


更新时间:2024-06-03 01:58:27

  • 1、He picked up extra money as a local stringer for the New Yorkherald.(他通过做《纽约先驱报》的本地特约记者赚了些外快。)
  • 2、The Miamiherald reported that heavy rains had pushed at least five rivers over their Banks on the island.(迈阿密先驱报报道,大雨至少已经使得岛上的五条河的河水流涌上了河岸。)
  • 3、I welcome the report as aherald of more freedom.(我欢迎这份报告,认为它预示着更多的自由。)
  • 4、Either couldherald energy deregulation, since a regional monopoly would be broken up and sold.(由于区域垄断将支离破碎并且被出售,任何一种都将驱动能源自由化。)
  • 5、These talks couldherald a new era of peace.(这些谈判可能预示着新的和平时代的来临。)
  • 6、The Sydney Morningherald carried the headline: "Sorry Ma'am, Most Australians Want a Republic."(《悉尼先驱晨报》有这样一则头版标题:“对不起,夫人,大多数澳大利亚人想要一个共和国。”)
  • 7、His comments reported by Theherald were made at a lunch following those events.(先驱报报道的讲话是他在事后午餐会上发表的评论。)
  • 8、Occasionally, the "herald patch" may occur in a hidden position (armpit, for example) and not be noticed immediately.(有时,“母斑”会发生在隐秘的部分(例如腋窝)并且不能马上被发现。)
  • 9、The probe was launched after a report last week in the Internationalherald Tribune newspaper.(这一针对克隆动物及其后代进入食品市场的调查,始于上周《国际先驱导报》的一篇报道。)
  • 10、The end of the ABN saga does notherald a rush of dealmaking among banks.(荷兰银行传奇的落幕并非银行并购潮出现的征兆.)
  • 11、Do social networksherald the end of search?(社交网络网站意味着搜索引擎的终结吗?)
  • 12、'It's a new model,' said Michael Golden, publisher of the Internationalherald Tribune.(“这是一种新的模式,”《国际先驱论坛报》的出版人麦克尔•高顿(MichaelGolden)说。)
  • 13、Theherald newspaper said that a "massive" turnout was a slap in the face for critics of the poll.(津巴布韦论坛报报导说,大量津巴布韦选民出来投票给了那些批评这次选举的人一记耳光。)
  • 14、herald: When Gordon bottled it, almost at once His power vanished like a hologram.(报使:当戈登握住权力时,权力即像全息影像般消失。)
  • 15、For visitors, Sydney hotel prices rose 16 percent in the last year, reported the Sydney Morningherald.(对于旅客来说,去年悉尼酒店价格上涨了16%,《悉尼先驱晨报》报道。)
  • 16、But the young family resumed life as normal, before Mrsherald became pregnant a year later.(但是这个年轻的家庭仍像往常一样继续生活着,直到一年后赫瑞德女士再次怀孕。)
  • 17、It is trying to raise cash by selling the Miamiherald.(它正试图出售旗下的《迈阿密先驱报》以筹集资金。)
  • 18、It is fitting, then, that IIT shouldherald a new era of efficiency.(然而对于IIT来说是非常合适的,因为他们即将开创效能新的领域。)
  • 19、The "herald" patch may also appear as a cluster of smaller oval spots, and be mistaken for acne.(母斑也会表现为一小片小的椭圆形斑点,而被误认为是粉刺。)
  • 20、She'd never heard of Woodyherald, but her father had carried that photo around with him for fifty years.(她从未听说过伍迪·赫勒尔德这个人,然而父亲却在五十五年间一直把这张照片带在身边。)
  • 21、Giving media companies another way to sell content, it mayherald a new era for publishing.(这为媒体行业提供了另一种销售渠道,他可能宣告着出版业新世纪的到来。)
  • 22、Mr Cameron's gut feelings on Britain's role in the world mayherald a change of direction.(对于英国在世界之林所该扮演的角色,卡梅伦的直觉或许可以引导其方向。)
  • 23、A piece in the Internationalherald Tribune underlined one of the effects of this process.(在国际前锋论坛报中的一段强调这个过程的效果之一。)
  • 24、I have taken several classes withherald Bloom, who is probably the most famous professor here.(我也上过哈莱德·布鲁姆的几节课,他也许是我们这最有名的一位老师了。)
  • 25、That trend mayherald a happy New Year for job hunters.(对于求职者而言,这一趋势无疑预示着一个美好的新年。)
  • 26、The PaperPhone has a flexible electronic display that is set toherald a new generation of computers.(这种纸手机有灵活的电子显示功能,它将预示着新的电脑时代的到来。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 27、The government claims that the fall in unemployment is theherald of economic recovery.(政府宣称失业人数减少是经济复苏的先兆。)


英 [ˈherəld] 美 [ˈhɛrəld] 

过去式: heralded 过去分词: heralded 现在分词: heralding 第三人称单数: heralds


