


更新时间:2024-05-27 01:50:43

  • 1、It has been proved that structure of food chain, immigration andemigration, environment noise can influence the pattern of complex population dynamics.(研究表明食物链的结构、种群的迁入和迁出、环境噪音都会对种群的复杂性动态特征产生影响。)
  • 2、Migration is a generic term used to refer both to immigration and toemigration.(迁移是一个用于有关移入和移出两者的总名词。)
  • 3、He had tried to persuade his brother to join him and Botros, half-tempted, gaveemigration a go. But it didn't work out and he returned disillusioned to the mountains.(Gebrayel并没有遇上什么麻烦,实际上,他成了一个哈瓦那有钱有地位的店主,曾劝其兄botros来古巴和他一起做事,于是Botros抱着试试看的想法移民古巴,但是没有成功,最终幻灭地回到山里。)
  • 4、There is very littleemigration of immigration of elephants.(很少发生象本身移入移出该公园的事。)
  • 5、With its complexity, the deformation mechanism and stability study of Badong large slope system is very important toemigration project and geologic hazard control.(三峡库区巴东斜坡系统复杂,其变形机理与稳定性研究对移民迁建和地质灾害防治具有重要意义。)
  • 6、However, signs are emerging of significant job loss and of growing shortages of productive employment, which are aggravated by the reduction ofemigration flows.(然而,已经开始出现大量工作岗位损失和生产性就业短缺不断增加的迹象,外向移民流动的减少对它们的出现起了推动作用。)
  • 7、The possibility ofemigration may even have beneficial effects on those who choose to stay, by giving people in poor countries an incentive to invest in education.(移民他国的可能性还会对那些选择留下的人起到积极影响,因为这会鼓励穷国的人们增加教育投入。)
  • 8、emigration in recent years has slowed with economic prosperity, but this province is still a major source of immigrants to North America and elsewhere in the world.(由于近些年随着国内经济的繁荣,外移移民的速度降下来,但该省仍是北美及世界各地移民的主要来源。)
  • 9、emigration to the West reached a peak in the 1830's.(向西部迁移的行为在19世纪30年代达到顶峰。)
  • 10、Data released in November showed 577,000 immigrants arrived in Britain in 2007, 14,000 fewer than the year before (althoughemigration fell faster, lifting net migration).(十一月发布的数据显示,2007年有五十七万七千移民来到英国,比2006年少一万四千(虽然移民减少,但纯移民增加)。)
  • 11、Was itemigration to a Jewish state in Palestine?(这样一个犹太国建在哪里?是巴勒斯坦吗?)
  • 12、Based on description of conception, elements and essential, the problems existed in environmentemigration were discussed and some measures were proposed.(文章对环境移民的概念、要素和实质作了初步探讨,就环境移民存在的问题展开论述,并提出了一定的措施。)
  • 13、For the first time since its discovery 500 years ago, Brazil became a country ofemigration.(在巴西被发现500年来,它第一次成了人口迁出国。)
  • 14、Illegalemigration crime is an outstanding problem that occurs along the seashore areas and frontiers and influences the local stability of social order.(偷渡犯罪活动是目前影响沿边沿海地区社会治安稳定的突出问题。)
  • 15、For years he maintained a steady equilibrium between the immigration andemigration on the capitol world.(多年来,他一直维持着首都星球出入境人口的平衡。)
  • 16、Wenzhou has a long history ofemigration to overseas countries, as early as the reign of Emperor Zhenzong in Song Dynasty.(温州人移居海外源远流长,历史悠久,早在宋真宗年间就有温州人侨居海外。)
  • 17、One isemigration: ambitious young people facing bleak prospects at home often seek opportunities elsewhere more readily than older people with dependent families.(一个是:面临国内惨淡的就业前途,相比于年纪大些家庭稳定的人们,雄心勃勃的年轻人通常更容易选择到国外寻找机会。)
  • 18、The Chineseemigration brought various cultures and handcrafts skills, blended with the old neighbourhoods to create the current unique multi-cultural characteristic.(华人移民潮,带来了彼邦各籍贯的生活文化和手艺,交融在老街区里,构成多元文化特色。)
  • 19、An article in the Illustrated London News in January 1875 gave some insight into theemigration process of the Chinese by conveying the ideas of changes they might undergo.(1875年元月刊登在《伦敦新闻画报》上的一篇文章,通过揭示华人一些观念的改变,对移民过程做了某些深层的透视。)
  • 20、Dreaming ofemigration and riches, I brushed through trees clinging to the side of the ravaged creek bank. I wasn't the first.(梦想着移居和致富,我拨开树丛在被洗劫过的小河边行走,我当然不是第一个。)
  • 21、In this part the author have induced the general procedure about theemigration work, and analyzed the procedures' characteristic.(本部分笔者归纳了外迁工作的一般程序,并分析了这些程序的特点。)
  • 22、Moreover, in the program run process, the plug-in unit can dynamic load with theemigration memory.(另外,在程序运行过程中,插件能够动态地装入和移出内存。)
  • 23、Every day you see evidence ofemigration-houses for rent, businesses for rent-but I will resistemigration.(每一天都能见到迁离的迹象,如空房招租、空铺招租,但是,我会拒绝迁离此地。)
  • 24、Fujian and Zhejiang have been encouragingemigration to Africa as a source of remittances and of new jobs.(福建和浙江两省就已经鼓励人们前往非洲就业经商。)
  • 25、The authorities have failed so far to enact a law allowing unrestrictedemigration.(当局到目前为止还未能通过一项允许自由移民出境的法律。)
  • 26、In the news pages of le Soir, these measures were described as indispensable preparations for an orderly "emigration" of Jews.(在LeSoir的新版面上,这些举措被描述成是为有序地“迁移”犹太人所做的必要准备。)
  • 27、Waves of drought in Cape Verde prompted massiveemigration throughout the 20th century, to the point more CapeVerdeans now live outside the country than in it.(这个20世纪,佛得角都因为连年的干旱引发移民大潮。现在,住在国外的佛得角人比住在国内的还多。)


英 [ˌemɪ'ɡreɪʃn] 美 [ˌɛmɪˈɡreʃən] 


