
shut out

shut out造句

更新时间:2024-06-03 01:57:47

好工具造句栏目为您提供2024年的shut out的造句相关内容,本栏目原创编辑和精选收集了24条shut out的造句一二年级例句供您参考,同时也为您推荐了shut out的解释(永远地;无例外地)、近反义词和组词。
  • 1、This garden seemed almost like beingshut out of the world in some fairy place.(这座花园几乎是与世隔绝了,像是在仙境中。)
  • 2、You canshut out the distractions on public transport in a way that was impossible a generation ago.(你可以躲开公共交通的干扰,而这在一代人以前是不可能的。)
  • 3、Colleagues who voted for his pet projects were rewarded with their own; those who crossed him wereshut out.(为他的计划投赞成票的同仁们得到了相应的回报;而那些反对他的人则被排除在圈子以外。)
  • 4、The young journalists had been tempting fate in a region thenshut out of communication.(年轻的记者们正在某地冒险拍摄,其与外界的联系不久就被切断了。)
  • 5、Majorcorporate sites would be able to pay the new fees, while little-guysites could beshut out.(大公司的站点能够支付起这项新费用,而与此同时,小公司的站点只能关门大吉。)
  • 6、I wasshut out for being five minutes late.(我就迟到了五分钟,便被关在了门外。)
  • 7、It's tempting, when things aren't going well, toshut out the world and sulk in solitude.(当事情进展的不顺利时,我们很容易将世界拒之门外,自己一个人承受孤独与忧郁。)
  • 8、The highest mountains can'tshut out the sun.(山高挡不住太阳。)
  • 9、I tried to cover my head with a pillow toshut out the sound. It was no use.(我用枕头盖住脑袋,试图隔绝声响,却一点用都没有。)
  • 10、Yet most Spanish lenders are stillshut out of the wholesale credit markets.(然而,大多数西班牙贷款人仍然将信贷批发市场拒之门外。)
  • 11、The first type of fan, known as Shanhan, was tied to a horse-drawn carriage toshut out the strong sunshine and shelter the passengers from the rainfall.(第一种扇子叫作“扇汗”,是拴在马车上用来挡住强烈的阳光,给乘客遮雨的。)
  • 12、Disconnect all applications. Issue the command db2 force application all toshut out all connections.(断开所有应用程序,运行命令db2forceapplicationall来关闭所有连接。)
  • 13、Ishut out the memory which was too painful to dwell on.(我不让自己去回忆那段会引起我太多痛苦的往事。)
  • 14、If one cheats the other, he will beshut out of the entire Lebanese diaspora trading network.(如果有人欺骗了对方,那么他将被逐出整个黎巴嫩海外族群贸易网。)
  • 15、We cannot beshut out of these markets.(我们无法与这些市场隔绝。)
  • 16、The wings of a crow cannotshut out the rays of the sun.(乌鸦的翅膀挡不住太阳的光辉。)
  • 17、They put their hands over their eyes toshut out the sight.(他们用手蒙住眼睛,挡住视线。)
  • 18、The young areshut out of work because excessive rules and costs discourage employers from creating jobs.(年轻人找不到工作,因为规则过多开销过大,雇佣者感到很难提供工作岗位。)
  • 19、If its debt is left to spiral down, Italy will beshut out of the bond markets.(如果眼看信用评级下降而听之任之,意大利将最终被国债市场拒之门外。)
  • 20、Commercial robot makers such as Tmsuk, based in south-western Japan, say they wereshut out too.(如日本西南部的商业机器人制造商Tmsuk说他们也被排除在外。)
  • 21、Harvardshut out Yale, 14-0.(哈佛队让耶鲁队一分未得,以14比0获胜。) [hao86.com好工具]
  • 22、Or the cargo beshut out etc., and the Seller be not informed in good time.(如船只撤换或延期或退关等而未及时通知卖方停止交货,在装港发生的栈租。)
  • 23、Ishut out the noise, pushed through the pain and squeezed my son out the rest of the way.(我大喊一声,忍着疼痛把我的儿子生出来了。)
  • 24、She learned toshut out her angry feelings.(她学会了克制自己的愤怒。)
shut out基本释义

shut out

英 [ʃʌt aut] 美 [ʃʌt aʊt] 

关在外面; 排斥
