


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:41:06

  • 1、It is used as a catalyst and toharden those other similar metals, platinum and palladium.(它被用作催化剂,也用于硬化其他相似金属,如铂,钯。)
  • 2、Make sure you're getting plenty of calcium as your baby's bones continue toharden.(保证你摄入足够的钙,因为婴儿的骨骼仍然在硬化。)
  • 3、Learn your platform's details and what to secure so that youharden your system against attacks.(了解平台的详细信息和需要保护的内容可以增强系统安全性。)
  • 4、Have you taken care toharden the operating system and all components?(您是否已花功夫去加强操作系统和所有的组件?)
  • 5、Place chocolate-dipped fruit onto parchment-lined sheet pan to cool andharden.(把浸好巧克力的水果放入羊皮纸内衬平底锅冷却和硬化。)
  • 6、Once the plasticsharden and are removed from the molds, the fingers are ready to be hooked up to a base.(一旦塑料变硬,并去除掉模具,手指就可以连接到基座上了。)
  • 7、harden not your hearts, as in the provocation, in the day of temptation in the wilderness.(就不可硬着心,像在旷野惹他发怒,试探他的时候一样。)
  • 8、These minerals form crystals andharden the plaque structure.(这些矿物质形成了菌斑的结晶变硬的结构。)
  • 9、In it Julian Barnes reveals crystalline truths that have taken a lifetime toharden.(朱利安·巴恩斯向读者揭示了一个需要一生淬取才能得到的真理。)
  • 10、He often went to the gym toharden his muscles.(他过去常到健身房锻炼,以使他的肌肉强健。)
  • 11、8 do notharden your hearts as you did at Meribah, as you did that day at Massah in the desert.(你们不可硬着心,像当日在米利巴,就是在旷野的玛撒。)
  • 12、There might be times when you would like toharden the configuration of a script package.(有时您可能需要改善一个脚本包的配置。)
  • 13、Fears of a nuclear disaster after Japan's earthquake willharden minds against nuclear power.(日本大地震之后,对核灾难的恐惧将会坚定人们反对核发电的决心。)
  • 14、Vascular depression may result when blood vessels become less flexible andharden over time, becoming constricted.(血管型抑郁症可能产生,一旦血管随着时间变得缺乏韧性而发硬,变得狭窄。)
  • 15、The tender-minded mustharden themselves.(性格脆弱的人必须使自己坚强起来。)
  • 16、They begin toharden.(它们开始僵化了。)
  • 17、The varnish takes a few hours toharden.(清漆需要几个小时才能干透。)
  • 18、In this job you have toharden your heart to pain and suffering.(做这项工作面对伤痛和病患时你得保持冷静心情。)
  • 19、Test to see if the finish is tacky, and if it is, leave it toharden.(测试一下看看最后一道漆是否还发黏,如果是的话,那就放着让它变硬。)
  • 20、harden the Web server and host.(加强Web服务器和主机。)
  • 21、It will onlyharden the belief in Britain that currency flexibility should not be lightly given up.(这更加让英国坚信并不能轻易的放弃汇率灵活性。)
  • 22、Their action can only serve toharden the attitude of landowners.(他们的举动只会使土地所有者们的态度变得强硬。)
  • 23、The carbon matting, drenched in resin, is compressed into a mold toharden it.(这种碳垫子,还是树脂制品时就弄湿了,得压缩成型使其变硬。)
  • 24、You canharden your system against attacks of this type using two methods.(可以使用以下两种方法加固您的系统(针对此类攻击)。)
  • 25、Still, I had to press the shutter, so Iharden my heart and finally I took the second shot.(然而我仍然需要按下快门,我硬起心肠,最终拍了第二张照片。)
  • 26、These modules provide extra authentication rules toharden access to your machine.(这些模块提供额外的身份验证规则,保护对计算机的访问。)
  • 27、I'd justharden my eyes and hiss back.(我只是沉下目光,冲他们嘶叫回去。)
  • 28、This will help system administrators to change default settings toharden the SOAs.(这将帮助系统管理员更改缺省设置,以对SOA进行加强。)
  • 29、You just need to know how toharden your application if you need it to scale.(只不过若是需要扩展,您需要知道如何坚固自己的应用程序。)


英 [ˈhɑ:dn] 美 [ˈhɑ:rdn] 

过去式: hardened 过去分词: hardened 现在分词: hardening 第三人称单数: hardens

