


更新时间:2024-06-10 01:48:10

  • 1、She is a frivolous little fool, vain andflighty.(她是个单纯轻浮的小傻女孩儿。)
  • 2、Sagittarius: Don’t beflighty!(射手座:不要举止轻浮!)
  • 3、The bog water got into her head, and she would have run home quiteflighty; but I fixed her till she came round to her senses.(泥水进了她的头,她神经错乱地要往家里跑;可是我留住了她,等她神志清醒过来。)
  • 4、Of course, the expression of contemporary art in the front of "game of the brave" becoming more and moreflighty, manic, simple.(当然,艺术当代性的表达在“勇敢者的游戏”面前变得越来越轻浮、狂躁、简单。)
  • 5、To move forward step by step logic, but why did I take it back from the front! Laugh at meflighty.(逻辑思维步步向前走,可是我为什么要从最前面向后走呢!笑我轻浮。)
  • 6、I could tell she hastily wrote it in a state of desperation, since it's filled with misspellings,flighty run-on sentences, and profanity.(我看得出来,她是在一种绝望的状态下匆匆写下这封邮件的,因为邮件里面有很多的拼写错误,随意的断句,甚至一些不太尊敬的语言。)
  • 7、He said I was tooflighty to be a good supervisor.(他说我太轻浮不能成为一名好的管理员。)
  • 8、He says, ‘Ocean is expansive, Sonnet is more of an artist, Autumn isflighty and True is strong and honest’.(孩子的父亲解释说:“海洋一望无际,十四行诗有艺术气息,秋天情绪轻飘,真实很强大也很诚实。”)
  • 9、flighty people often have volatile dispositions.(轻浮的人经常反复无常。)
  • 10、I delivered this message to Mrs Earnshaw; she seemed inflighty spirits, and replied merrily.(我把这话传达给恩萧夫人,她看来兴致勃勃,而且挺开心地回答。)
  • 11、This is aflighty and rash era that we need to go deeply to study how to overcome our impetuosity.(这是一个浮躁的时代,因此,需要深入研究如何克服自己的浮躁。)
  • 12、Before eI disliked the various colors of the flowers, and I thought they areflighty and superficial.(以前我不喜欢各种颜色的花朵,我认为他们是不负责任的和肤浅的。)
  • 13、Earnshaw; she seemed inflighty spirits, replied merrily, 'I hardly spoke a word, Ellen, there he has gone out twice, crying.(她看上去精神很好,高兴的说,“我一个字都没有说,埃伦,他已经哭着出去两次了。)
  • 14、The popular answer is industry, rather thanflighty finance.(普遍的回答是:工业,而不是变化无常的金融业。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 15、Theseflighty voters, referred to as yawarakai hoshu-so, or “flexible conservatives”, are the kingmakers of Japanese politics.(这些犹豫不定的选民被称作温和派,或者是“灵活的保守派”正是左右候选人选择的重要人物。)
  • 16、Some of these people are footloose andflighty.(其中有些人是自由流动和反复无常的。)
  • 17、Gemini is fickle,flighty, superficial, lighthearted, changeable.(双子是易变、轻狂、肤浅、无忧无虑、无常的。)
  • 18、Isabelle was a frivolous little fool, vain andflighty.(伊莎贝尔曾是一个轻率的小傻瓜,自负而轻浮。)
  • 19、On Thursday afternoon and on through Saturday, you'll need to avoidflighty people and cut to the chase if you want to get things done.(周四下午到周六,避免反复无常的人,如果你想有所收获,直接切入正题。)
  • 20、whether the twitterati are more annoying or just moreflighty than everyone else.(也不知道是否社交网络达人会比较惹人厌或更轻浮。)
  • 21、The yellow sofa and colorful striped sofa matched together. With the colorful throw pillow, modest but not stiff, lively but notflighty.(黄色沙发与七彩条纹沙发互搭,色彩缤纷的抱枕,稳重而不呆板,活泼而不轻浮。)
  • 22、A silly,flighty, or empty-headed person.(一个好作奇想和没有组织的人。)
  • 23、Daughter of the Chief'sflighty ex-wife, come home at last.(警长轻浮的前妻的女儿终于回家了。)
  • 24、If asked in aflighty, "Valley girl" way, the students punctuated their answers with "like, " "sorta" and "kinda."(而如果问题采用轻浮的、“峡谷少女”(指1970年代后期及1980年代初期迁居加利福尼亚圣费尔南多山谷地带的女性青少年,其特点是富有革新、反抗和自由思考的精神)的口吻,那么学生会在文章中大量使用“like”、“sorta”、“kinda”这种口语化的词汇。)
  • 25、She was neverflighty like you.(她从来不像你这样胡思乱想。)
  • 26、You are nimble and can change plans quickly, but you are notflighty.(你是思维敏捷,能够很快的根据情况改变对策,但是你并不轻率,随心所欲。)


英 [ˈflaɪti] 美 [ˈflaɪti] 

副词: flightily 比较级: flightier 最高级: flightiest 名词: flightiness

