妥协是将脚注从书中移除。)


英 [kɜ:ˈteɪl] 美 [kɜ:rˈteɪl] 

名词: curtailer 过去式: curtailed 过去分词: curtailed 现在分词: curtailing 第三人称单数: curtails

