


更新时间:2024-06-03 01:53:16

  • 1、Cutting conscription back to six months may be aprelude to dispensing with it altogether.(将兵役削减到半年可能成为彻底免除强制征兵制的前奏。)
  • 2、I enjoy with something of sadness remembering that this melodious silence is but theprelude of that deeper stillness that waits to enfold us all.(我怀着某种悲伤的心情回忆着,悠扬的寂静不过是那种更深沉的寂静的序幕,笼罩着我们所有人。)
  • 3、The curtain rises toward the end of theprelude.(前奏接近尾声时幕布升起。)
  • 4、All very strange. I just hope it isn't theprelude to any fun and games.(一切都很蹊跷,我希望这不是一场好玩游戏的先兆。)
  • 5、This one could be aprelude to the anger and disillusionment that is only beginning to swell.(这可能就是刚刚开始膨胀的愤怒和醒悟的前奏。)
  • 6、It is, as BAE says, "aprelude to the next generation of fighting capacity."(正如BAE公司所言,这是彰显下一代作战能力的序幕。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 7、I hadn't noticed the five men performing at the side of the stage as aprelude to the show.(我一直没有注意过坐在舞台旁边演奏开场曲的五位男子。)
  • 8、This was widely seen as aprelude to the sale of the mobile business to reduce the company's huge debts.(大多数人认为,这是公司将移动业务卖出的前兆——此举旨在减轻公司债务。)
  • 9、One partner may see this as aprelude to marriage.(一方可能觉得这是婚姻的前奏。)
  • 10、All the people who prefer the earliest versions of Wordsworth'sprelude, for example, would favor that last point of view.(所有更喜欢,华兹华斯《序曲》的最初版本的人们,应该会赞同最后那个观点。)
  • 11、For him, reading was a necessaryprelude to sleep.(对他来说,阅读是入睡的必要前奏。)
  • 12、But all of that is only aprelude to what truly matters as a developer: writing code and building solutions.(但是它们对开发人员而言只不过是序幕而已:编写代码和构建解决方案。)
  • 13、We are glad to send you this introductory letter, hoping that it will be theprelude to mutually beneficial relations between us.(我们欣然寄发这封自荐信,希望是互利关系的前奏。)
  • 14、But when the lights dimmed, the dance floor cleared, and theprelude for the spectacle began, he started to shift in his chair.(但是,当灯光变暗,舞池空出来,前奏响起来之后,他开始在椅子上坐立不安。)
  • 15、So both of the expressions Hi and 2 * 2 are valid XQuery code that will execute without anyprelude or modification.(因此表达式Hi和2*2都是合法的XQuery代码,不需要任何准备或者修改就能执行。)
  • 16、Yet it was all simplyprelude.(但所有的这些不过是前奏。)
  • 17、That was only aprelude to a two-week sojourn that historian John Lewis Gaddis would characterize as "a surreal extravaganza."(这只是历史学家约翰·刘易斯·加迪斯两周内短暂被誉为“一个超现实主义的狂妄家伙”的前奏。)
  • 18、An alternative (or perhapsprelude) to a bad bank would be nationalisation.(坏账银行的另一种选择(或者说是开端)是国有化。)
  • 19、The telephone rings and this marks theprelude to an unforeseen series of catastrophes.(这时电话铃响了。它预示着一连串意想不到的灾难的来临。)
  • 20、Later this year, China plans to launch its third manned space mission -aprelude to a possible lunar foray by 2024.(今年晚些时候,中国计划发动第三次载人航天飞行——这是可能发生在2024年的月球探险行动的前奏。)
  • 21、In his book Collapse, Jared Diamond shows how ecological crisis is often theprelude to social catatrosphe(6).(杰拉德·戴蒙德在他的著作《崩溃》中展示了生态危机为什么往往是社会大灾难的前奏(6)。)
  • 22、Leaders are now busy lowering expectations, saying that this summit will be aprelude to a "Copenhagen II" in 2010.(领导人们现在纷纷忙于降低人们的期望,称这次峰会只是2010年“哥本哈根第二次会议”的前奏。)
  • 23、We are glad to send you this letter, hoping that it will be theprelude to our frendly business cooperation in the coming years.(我们欣然寄发这封信,希望这会是为未来几年里我们友好商务合作的前奏。)
  • 24、All of these arrangements were aprelude to the ball, the hostess 'ultimate prize.(所有这些安排都只是这次舞会的序曲,舞会才是女主人的最终目的。)
  • 25、The line form aprelude to his long narrative poem.(这几行诗是他那长篇叙事诗的序诗。)
  • 26、They were stories of a god who violently slays the forces of chaos, represented as watery dragons, as aprelude to creation.(这些故事讲述的是一个神以水龙的形象出现并用暴力杀死混沌的力量,这是创世的序幕。)
  • 27、Their gathering serves as aprelude to the two-day spring meeting of the IMF and World Bank, which begins the next day.(这次会议是第二天召开的为期两天的国际货币基金组织和世界银行的春季会议的序幕。)
  • 28、The orchestra played a shortprelude before the ballet began.(管弦乐队在芭蕾舞开始之前演奏了一段很短的前奏曲。)


英 [ˈprelju:d] 美 [ˈprɛlˌjud, ˈpreˌlud, ˈpri-] 

形容词: preludial 名词: preluder 过去式: preluded 过去分词: preluded 现在分词: preluding 第三人称单数: preludes

n. 序幕; 前奏; 预兆

vi. 成为 ... 的前奏(开头)
