


更新时间:2024-05-27 01:51:57

  • 1、In those remote mountains people used to farm by theslash and burn method.(那个偏僻山区,过去是刀耕火种。)
  • 2、The very nature of the initialslash-and-burn agriculture encouraged a further dependence on agriculture and the aggregation of people into denser settlements.(最初的刀耕火种式农业的本质鼓励人们进一步依赖农业,并促使人们聚集到人口更密集的居住区。)
  • 3、The result was aslash-and-build clutter that got uglier by the year.(结果是杂乱的切割和建设,变得越来越难看。)
  • 4、Her mouth was aslash of red lipstick.(她的嘴就是口红抹出的一道缝。)
  • 5、And firms have been unusually quick toslash payrolls.(而众多公司已非常迅速地削减工资单。)
  • 6、Time is the key factor in the plan toslash costs.(在这个削减成本的计划中,时间是关键因素。)
  • 7、We had toslash our way through the undergrowth with sticks.(我们挥舞着木棍一路劈砍,才在密林里开出一条路,穿了过去。)
  • 8、To escape the quote, we use a backwardslash to precede it.(为了转换该引用,我们在它之前使用了一个反斜杠。)
  • 9、These mini-jets willslash operating costs.(这种迷你飞机会大幅降低运营费用。)
  • 10、He's just nipped out to have aslash.(他刚才急急忙忙跑出去撒尿了。)
  • 11、He wants to trim regulation, cut taxes andslash the deficit.(他希望减少管制、减税并大幅削减赤字。)
  • 12、Firms cannotslash stocks for ever.(公司不可能永远削减库存。)
  • 13、It willslash staffing at its fleet of 770 stores, a move affecting some 3,000 employees.(该公司将在其770家门店进行裁员,会影响到约3000名员工。)
  • 14、This is especially so in desperately poor countries, where residents in the countrysideslash and burn forests each growing season to clear space for farming.(在极度贫困的国家更是如此,那里的农村居民在每个生长季节都要砍伐和烧毁森林,来为农业腾出空间。)
  • 15、slash-and-burn farming can be good for soils provided it doesn't completely burn all the vegetation, and leaves behind charred wood.(刀耕火种的耕作方式对土壤是有好处的,只要它不完全烧掉所有的植被,只留下烧焦的木头。)
  • 16、Villages formed on the land cleared by theslash and burn agriculture practiced by small social groups.(在社会小群体实行刀耕火种的的农业实践的土地上,村庄形成了。)
  • 17、Traditionalslash and burn farming methods have exhausted the soil.(刀耕火种的传统耕作方式已经使土壤枯竭了。)
  • 18、A descendant selector is represented by a double-slash: //.(后代选择器用双斜线//表示。)
  • 19、Sasuke charges forward and Danzo dodges a swordslash.(佐助冲了过去,团藏躲开了一刀。)
  • 20、The trailingslash is not an error.(尾部的斜杠并不是一个错误。)
  • 21、Car makers could be forced toslash prices.(汽车制造商可能会被迫大幅度降价。)
  • 22、With information no longer controlled by travel agents or hidden in business networks, the travel industry was revolutionized, as greater transparency helpedslash prices.(随着信息不再被旅行社控制或是隐藏在商业网络中,旅游业发生了革命性的变化,更大的透明度使价格降低了。)
  • 23、She joined a nearby food cooperative toslash her bill.(她加入了附近的一个食品合作社,以便减少食品开销。)
  • 24、Low-levelslash and burn farming doesn't harm rainforest.(低水平的刀耕火种不会损害雨林。)
  • 25、Note that you have to escape theslash (\) characters.(您必须转义反斜杠(\)字符。)
  • 26、In this case, the browser can safely add theslash.(这种情况下,浏览器能安全的添加斜杠。)
  • 27、The G-20 calls for members toslash their budget deficits.(20国集团呼吁其成员国削减预算赤字。)


英 [slæʃ] 美 [slæʃ] 

名词: slasher 过去式: slashed 过去分词: slashed 现在分词: slashing 第三人称单数: slashes


