
fill in

fill in造句

更新时间:2024-05-27 01:50:50

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的fill in的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了30条fill in的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了fill in的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、At every stage in the production there will be paperwork—forms tofill in, permissions to obtain, letters to write.(在生产的每一阶段都将有文书工作—要填的表格,要获得的许可,要写的信。)
  • 2、fill in the information there.(在那里填充您的信息。)
  • 3、Teachers will be asked tofill in a questionnaire.(教师们将被要求填写一份调查问卷。) (好工具
  • 4、fill in the blanks according to the passage.(根据短文填空。)
  • 5、Draw an outline before youfill in the details.(先画个轮廓,再画细部。)
  • 6、First, make an outline, and thenfill in the content.(先搭好架子,再充实内容。)
  • 7、Which of the following is the best sentence tofill in the blank in Paragraph 4?(下列哪个句子最适合填入第四段的空白处?)
  • 8、fill in your address at the bottom of the application.(在申请表的最下面写下你的地址。)
  • 9、fill in the blanks in the last two paragraphs with proper words.(用适当的词为最后两段填空。)
  • 10、fill in each blank with a proper word with the help of the first letter.(根据空格的第一个字母,用适当的单词填空。)
  • 11、fill in each blank in the passage with a proper word.(用适当的词填短文里的每个空。)
  • 12、In that case we'd betterfill in a Lost Property Form.(那样的话,我们最好填一张失物招领单。)
  • 13、You shouldfill in the form on the Internet by Friday first.(你应该先在星期五之前在网上填写表格。)
  • 14、Could you please kindly give me an instruction on how tofill in these application forms?(您能不能给我些指示教教我应该如何填这些申请表呢?)
  • 15、fill in the blank with two sentences.(用两个句子填空。)
  • 16、It demands that the reader almost become a writer andfill in the gaps.(它要求读者几乎成为一个作家然后填补空白。)
  • 17、Vice-presidents' wives wouldfill in for first ladies.(副总统们的妻子会临时顶替第一夫人们。)
  • 18、When we tap our memory, our brains oftenfill in details and quite often these details are actually false.(当我们回忆记忆时,我们的大脑通常会自动补充一些细节,而这些细节往往是没有发生过的。)
  • 19、He said a colleague told him the wreckage was needed tofill in a muddy ditch to make rescue efforts easier.(他说他同事告诉他,为了让援救工作更加容易进行,需要用车厢残骸填泥泞的壕沟。)
  • 20、Listen to a passage, thenfill in the blanks with the right words.(听一篇短文,然后用正确的单词填空。)
  • 21、fill in the identification form.(请填写身份确认表单。)
  • 22、Pleasefill in the blank with proper words or phrases to complete the sentence.(请用适当的单词或词组填空,完成句子。)
  • 23、If you need more details you can speak to me afterwards and there are also forms at the entrance that you canfill in.(如果你需要更多的细节,你之后可以跟我说,在入口处也有表格,你可以填写。)
  • 24、I'llfill in the other details for you.(我将为你补充其他细节。)
  • 25、Let'sfill in the hole.(咱们把这个洞塞上。)
  • 26、Pleasefill in the blank at the end of the text with a proper word or phrase.(请在课文末尾的空白处填上适当的单词或短语。)
  • 27、fill in the remaining one quarter with lean meat or chicken, fish or eggs.(剩下的四分之一用瘦肉或鸡肉、鱼或鸡蛋填满。)
  • 28、If a movie scene is dangerous, stunt people usuallyfill in for the stars.(如果一个电影场景很危险,替身演员通常会代替明星。)
  • 29、Goodman hopes the scheme will enable active students tofill in any gaps in their experience and encourage their less-active peers to take up activities outside their academic area of work.(古德曼希望,该计划会让积极主动的学生填补他们经验中的空白,并鼓励他们不那么积极主动的同龄人从事他们学术领域以外的工作。)
  • 30、You will be asked tofill in a form with details of your birth and occupation.(你会被要求填写一张有关你的出生和职业详情的表格。)
fill in基本释义

fill in

英 [fil in] 美 [fɪl ɪn] 

填补; 填(写); 代替; 淤塞
