


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:41:30

  • 1、She gets sunburned even when she plasters herself from head to toe in factor 7 sunlotion.(即使她从头到脚涂抹上防晒系数是7的防晒霜,她也会被晒伤。)
  • 2、She playfully rubs suntanlotion on his neck.(她开玩笑地把防晒露涂在他脖子上。) (hao86.com好工具)
  • 3、At the Clockwork Pharmacy in Hackney, north-east London, you can find it between the babylotion and the bunion plasters.(在伦敦东北部哈克尼的Clockwork药房,你可以在婴儿润肤露和拇囊炎膏药之间找到它。)
  • 4、The travel kit comprises face cleanser,lotion and moisturizer.(这套旅行组包括的洗面霜,浴液和面霜。)
  • 5、You can use sunscreen that comes in any form: spray,lotion, cream, wax stick or powder.(你可以使用任何形式的防晒品:防晒喷雾,防晒油,防晒霜,防晒棒或者防晒粉。)
  • 6、Paint thislotion to the itching spot with this small blush (cotton swab).(用小刷子(棉花棍)把洗剂涂在痒处。)
  • 7、To protect and lubricate your skin, apply shaving cream,lotion or gel before shaving.(为了保护使皮肤光泽,可以在剃须钱,用一些剃须膏,洗涤剂或者洗涤胶。)
  • 8、Thelotion cools and refreshes the skin.(润肤液使皮肤凉爽清新。)
  • 9、Use handlotion to keep your hair from getting too frizzy in the heat.(将护手霜涂抹在头发上可防止其过于卷曲。)
  • 10、How do I use thislotion?(这种洗剂怎么用?)
  • 11、The number one reason behind wrinkles is sun, avoid sunlight or use sunscreenlotion.(出现皱纹的最大原因在于阳光,避免阳光或用防晒霜。)
  • 12、Rub thelotion on (to the skin).((在皮肤上)搽上涂剂。)
  • 13、The redhead says, "I brought some suntanlotion so we don't get sunburned."(红发女郎说,“幸好我带了些防晒油,起码我们不会被晒伤。”)
  • 14、This daily moisturelotion is formulated with organic Coconut, Borage and Flax oils to repair and nourish for therapeutic hydration.(这款保湿乳液的配方含有有机椰子,琉璃苣油和亚麻籽油,可修复和滋养水疗肌肤。)
  • 15、She plastered herself in suntanlotion.(她往身上抹防晒液。)
  • 16、Scientists from Korea have turned the main ingredient of calaminelotion into a tiny material that converts sound waves into electricity.(韩国科学家将炉甘石洗液的主要成分转化成一种微细的材料,这种材料能够将声波转化成电能。)
  • 17、She rubbedlotion on my neck and pulled out the straight razor.(她把润肤液抹在我的脖子上,并拿出了剃刀。)
  • 18、Regular use of a bodylotion will keep the skin soft and supple.(定期使用润肤乳液可以使皮肤保持柔软光滑。)
  • 19、Treatment: Over-the-counter creams, such as calaminelotion.(疗法:可在(普通药店)柜台上买到药膏,比如炉甘石洗液。)
  • 20、Put thislotion on every four hours.(每四小时搽用一次这种洗液。)
  • 21、She smoothed suntanlotion over her arms.(她轻轻地把防晒油涂在胳膊上。)
  • 22、For super-soft skin, lather on a light bodylotion before you bathe.(若皮肤极为柔嫩,可在沐浴前涂上温和的护肤乳液。)
  • 23、Wipe thelotion onto your face.(你在脸上搽些护肤液。)
  • 24、You notice? The whole house smells of shavinglotion.(你闻见了吗?整个屋子都是刮胡子膏的味儿。)
  • 25、Packing your beach towel and suntanlotion will not, by itself, make you Hemingway.(装上你的沙滩巾和防晒霜本身不会让你变成海明威。)
  • 26、However,lotion is important for guys too.(然而,润肤露对男人同样重要。)
  • 27、Include a new toothbrush, travel size shampoo, conditioner, and bodylotion.(包括一个新牙刷,旅行香波,护发素和护肤液。)
  • 28、Smell the suntanlotion.(闻闻防晒油。)
  • 29、Maybe it's because they thinklotion is for the ladies only.(或许他们认为润肤露只是让女人用的。)


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