


更新时间:2024-06-17 01:35:33

  • 1、I used to wake up and not topenalize me.(原是为了唤醒我而不是惩罚我。)
  • 2、Considering the lad was a minor, judges did not simply try the case andpenalize him.(考虑到这个男孩还是个未成年人,法官并没有简单地审判并惩处这个男孩。)
  • 3、The new law appears topenalize the poorest members of society.(新法规似乎不利于社会中的最贫困者。)
  • 4、If you want to encourage Banks to lend to enterprise then you don'tpenalize them for having higher risk assets.(如果真想鼓励银行向企业贷款,就不能因为他们持有风险较高的资产而惩罚他们。)
  • 5、To supervise and administer advertising activities, investigate andpenalize illegal practices.(依法对广告进行监督管理,查处违法行为。)
  • 6、How topenalize the luxury officers?(奢侈了怎么处罚?)
  • 7、Koch Industries didn'tpenalize Caffey, the executive in charge of pipeline safety.(科赫工业公司没有处罚负责石油管线安全的凯菲。)
  • 8、But with many travel companies cutting prices at the last minute, early booking canpenalize consumers who pay in advance.(随着越来越多旅游企业在最后一刻实行降价,提早预订的客户有可能反遭损失。) (好工具
  • 9、This money should be used for things that do notpenalize responsible homeowners and renters.(这些资金应该用在那些良好信誉的房屋拥有者和租房者。)
  • 10、There is no more certain way to deter employment than to harass andpenalize employers.(干扰和惩罚雇主是阻碍就业最明显的手段。)
  • 11、You can'tpenalize them for being in the right situation.(你可不能因为他们打得好而处罚他们吧。)
  • 12、Companies have come to expect employees to take leave irrespective of gender, and not topenalize fathers at promotion time.(企业已经预计到员工们不分性别都会休产假,并且在晋升期不会对于当上了父亲的员工施以惩罚措施。)
  • 13、Some delivery companiespenalize them if they do not deliver all the morning's packages by 2 p. m.(有些快递公司规定,如果上午的所有包裹未能在下午2点前完成投递,将予以处罚。)
  • 14、How can a refereepenalize a player?(裁判怎样处罚犯规运动员?)
  • 15、The professor willpenalize lightly for late assignments.(如果迟交作业,教授会从轻处罚。)
  • 16、To create a system to reward orpenalize hotel staffs and departments who have made outstanding or underperformed result of IQ testing.(为了更加科学和系统地奖励或惩罚在IQ考核中获得优异成绩或低于标准成绩的酒店员工和部门。)
  • 17、She hates bitterly most of be eat in pick outside hired, these folk must severelypenalize.(她最痛恨的就是吃里扒外的员工,这些人必须严惩。)
  • 18、So yes, Google willpenalize you but no one else will.(所以,是的,谷歌将惩罚你,但没有人会。)
  • 19、To administer exclusive use right of trademarks according to law, to investigate andpenalize trademark infringements.(依法对商标使用进行管理,组织查处商标侵权行为。)
  • 20、That is when a sudden encounter with guards who willpenalize you and show you a way out can seem a nice present to you.(如果能突然遇到会处罚你,但同时会告诉你出去的路的警卫,看起来是再好不过的礼物。)
  • 21、If you absolutely need AlphaImageLoader, use the underscore hack _filter as to notpenalize your IE7 + users.(如果绝对需要AlphaImageLoader使用下划线黑客_filter以不惩罚你IE7+用户。)
  • 22、to conduct review and approval for advertising business, and investigate andpenalize fraudulent advertising according to law;(组织实施广告经营审批及依法查处虚假广告;)
  • 23、If youpenalize employees more for failed action than for inaction, most employees will prefer to not take action rather than mess up.(如果员工因为行动失败所受处罚多于不行动,大多数员工都会宁愿不行动,也不愿将事情搞得一团糟。)


英 [ˈpi:nəlaɪz] 美 ['pi:nəlaɪz] 

名词: penalization 过去式: penalized 过去分词: penalized 现在分词: penalizing 第三人称单数: penalizes

