


更新时间:2024-05-27 01:49:05

  • 1、Or anorderly debt restructuring.(一是有序的债务重组。)
  • 2、They never know where they are going, and do not walk in anorderly manner.(他们从来不知道自己要去哪里,并且他们走路也没有秩序。)
  • 3、The authorities have abandoned any attempt to distribute food in anorderly fashion.(当局中途放弃了任何有序地分发食品的尝试。)
  • 4、Astana is clean,orderly and seemingly sedated.(阿斯塔纳干净整洁,秩序井然,超凡脱俗。)
  • 5、The buildings in this area are laid out in anorderly fashion.(这一片建筑物的布局十分规则。)
  • 6、Orbits were not the sedate,orderly system they are today.(轨道还不是今天那样静止、有序的系统。)
  • 7、The molars of all patients were movedorderly, and didn t take place mesiolingual rotation and medal tilt.(所有病例矫治中磨牙整体移动,矫治中和矫治后未发生磨牙的近中舌向旋转和近中倾斜。)
  • 8、The Ming Dynasty, which reigned China for 276 years, is described as one of the greatest epochs withorderly governance and social stability in human history.(明朝统治中国276年,被人们描绘成人类历史上治理有序、社会稳定的最伟大的时代之一。)
  • 9、Anorderly officer.(一位有条不紊的工作人员。)
  • 10、First, the group was clean, neat andorderly when I saw them.(首先,据我所见这群人相当干净、整洁、有序。)
  • 11、Life after October 10th threatens to be a bit lessorderly.(在10月10日的威胁之后,生活将变得不那么有序。)
  • 12、These systems are right on the boundary between stable,orderly behavior and the unpredictable world of chaos, as exemplified by turbulence.(这些系统正好处于稳定、有序行为和不可预测的混沌世界(如乱流)之间的边界上。)
  • 13、A man on a trolley was being handled by anorderly.(一个轮床上的男子正由一个护理员推送。)
  • 14、I am not a particularlyorderly person.(我不是一个特别讲究整洁的人。)
  • 15、The senior leaders lined up behind him inorderly rows.(高级领导人有序地排列在他身后。)
  • 16、They are living in a peaceful andorderly world.(他们生活在一个清平世界中。)
  • 17、It is a complex process, but anorderly one.(这个过程虽然负责,但却较为有序。)
  • 18、Step 2: Organize anorderly default.(第二步:组织合理违约。)
  • 19、We should proceed in anorderly way, advance step by step in our studies, and not reach for what is beyond our grasp.(我们在学习上应当循序渐进,不能好高骛远。)
  • 20、President Obama has said that he had discussed his administration's desire for anorderly change to a more open government in Egypt.(奥巴马总统说他已经与他的管理班子讨论过希望埃及政府能做出有秩序的调整,变得更加开放。)
  • 21、The filing cabinet was much moreorderly and effective.(档案橱柜不仅,使摆放更为整齐,还提高了效率。)
  • 22、It's a beautiful, clean andorderly city.(这是一座美丽、干净、整齐的城市。)
  • 23、The organizers guided them in anorderly fashion out of the building.(组织者们带领他们井然有序地走出了大楼。)
  • 24、Anorderly restructuring would be risky.(一个有序的重组将会有风险。)
  • 25、For most of his life, he was a hospitalorderly.(他做了大半辈子的医院护理员。)
  • 26、Theorderly nature of our solar system leads most astronomers to conclude that the planets formed at essentially the same time and from the same material as the Sun.(我们太阳系的有序特性使大多数天文学家得出结论,这些行星基本上在同一时间形成,且物质来源和太阳的一样。)


英 [ˈɔ:dəli] 美 [ˈɔ:rdərli] 

名词: orderliness 名词复数: orderlies


