


更新时间:2024-06-10 01:51:11

  • 1、Thanks to more recent legislation, flights with at least one attendant are starting toinstall emergency medical kits to treat heart attacks.(由于最近的立法,至少有一名乘务员的航班开始安装治疗心脏病发作的急救箱。)
  • 2、Shenwu puts up the initial investment toinstall a heat exchanger that preheats the air going into the furnace, slashing the client's fuel costs.(申武投资初期安装了一个热交换器,将进入炉内的空气预热,降低了客户的燃料成本。)
  • 3、Having toinstall a different app for each smart appliance in your home is annoying; it would be nicer if you could manage everything together.(为家里的每个智能设备安装不同的应用程序是一件很烦人的事情;如果你们能一起处理所有的事情就好了。)
  • 4、Their first job was to rewire the whole house andinstall a new furnace.(他们的第一份工作是给整个房子重新布线,并安装一个新火炉。)
  • 5、Unlike most systems, this one is very easy toinstall.(本系统与多数系统不同,极易安装。)
  • 6、You do not need toinstall the patch or snapshot.(您不需要安装补丁或者快照了。)
  • 7、install a trapeze swing onto their swing set.(在他们的秋千组合上,安装吊架。)
  • 8、install the operating system.(安装操作系统。)
  • 9、install the business space.(安装业务空间。)
  • 10、The equipment can be tricky toinstall.(这设备安装起来可能很费事。)
  • 11、install a CO detector to alert you of the presence of the deadly, odorless, colorless gas.(安装一氧化碳检测器来警告是否存在这种致命的、无色无味的气体。)
  • 12、However, this is the first time a panel has been designed to be laid directly on top of existing roads and the first project toinstall the panels on public highways.(然而,这是第一次将太阳能板直接设计铺设在现有道路上,也是第一个将太阳能板安装在高速公路上的项目。)
  • 13、Do they know they can'tinstall programs without your permission?(他们知道没有你的允许不能安装程序吗?)
  • 14、The panels are also designed so that they can beinstalled directly on top of existing roadways, making them relatively cheap and easy toinstall.(这些面板的设计还使得它们可以直接安装在现有的道路上,这使它们成本较低且容易安装。)
  • 15、Plastic pipe is easy toinstall, and doing it yourself saves big bucks.(塑料管易于安装,你自己装的话会省下一大笔钱。)
  • 16、Prosthodontists design, repair, andinstall dentures and mouthguards.(牙科修复学家设计、修复和安装假齿和护齿套。)
  • 17、The shower is easy toinstall – it needs only to be connected up to the hot and cold water supply.(淋浴器很容易安装–只需接上冷热水即可。)
  • 18、The resource adapter willinstall on the server.(资源适配器将安装在服务器上。)
  • 19、The shower is easy toinstall.(淋浴器易于安装。)
  • 20、Selfridges was the first big London store toinstall closed-circuit videotape equipment to watch its sales floors.(塞尔弗里奇是伦敦第一家安装闭路录像设备来监视销售楼层的大型商店。)
  • 21、Once completed,install ipvsadm, Heartbeat, and mon from the native package management tools on the server.(完成后,从服务器中的本地包管理工具中安装ipvsadm、Heartbeat和mon。)
  • 22、You caninstall whatever you want.(您可以安装任何需要的软件。)
  • 23、If you want your computer to run faster, do notinstall too many programs on the hard disk.(如果你想让你的电脑运行得更快,不要在硬盘上安装太多的程序。)
  • 24、The unit is comparatively easy toinstall and cheap to operate.(这种设备比较容易安装而且用起来便宜。)
  • 25、install the sample application.(安装示例应用程序。)
  • 26、If not, download andinstall it.(如果没有,可以下载并安装它。)
  • 27、We do not recommend that youinstall the latest fixes.(我们并不推荐您安装最新的修复程序。)
  • 28、I wouldn't have toinstall Segoe UI as previously thought.(我不必像以前那样安装微软雅黑UI。)
  • 29、If not, you can download andinstall it.(如果没有,你可以下载并安装它。)


英 [ɪnˈstɔ:l] 美 [ɪnˈstɔl] 

名词: installer

vt.安装;安置;使 ... 就职
