


更新时间:2024-05-27 01:47:51

  • 1、She's third in order ofsuccession to the throne.(她在王位继承人顺位中排第三。)
  • 2、She is now seventh in line ofsuccession to the throne.(她目前排在王位继任顺序的第7位。)
  • 3、The line is made up of thesuccession of plotted points.(这条线是由连续的标绘点组成的。)
  • 4、Clements and other early ecologists saw almost lawlike regularity in the order ofsuccession, but that has not been substantiated.(克莱门茨和其他早期的生态学家认为,演替顺序中存在着几乎像法则一般的规律性,但这一点尚未得到证实。)
  • 5、He's been hit by asuccession of injuries since he joined the team.(自入队以来他一再受伤。)
  • 6、The guard fired four shots in rapidsuccession.(卫兵接连开了四枪。)
  • 7、They are semi-finalists for the fourth year insuccession.(这是他们连续第四年打入半决赛。)
  • 8、His career was brought to a premature end by asuccession of knee injuries.(他的职业生涯因连续的膝伤过早地结束了。)
  • 9、Adams took asuccession of jobs which have stood him in good stead.(亚当斯做了一连串对他很有利的工作。)
  • 10、The trend has continued with asuccession of experts and would be experts who promise to distil the essence of excellence into three (or five or seven) simple rules.(随着专家的不断涌现,这一趋势得以延续,而这些专家也将承诺将卓越的精髓提炼成三个(或五个、七个)简单的规则。)
  • 11、Nicholas Paul Patrick was seventh in the line ofsuccession to the throne.(尼古拉斯·保罗·帕特里克在王位继承顺序上排第7。)
  • 12、He took a rest and then swelled himself up and fetched asuccession of admirable groans.(他休息了一会儿,然后铆足了劲儿,发出一连串绝佳的呻吟声。)
  • 13、Reports of success on all fronts came in quicksuccession.(全国各条战线纷纷报喜。)
  • 14、He fired three shots in quicksuccession.(他瞬间连发三枪。)
  • 15、Should you look at the same word in rapidsuccession or look at the word and then have some delay before you look at it again?(你是连续快速地看同一个单词,还是先看一个单词然后再过段时间再看一次?)
  • 16、Yesterday's emphatic victory was their fifth insuccession.(昨天的大比分胜利是他们第5次的接连胜利。)
  • 17、If the land is then abandoned, a secondarysuccession will take over, developing much faster on the more hospitable soil.(如果土地之后被遗弃,第二个演替将接管,在更适宜的土壤上发展得更快。)
  • 18、Light-loving species are always among the first invaders, while shade-tolerant species appear later in thesuccession.(在这个演替过程中,喜阳植物总是第一批“侵入者”,而那些喜阴植物紧随其后出现。)
  • 19、The final stage of asuccession, called the climax by Clements and early ecologists, is likewise not predictable or of uniform composition.(演替的最终阶段,也就是克莱门茨和早期生态学家所称的顶级群落,同样是不可预测的,组成也不单一。)
  • 20、The gunman fired three times in rapidsuccession.(歹徒连开三枪。)
  • 21、The lines ofsuccession and responsibility have been carefully crafted and are as sleek as any piece of hardware that Apple has ever designed.(继承和责任的流水线经过精心设计,就像苹果曾经设计过的任何一款硬件一样流畅。)
  • 22、succession is influenced by many factors: the nature of the soil, exposure to sun and wind, regularity of precipitation, chance colonizations, and many other random processes.(演替受到许多因素的影响:土壤的性质、暴露于阳光和风中的时间、降水的规律性、偶然的殖民和许多其他随机因素。)
  • 23、As boards scrutinizesuccession plans in response to shareholder pressure, executives who don't get the nod also may wish to move on.(由于董事会迫于股东们的压力而严格审查公司的接任方案,那些未获得许可的高管们也可能会想辞职。)
  • 24、He became chairman insuccession to Bernard Allen.(他接替伯纳德•艾伦任主席。)
  • 25、Traditional rules ofsuccession by inheritance were changed.(传统的继承规则被改变了。)
  • 26、The first community in asuccession is called a pioneer community, while the long-lived community at the end ofsuccession is called a climax community.(演替中的第一个群落叫先锋群落,演替末的长寿群落称为顶极群落。)
  • 27、She has won the award for the third year insuccession.(这是她连续第三年获得此奖。)
  • 28、Ecologists use the term "succession" to refer to the changes that happen in plant communities and ecosystems over time.(生态学家使用“演替”一词来指植物群落和生态系统随时间发生的变化。)
  • 29、The country was ruled by asuccession of tyrants.(这个国家接连遭受暴君的统治。)
  • 30、They had three children in quicksuccession.(短短几年间,他们接连生了三个孩子。)


英 [səkˈseʃn] 美 [səkˈsɛʃən] 

形容词: successional 副词: successionally

