


更新时间:2024-06-10 01:50:38

  • 1、grotto believes that eating the right foods — along with other healthy behaviors — can help reverse the aging process.(grotto认为吃对食物,并有健康的生活习惯,可以帮助延缓衰老过程。)
  • 2、AT last, after renewed hesitATion, Dants entered the secondgrotto.(终于,在略微迟疑了一下以后,唐太斯进入了第二个洞窟。)
  • 3、The toilet is expressed as a brightgrotto - a contemporary abstraction of nature.(卫生间看起来像一个明亮的石窟——自然的当代抽象艺术。)
  • 4、The study of Kizilgrotto fresco is one of the basic subjects of fine arts history of Chinese western region & Buddhism.(克孜尔石窟壁画研究是西域美术史和中国佛教美术史的基础课题之一。)
  • 5、The "Blue Lakegrotto" is part of one of the world's largest flooded cavities.(“蓝湖洞”是世界上最大洪水洞的一部分。)
  • 6、The Force permeates thisgrotto, and visions of possible futures often come to the Jedi that venture into the darkness.(原力弥漫在这个洞穴中,步入黑暗的绝地经常看见未来可能的景象。)
  • 7、Now - I'd like to tell you the story of mygrotto.(现在-我想告诉你的故事,我的石窟。)
  • 8、There was most likely an extension towards a smallergrotto to the east-south-east.(之前可能有向著东南东方延伸的一个小洞穴。)
  • 9、Well knowngrotto murals, tomb paintings, stone carvings, brick carvings and lacquer paintings were produced during that period.(这一时期的石窟壁画、墓室壁画、石刻、砖刻以及漆画等都已蔚然可观。)
  • 10、Secondly,grotto art is the reappearance of inosculation of real living scene in the religious area and different times of China.(其次,石窟艺术又是佛教境地与中国不同时代真实生活情景融合的再现。)
  • 11、He glanced around this secondgrotto; it was, like the first, empty.(他环视了一下这第二个洞窟,它象第一个一样,也是空空的一无所有。)
  • 12、These two relief carvings of guardians of the Buddha and those kept in thegrotto are all rare art works from the Sui Dynasty.(这两尊护法神王的浮雕,连同这石窟可是隋代雕刻艺术的珍品。)
  • 13、The sound of dripping water is always heard in thisgrotto.(这个洞穴经常能听到水滴声。)
  • 14、In thegrotto is a fountain and pool, at which the huntress Diana and her nymphs disport themselves, naked.(女猎师戴安娜和众仙女在洞穴的池塘和瀑布边上玩耍嬉戏。)
  • 15、In Southwest France in the 1940's, playing children discovered Lascauxgrotto, a series of narrow cave chambers that contain huge prehistoric paintings of animals.(20世纪40年代,在法国西南部,玩耍的孩子们发现了拉斯科洞穴,这是一系列狭窄的洞穴洞穴,里面有巨大的史前动物壁画。)
  • 16、You can also sit in a tea cup at the Mad Hatter's tea Party, visit Cinderella in her Castle or Ariel in hergrotto.(你也可以坐在迈德·哈特茶会上的茶杯里,在城堡里参观灰姑娘或在洞室里参观空气般的精灵。)
  • 17、Firstly,grotto art is the product of combination of religious culture and Chinese culture.(首先,石窟艺术是佛教文化与中国文化结合的产物。)
  • 18、Here is the most eye-catching Binglingsigrotto.(这里最引人注目的就是炳灵寺石窟。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 19、Hisgrotto is on the sixth floor of an office building in the lakeside city of Hangzhou.(在滨湖城市杭州,有一栋写字楼,他的办公室就坐落在6楼。)
  • 20、BANSHEE RIDERS circle and swoop, darkening the sky above thegrotto.(骑着斑溪兽的战士在天空盘旋俯冲,遮天蔽日。)
  • 21、Caption: a vaultedgrotto with a skylight shelters the ruins of cliff dwellings.(描述:带有天窗的圆形岩洞给悬崖民居的遗址提供了庇护。)
  • 22、Such a place was thegrotto, where Brissenden and he lounged in capacious leather chairs and drank Scotch and soda.(“洞窟酒吧”就是这样一个地方,布里森登和他此刻就躺在“洞窟”的大皮椅上喝着威士忌苏打。)
  • 23、But the greatest achievement of all was Buddhistgrotto art.(但是最大的成就是佛教洞窟艺术。)
  • 24、It is said to be agrotto.(人家说它是个石洞。)
  • 25、"But don't peel your apple-two-thirds of the fiber and lots of antioxidants are found in the skin," saysgrotto.(“但是不要削皮,有三分之二的纤维和大量的抗氧化剂在果皮中,”格罗泰说。)
  • 26、In the nextgrotto the tourists can experience absolute darkness where even cats don't see anything.(下一个洞穴中,游客可以体验绝对的黑暗,那里即使是猫也什么都看不见。)
  • 27、To swim in later hours exposes the varactyl togrotto dangers such as the predatory nos monster.(对蜥趾龙而言,中午以后在水洞里游泳可能就会有危险,比如遭遇食肉的诺斯怪兽。)


英 [ˈgrɒtəʊ] 美 [ˈgrɑ:toʊ] 

名词复数: grottoes

