


更新时间:2024-04-26 11:38:37

  • 1、Therustic charm of the interior once again sucked me in.(乡村的内在魅力又再一次把我深深的吸引住了。)
  • 2、Built in 1892, the castle still retains itsrustic charm with a "walk-in ice box room" and a billiards room.(该城堡建立于1892年,仍保留着“大型冷藏室”及台球室,这使它散发质朴的魅力。)
  • 3、The West Cornwall Pasty Company adroitly mixes the appeal ofrustic traditionalism with modern tastes.(西康沃尔馅饼公司巧妙的把乡村纯朴式的传统主义吸引力与现代元素的味道混合起来。)
  • 4、when summer decides to come our way i will be ready to enjoy those nights with theserustic coffee can lanterns.(当夏天决定造访时,我会已经准备好这些纯朴的咖啡罐灯笼,来享受那些夜晚。)
  • 5、The fellow is as handsome arustic as need be seen.(这个家伙作为一个乡下人是够漂亮的。)
  • 6、We hoped the fresh air andrustic atmosphere would help him adjust.(我们希望新鲜的空气和乡村的氛围能帮他调整自己。) (好工具
  • 7、Where Walcott isrustic and galloping, the Everton-era Rooney was squarely in English football's urban foundling tradition.(如果说沃尔科特像乡下不羁的奔驰小马,埃弗顿时的鲁尼简直是英格兰足球的另一个传统模板:城市弃儿。)
  • 8、Even so, it should be noted that these toys are not of a coarse manufacture, but ofrustic simplicity and vivacity.(尽管如此,值得注意的是,这些玩具是不是一个粗糙的制造,但乡村的淳朴和活泼。)
  • 9、Good idea. I like arustic style.(好主意,我喜欢乡村风格的。)
  • 10、You'll end up with an unclarified,rustic version of London's finest.(你得到的将是一种伦敦警察喝的,有着不澄清色泽、乡村风味的杜松子酒。)
  • 11、At that time, I once exclusion lattice, that grid is nothing trendy,rustic of.(那时候,我一度排斥格子,觉得格子一点也不时髦,土里土气的。)
  • 12、The room was neat, the bed made—arustic log bed of Oregon fir, I figured.(房间很整洁,床也收拾好了。那张粗木床我猜是用俄勒冈州的杉木制成的。)
  • 13、When he came to decorate the kitchen, Kenneth opted for a friendlyrustic look.(当他来装修厨房时,肯尼思显出一副友好质朴的样子。)
  • 14、Even if the look isrustic, it is still modern, sleek and chic.(即使看似土气,但仍是时尚和别致的。)
  • 15、As journalists and camera crews looked on, he and a band ofrustic confreres tore the place apart.(正当记者与摄影人员们正在一旁观看时,他与他的一群乡野村夫们将这块地方毁于一旦。)
  • 16、It was comfortable to him because it wasrustic and he felt like he was outdoors.(他觉得待在那里很舒服,因为它散发着乡村气息,住在里面感觉就像在户外一样。)
  • 17、The cabin has no electricity and is quiterustic. We were truly getting away from it all.(这个小屋没有电,是那样的原始,感觉我们离这一切真的很远。)
  • 18、He also carries outrustic home-experiments in his Raccoon Shack.(他也在乡下自己的“浣熊斋”里做家庭实验。)
  • 19、Your tree house is not completelyrustic — it comes complete with a veranda, hammock and toilet.(你的树屋并不是完全田园风格的——它配备有阳台、吊床和卫生间。)
  • 20、Deep down he always nurtured every true Englishman's dream of arustic life, a dream that his entrepreneurial wealth has allowed him to satisfy.(在内心深处,他总是孕育着每个真正英国人都有的乡村生活的梦想,他的企业财富能够让他实现这个梦想。)
  • 21、The lodge has threerustic rooms, which can sleep four people each.(度假村有三间粗糙的小屋,每间屋里能睡四个人。)
  • 22、Nick opens the door to arustic cabin.(Nick和Veronica开门走进了一间乡村小屋。)
  • 23、rustic wetlands are replaced with fountains and immaculate arti? Cial ponds.(赋有乡村气息的湿地被喷泉和整洁的人造池塘所取代。)


英 [ˈrʌstɪk] 美 [ˈrʌstɪk] 

副词: rustically


