


更新时间:2024-05-06 01:47:07

  • 1、Solution: Stash single-serving packages of nuts and dried fruit in your desk and plan tomunch a few hours after lunch — when you feel moderate hunger.(解决方法:存放一个专用于装果仁和水果干的袋子在你的桌子里,当吃完午餐几小时之后你感到饥饿时拿出来嚼。)
  • 2、People don't tell the truth always - especially worried middle class parents - about how many pickled onion Monstermunch their offspring get through.(人们往往不会说实话,尤其是考虑到中产阶级的父母关于他们的子女吃了多少Monstermunch1牌的盐渍洋葱圈的数据。)
  • 3、The animal threatens tomunch through thousands of Viking vessels and other historic shipwrecks, scientists warn.(科学家警告,这种动物正在吞噬掉数以千计的海盗沉船和其它历史时期的沉船。)
  • 4、munch on fruits and vegetables, health officials implore-they will reduce the risk of chronic ills such as heart disease, high blood pressure and cancer.(多吃蔬菜水果,就如同卫生官员所宣导的,可降低罹患心脏病、高血压、癌症等慢性疾病的风险。)
  • 5、Here, Imunch on the trees, I answer to no one.(这里,老子在树上啃苹果,不需要搭理任何人。)
  • 6、Placed on serious wounds, maggots mimic their "wild" lifestyle andmunch on bacteria and dead tissue, stimulating healing and helping to prevent infection.(只要把蛆放在严重的伤口上,它们便会大块朵颐细菌和坏死的组织。它们可以加快伤口愈合并防止感染。)
  • 7、People around the worldmunch on dirt, and not just when they're hungry enough to eat anything.(全世界咀嚼泥土的人,不只是在饿到不行什么都吃的时候才食土。)
  • 8、Food: Sandwiches, fruit, etc. Bring extra snacks if kids are coming along and be sure to stop often to rest andmunch.(食物:三明治,水果等等。如果有小孩,多带些点心并不忘停下休息和嚼食。)
  • 9、Some catsmunch on grass or other plants, but most biologists agree that such roughage serves only as a digestive aid and provides limited if any nutritional value.(虽然一些猫咀嚼草或其它植物,但是生物学家认为这些粗纤维仅是用来助消化并且提供很有限的营养。)
  • 10、We eat while watching TV, wemunch on something at our desk at work, we crunch on something while driving and drink something while reading or waiting.(看电视时吃点小零食,工作时嘴里嚼嚼东西,开车时吃点东西,阅读或者等候时也会来点喝的。)
  • 11、With plenty of phosphorous tomunch, algae were off to the races, churning out oxygen that flooded the atmosphere, Papineau reasons in this press release.(有这么多磷可以吃,海藻开始大量繁殖,释放大量氧气进入空气,这就是本新闻稿中怕米诺原因的解释。)
  • 12、The 1895 work is owned by Norwegian businessman Petter Olsen, whose father Thomas was a friend, neighbor and patron ofmunch, the auctioneer said on Tuesday.(据拍卖商周二称,这幅1895年创作的名画为挪威商人皮特·奥尔森所有,他的父亲托马斯是蒙克的朋友、邻居和资助人。)
  • 13、Snack smarter. Stop smoking andmunch right to help your body stay at a healthy weight.(戒烟和慢慢咀嚼可以帮助你保持健康体重。) 【hao86.com好工具】
  • 14、Camelsmunch on green shrubs outside town, and donkeys drink puddles of muddy water.(骆驼也能咀嚼小镇外的绿色矮乔木,驴子也至少能喝上泥水。)
  • 15、The National Gallery has an excellent collection, as does the Edvardmunch museum.(国家美术馆有一件很棒的收藏,就像爱德华·蒙克博物馆一样。)
  • 16、Sufferers don't justmunch on a few potato chips, they inhale the whole bag, and they do this kind of thing habitually.(患者不止吃少量薯片,他们一下子吃一整袋,而且他们习惯性地做这类事情。)
  • 17、In addition, you can keep snacks such as fruits and sandwiches handy by you andmunch on these whenever you feel hungry.(还有呀,你可以随身带点小零食,水果和三明治之类的,这样在饿的时候就可以直接吃了。)
  • 18、munch and Salinas looked at lifespan data from laboratory and field observations for more than 90 species from land, freshwater and marine environments.(蒙克和萨利纳斯研究了来自实验室和野外的90多个物种的寿命数据,这些物种来自陆地、淡水和海洋环境。)
  • 19、We sit at my garden table andmunch.(我们在花园的桌子旁坐了下来,品尝我们的苹果。)
  • 20、This clever and hilarious cover either consciously or unconsciously pays homage to the famous painting the Scream by Edvardmunch.(这张封面真是既聪明又欢乐,还不忘有意无意的向爱德华·蒙克的经典油画《尖叫》致敬。)
  • 21、Stephanmunch and Santiago Salinas were intrigued by a major difference in the lifespans of two populations of pearl mussels.(斯蒂芬·蒙克和圣地亚哥·萨利纳斯,都被寿命中不同的两个珍珠贻贝所吸引。)
  • 22、His Wurth Collection in the southern German city of Kunzeslau, includes 14,000 works of art including pieces by Pablo Picasso, Edvardmunch and Max Ernst.(他在德国南部城市Kunzeslau的福士收藏馆收纳了1.4万件藏品,其中包括巴勃罗·毕加索、爱德华·蒙克和马克斯·恩斯特。)
  • 23、Puffins in the coffinmunch muffins.(棺木里的海鹦大嚼松饼。)
  • 24、While waiting for their new cars, customers can pop into the on-site cinemas, check e-mail on a bank of computers,munch freshly made snacks or get their hair done.(顾客可以在等候新车的空闲时间,进入那里的电影院、在一排排电脑上接收邮件、咀嚼着新鲜烹制的快餐或去理个发。)
  • 25、I like to get a big back of small apples and justmunch on them whenever I'm hungry.(我经常准备一些小苹果,觉得饿了就大嚼特嚼。)


英 [mʌntʃ] 美 [mʌntʃ] 

名词: muncher 过去式: munched 过去分词: munched 现在分词: munching 第三人称单数: munches

