


更新时间:2024-05-27 01:52:09

  • 1、She maytwitch her tail or even lash it from side to side.(她也许是抽动尾巴,甚至将尾巴摆来摆去。)
  • 2、We have two basic types of muscle fibers, slowtwitch and fasttwitch.(我们每个人有两种基本的肌肉纤维,慢抽搐和快抽搐肌纤维。)
  • 3、If you think of the blue mantle as being the actual sky that the sun is able totwitch over his shoulder.(如果你把蓝披风看作是真实的天空,太阳在他的肩上轻轻颤动。)
  • 4、It's Downey, who drugs Self via his IV and holds him down as he begins totwitch.(是唐尼通过静脉给赛尔夫下了药,在他开始抽搐的时候,把他按倒在地。)
  • 5、If I don't get a bite in a few minutes I lift the rod andtwitch the bait.(如果好几分钟也不见鱼上钩,我就提起鱼竿猛拉钓饵。)
  • 6、But basketball is a fast-paced,twitch and react game.(但篮球是一个快节奏的收缩和反应游戏。)
  • 7、He felt atwitch at his watch chain.(他感觉到有人扯了一下他的表链。)
  • 8、I see his shoulders start totwitch and I'm off too.(我看到他的肩膀开始抖动然后我也要离开他了。)
  • 9、Atwitch is impossible to hide.(一个抖动不可能被掩盖。)
  • 10、I noticed little things, a dip of the head, atwitch in the shoulder.(我注意到一些小动作,脑袋向下的一沉、肩膀的一抽动。)
  • 11、Have you ever had an eyetwitch?(你曾经眼睛痉挛过吗?)
  • 12、Eyestwitch randomly in response to stimulation from the brain stem.(当脑干受到刺激时,眼睛会随机抽动。)
  • 13、At that moment she felt the firsttwitch of anxiety.(那一刻她第一次感到一阵焦虑。)
  • 14、Can youtwitch your ears?(你能使你的耳朵抽动吗?)
  • 15、She has atwitch in her left eye.(她左眼跳了一下。)
  • 16、He developed a nervoustwitch and began to blink constantly.(他患上了一种神经痉挛病,开始不停地眨眼睛。)
  • 17、Riddle gave an irritabletwitch, as though trying to displace an irksome fly.(里德尔恼怒地抽搐了一下,好像要赶走一只讨厌的苍蝇。)
  • 18、My fingers wouldtwitch and I'd crack my computer.(如果不出去,我的手指会打颤、一定会毁了我的电脑的。)
  • 19、He greeted us with a meretwitch of his head.(他只晃了一下头算是和我们打过招呼。)
  • 20、When I stood up to her, her right cheek would begin totwitch.(每当我直面她时,她的右脸颊就会开始抽动。)
  • 21、Game content or game style is substantially different: from strategy to first-person shooters, and to the ultimate high-twitch games.(游戏内容或游戏风格都有很大的差异:从战略游戏到第一人称射击游戏,最后到high-twitch游戏。)
  • 22、The smell made my dog's nosetwitch.(那股气味使我的狗的鼻子抽动着。)
  • 23、The nerves and muscles pulse andtwitch, and progressively, they die.(患者的神经和肌肉会搏动和抽搐,而且它们会逐渐停止运动。)
  • 24、Your nervoustwitch registers on the Richter scale.(你的神经抽搐可以用里氏震级量度。)
  • 25、At the very end of the poem, the uncouth swain, "rose, andtwitch his mantle blue, tomorrow to fresh woods and pastures new."(在这首诗的最后,粗鄙的乡村青年:“起身,抖抖他的蓝披风,明天到新的森林和牧场去。”)
  • 26、His foot gave a suddentwitch.(他的脚突然抽搐了一下。)
  • 27、Look at her nosetwitch, she is scared.(看她的小鼻子抽动,她是害怕了。)
  • 28、RISK antennaetwitch after a crisis.(危机之后,风险天线开始四处探指。)


英 [twɪtʃ] 美 [twɪtʃ] 

副词: twitchingly 过去式: twitched 过去分词: twitched 现在分词: twitching 第三人称单数: twitches


