


更新时间:2024-06-17 01:41:30

  • 1、After the death of Jehoiada, the officials of Judah came and paidhomage to the king, and he listened to them.(耶何耶大死后,犹大的众首领来朝拜王。王就听从他们。)
  • 2、As anhomage, the script is named msgs.cgi.(为了表示尊敬,这个脚本命名为msgs.cgi。)
  • 3、He describes his book as 'ahomage to my father'.(他说他的书是“献给父亲”的。)
  • 4、The friend left these pictures as anhomage to the painter.(那位朋友留下这些画,来表达对画家的敬意)
  • 5、The kings of France paidhomage to no one.(法国国王不对任何人效忠。)
  • 6、Beauty abounds in the black clouds that seem to payhomage to Table Mountain at all times.(乌云沉沉带来的美感像是对桌山敬意。)
  • 7、His work is ahomage to the female body, often allowing his materials to direct the shape and curves of his subject.(他的作品传达了对女性身体的敬意,这通常就使得他的作品主题都直指曲线与轮廓。)
  • 8、Yet now even Mr Thaksin felt obliged to profess again his loyalty to the king, and to payhomage to his power.(但是现在即使是他信本人也感到有必要再次宣称对国王的忠诚,并向王权致敬。)
  • 9、Orwell had fought in the Spanish civil war; his disillusion with that cause is chronicled in "homage to Catalonia".(奥威尔曾参加西班牙内战;他对这一战事的醒悟历程被记载于《向加泰罗尼亚致敬》一书。)
  • 10、Palace has released two marvellous films that payhomage to our literary heritage.(皇城电影公司推出了两部推崇我们文学遗产的精彩影片。)
  • 11、Well, Firefox 3 has a new Easter egg that payshomage to its robot mascot.(firefox3有一个新的彩蛋,用以表示对它的机器人吉祥物的敬意。)
  • 12、More than any of his predecessors, Mr Obama likes to payhomage to the titans of technology.(与所有前任相比,奥巴马更喜欢啧啧赞叹这些科技巨人。)
  • 13、People are using Halloween to payhomage to Michael Jackson.(人们也用万圣节盛装向迈克尔·杰克逊致敬。)
  • 14、This is a story of how a son rediscovered a passion and paidhomage to his Dad.(这是一个关于一个儿子如何重新找回热情,并且向其父亲表示敬意的故事。)
  • 15、They stood in silenthomage around the grave.(他们恭敬地站在坟墓周围致默哀礼。)
  • 16、Even so, there is just one flaw in all these hymns of praise, for thehomage to languages unique accomplishment conceals a simple yet critical incongruity.(即使如此,这些赞美词中依然有一点点瑕疵,因为对语言独特成就的敬畏中依然隐藏着一种简单但却非常重要的不一致性。)
  • 17、His firm was named inhomage to the Beatles' record label, Apple.(他的公司命名苹果以向披头士乐队的唱片致敬。)
  • 18、Themes have ranged from outer space to colors yellow, pink, turquoise, and this year, it payshomage to the World Cup.(车站的装饰主题多种多样,大到外太空,小至黄色、粉色和青绿色等不同色彩,而今年,“世界杯”就成了车站的一大装饰主题。)
  • 19、In the movie, they paidhomage to one method for successfully implanting ideas and dreams.(在电影里,他们向一种成功灌输思想和梦的方法致敬。)
  • 20、What cats lack in retailhomage, they do make up for in embroidered quotations and cheesy poetry.(对于猫咪缺失的那种份顺从,人们用夸张的语录和蹩脚的诗歌加以粉饰。)
  • 21、Nohomage here - this cover is a true original.(这张封面不是致敬,而是真实的原创作品。)
  • 22、Cowgirls on the catwalk: D&G's spring/summer collection is ahomage to Western chic(参与时装表演牛仔女郎:D&G的春/夏季系列是对西方时尚致敬。)
  • 23、We invite these words into our books as ahomage for reminding us of who we are.(我们把这些话引进自己的著作,表示对他们的敬意,也提醒自己有自知之明。)
  • 24、With boisterous mirth they dropped upon their knees in a body and did mockhomage to their prey.(大家在一阵喧闹的欢笑声中一起跪下,假装对他们作弄的对象表示尊敬。)
  • 25、This deliberatehomage to Jean-Jacques Rousseau’s 1762 work, “Emile: or On Education”, is not a success.(没能成功拜读卢梭1762年的著作,“埃米尔,或论教育”。)
  • 26、He forced all the ministers to payhomage to the monument monthly!(他强迫所有的大臣每月一次参拜他的纪念碑!)


英 [ˈhɒmɪdʒ] 美 [ˈhɑ:mɪdʒ] 

