


更新时间:2024-05-27 01:53:56

  • 1、The president faces 54 charges of corruption and taxevasion.(总统面临着54项腐败和逃税的指控。)
  • 2、A man shouldn't deny his obvious ability, because it is theevasion of responsibility.(一个人不应该否认他明显的能力,因为那是对责任的逃避。)
  • 3、Mr Papaconstantinou promises that “we will put people in jail for taxevasion.”(Papaconstantinou先生承诺“我们将把避税者送进监狱。”)
  • 4、But do not forget that what may seem like pioneering may be merelyevasion, or laziness - the disinclination to submit to discipline.(但是不要忘了,有时开拓仅仅是在逃避或是懒惰——不愿受规矩的约束。)
  • 5、Of an international web of dummy companies used for taxevasion, but going after it would spread his team too thin.(例如,他清楚地知道一家用于避税的国际网络皮包公司,如果他跟进这个案件将会使得他的工作队伍四处分散而力量薄弱。)
  • 6、She's been charged with taxevasion.(她被控逃税。)
  • 7、Chinese legal scholars said it was the first time tollevasion had earned a scofflaw a life sentence.(中国法学学者称这是首例逃费者因偷逃路费被判无期徒刑的案件。)
  • 8、He knew nothing, he said, about his wife's activities, and she knew nothing about the taxevasion; she has now stopped working for Mrs Bettencourt.(他声称,他对他妻子的行为一无所知,而他的妻子对逃税也是一无所知。现在,Mrs.Woerth已不再为贝当古夫人工作了。)
  • 9、Smugness andevasion over history are widespread in Europe.(沾沾自喜和对历史逃避在欧洲国家广泛存在。)
  • 10、They did him for taxevasion.(他们因他逃税而处罚了他。)
  • 11、Mr. Kozlowski was charged with taxevasion.(科兹洛斯基先生被指控逃税。)
  • 12、Accusations of taxevasion have tarnished his clean image.(逃税的指控玷污了他清廉的形象。)
  • 13、His behaviour was anevasion of his responsibilities as a father.(他的行为是逃避为父之责。)
  • 14、The need for countries to maximise their take from their citizens has caused a renewed interest in preventing taxevasion.(国家需要最大程度从其公民处攫取收益,这引起了对避税的新关注。)
  • 15、This software can be used for anevasion of security protections in several computer programs.(该软件可用于回避的安全保护在几个计算机程序。)
  • 16、To the purists who want a straight answer, Mr Romney's retreat behind states' rights will look like theevasion it is.(对于想要一个直接答案的纯化论者,罗姆尼先生用州权做盾牌的行为看起来就是在找借口。)
  • 17、Lawevasion is an illegal act.(法律规避是一种违法行为。)
  • 18、He's the epitome ofevasion, the personification of parry and the apotheosis of avoidance.(他是闪避的化身、招架的人格化和躲避的神话。)
  • 19、To read a children's book is not escapism — it'sevasion, it's retreat, it's surrender.(读儿童小说不是逃避——是逃跑,是退缩,是举手投降。)
  • 20、They agreed not to accept funds resulting from taxevasion or from crime.(他们同意不接受因逃税或犯罪而产生的资金。)
  • 21、He was arrested for taxevasion.(他因逃税被捕。)
  • 22、In April he was charged with taxevasion and breach of trust.(08年4月,他又因偷税和违反信托受到指控。)
  • 23、The typical act of eluding, the fatalevasion that constitutes the third theme of this essay, is hope.(逃避的典型行为,或构成本文第三个主题的致命逃避,就是希望。)
  • 24、Gertrud said it was anevasion, an escape from the challenges and responsibilities of life, and she was right.(格特鲁德说我那是逃避,逃避生活的挑战和责任,她说的对。)


英 [ɪˈveɪʒn] 美 [ɪˈveʒən] 


