


更新时间:2024-06-03 01:59:21

  • 1、They will be yourinexhaustible source of heartwarming gifts that you can say you grew with your own hands.(繁殖好它们就是你送出贴心礼物的源源不断的资源,这样你就可以说你是亲手种植的礼物了!)
  • 2、When not serving as a Rorschach test of male fixations, Cleopatra is aninexhaustible Muse.(除去被解译为“罗夏试验中的男性固着”的时候,她简直就是剧作家们从不枯竭的灵感之源。)
  • 3、Peter had a virtuallyinexhaustible supply of serfs.(彼得有几乎用之不尽的农奴。)
  • 4、Do you think my enthusiasm to break theinexhaustible?(你认为我的热情长年无休取之不尽用之不竭吗?)
  • 5、Sad tears flow in myinexhaustible missing.(伤心的泪水流淌在我无尽的思念。)
  • 6、The one that is free, unrestrained, and lives from a place of deepinexhaustible joy.(那一定是个自由自在、无拘无束、欢乐无穷的自己。)
  • 7、It is available anytime and anywhere-regardless of season, climate and time of day-and is practicallyinexhaustible.(任何时间、任何地点都能利用地热——不论季节、气候和时间——而且几乎取之不尽。)
  • 8、She has aninexhaustible supply of enthusiasm.(她拥有无穷无尽的热情。)
  • 9、Rose to long fill do not decline, the river isinexhaustible.(玫瑰要能长盛不衰,那河流也就永不枯竭了。)
  • 10、And this struggle, this advance, affordinexhaustible material for our literature.(这种战斗,这种迈进,为我们的文学提供了无穷无尽的素材。)
  • 11、And aninexhaustible supply of patience.(第三,“取之不尽,用之不竭”的耐心!)
  • 12、THE ups and downs of house prices have provided aninexhaustible topic for dinner-party conversations for several years.(几年来,房价起起落落,成了餐会上茶余饭后永不枯竭的谈资。)
  • 13、It would provide aninexhaustible supply of energy, without pollution or global warming.(聚变将提供永不枯竭的能源,没有污染,也不会造成全球变暖。(也许他太乐观了..)。)
  • 14、Knowledge isinexhaustible,inexhaustible. Only maximize the mining, it can experience the fun of learning.(知识是取之不尽,用之不竭的。只有最大限度地挖掘它,才能体会到学习的乐趣。)
  • 15、She seems to haveinexhaustible energy.; She's a live wire.(她仿佛有使不完的劲。)
  • 16、If cold fusion worked, it could provide aninexhaustible supply of clean energy.(而如若冷聚变得以奏效,就可以提供源源不断的清洁能源。)
  • 17、Her energy isinexhaustible.(她有无穷的精力。)
  • 18、The wisdom of the masses isinexhaustible.(群众的智慧是无穷的。)
  • 19、The world would move from a state of energy scarcity to an era ofinexhaustible energy resources .(世界将从一个能源缺乏的状态进入一个拥有无穷无尽能源的时代。)
  • 20、The novel in question is the instrument of that simultaneously relative andinexhaustible knowledge, so like that of love.(这里探讨的小说就是这种既相对又无法穷尽的认知工具,这与爱情的认知相似。)
  • 21、No longer: technology has made the elusive andinexhaustible into easy prey.(技术不再能够使不易捕捉、无穷无尽的鱼类成为易捕捉的猎物。)
  • 22、We believe firmly in theinexhaustible creative power of the masses.(我们坚信群众的创造力是无穷无尽的。)
  • 23、To some, 6,000 may seem like aninexhaustible number of languages.(对一些人来说,6000种语言似乎是无穷无尽的。)
  • 24、The supply of credit was seeminglyinexhaustible, so Banks could fund their expansion at will.(信用供给似乎无穷无尽,银行业可以随意扩张。)
  • 25、Brazil may be huge, but it is not asinexhaustible as Brazilians think.(巴西也许很广阔,但是它并不像巴西人所想的那样不可耗尽。)
  • 26、It was a valuable resource of the colony, and it appeared to beinexhaustible.(这是小队的一个有价值的资源,而且看起来好象永远也吃不完。)
  • 27、It is also a fact that resources in the universe areinexhaustible.(宇宙中的资源是用之不竭的,这也是一个事实。)
  • 28、As an infinite set of each element, althoughinexhaustible, yet each different.(就像一个无穷集合里的每个元素,虽然取之不尽,却又各不一样。)


英 [ˌɪnɪgˈzɔ:stəbl] 美 [ˌɪnɪɡˈzɔstəbəl] 

副词: inexhaustibly 名词: inexhaustibility

