


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:31:16

  • 1、We argued her into theadoption of the plan.(我们说服他采纳这项计划。)
  • 2、Gather feedback onadoption.(收集关于采用的回馈。)
  • 3、What are their plans for future cloudadoption?(他们今后采纳云的计划是什么样的?)
  • 4、I believe inadoption now.(现在,我相信领养。)
  • 5、Above all, we intend to campaign for the universaladoption of sustainable and equitable lifestyles.(最重要的是,我们打算为可持续和平等生活方式的普及进行宣传。)
  • 6、Theadoption of the Geneva rules by Beilstein no doubt boosted their success.(贝尔斯坦采纳日内瓦规则无疑助长了他们的成功。)
  • 7、The word is now English byadoption.(这个词现在已被采纳入英语。)
  • 8、While chocolate was highly esteemed in Mesoamerica, where it originated, itsadoption in Europe was initially slow.(尽管巧克力起源于中美洲,但最初在欧洲的普及速度很慢。)
  • 9、Notwithstanding important recent progress in developing renewable fuel sources, low fossil fuel prices could discourage further innovation in, andadoption of, cleaner energy technologies.(尽管最近在开发可再生燃料方面取得了重要进展,但化石燃料价格较低这一因素可能会阻碍清洁能源技术的进一步创新和应用。)
  • 10、Butadoption of technology in ranching is slow.(但跟踪技术在牧场普及很慢。)
  • 11、The group is working to promote theadoption of broadband wireless access over long distances.(该集团正在致力于推广远距离宽带无线访问的采用。)
  • 12、Define localadoption plan.(定义本地采用计划。)
  • 13、The reason of its success owes much to the speakers' largeadoption of monogloss.(其成功的原因在很大程度上要归功于演讲者对自言的大量采用。)
  • 14、This is a key aspect of successfuladoption.(这是成功采用的关键方面。)
  • 15、Necessity will force the swiftadoption of more efficient ones.(需求将迫使我们迅速采取更有效的措施。)
  • 16、Near zero cost ofadoption.(采用成本几近为零。)
  • 17、The low utilization efficiency has resulted from theadoption of some traditional Chinese irrigation methods.(利用效率低的原因是采用了中国一些传统的灌溉方式。)
  • 18、New tooladoption rate.(新工具的采用率。)
  • 19、There is strong evidence that both innovation andadoption of cleaner technology are strongly encouraged by higher fossil fuel prices.(有强有力的证据表明,化石燃料价格的上涨有力地促进了创新并促使我们采用更清洁的技术。)
  • 20、Feedback on the approach toadoption is gathered.(关于采用方法的反馈得到了收集。)
  • 21、In 1783 he secured theadoption of the decimal coinage in Congress.(1783年他促使国会采纳了十进位币制。)
  • 22、As well as having an impact on the job market, the widespreadadoption of ag robots might bring changes to the supermarket.(农业机器人的广泛应用不仅会对就业市场产生影响,还可能给超市的运营带来变化。)
  • 23、What has the useradoption experience been?(用户拥有什么样的使用经验?)
  • 24、adoption and maturity models.(采用和成熟模型。)
  • 25、adoption can fail for all kinds of reasons.(收养可能因为各种各样的原因失败。)
  • 26、They found that longer residence correlated with moreadoption of improved plant varieties but lessadoption of chemical herbicides.(他们发现,居住的时间越长,采用的改良植物品种越多,而使用的化学除草剂越少。)
  • 27、This research is to apply psychological reactance theory to the influence of forcedadoption conditions.(该调查将心理抗拒理论应用到强迫采用条件下的影响上。)
  • 28、Nonland wealth was also associated with moreadoption of both technologies, but the availability of uncultivated land reduced the incentive to employ the productivity-enhancing technologies.(非土地财富也与两种技术的更多采用有关,但是未耕地的可用性降低了采用提高生产率的技术的动力。)
  • 29、Calvin and Martin have observed how rising employment costs led to theadoption of labour-saving farm technology in the past, citing the raisin industry as an example.(加尔文和马丁以葡萄干行业为例,观察了过去不断上升的就业成本是如何促使人们采用节省劳动力的农业技术的。)


英 [əˈdɒpʃn] 美 [əˈdɑ:pʃn] 


